Revised poll on CAS in Ground Battles, would you play a tank only mode?

The event would allow Gaijin to gather some data and make adjustments if needed.

I’d like to play a tank only mode and have voted in favor of it in other threads.


Have no problem with a tank only mode and would play it.


What absolute nonsense…

It’s not bad playership to use a feature of the game.

No, much again, like you even making out that anyone who is killing you, and playing the game is ‘bad’ you’re the actual problem.

This is why I really get into anyone who’s goading me in any of these ‘CAS’ centric threads… YOU are the actual issue because you are taking the game WAY too personally, and your attacks are making you have trouble actually seeing reason.

That’s how simple it is.

Don’t get mad at the player, as it’s all part of the game… You dying that is. Get with it.

(Edit - You telling someone to literally J out to avoid giving someone the kill is blatant exploiting of a game mechanic to stiff a player that you just don’t like how you’re going to die, and that is tough bickies, and you should face actual punishment even about putting it out there as a ‘solution’…

Absolutely deserve to not play the game if you can’t handle the enemy merely getting a kill… No matter the method.)

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Flying the problem is it’s a cheap way. Using the “it’s just a game, stop playing if you don’t happen” empty and brain-dead statement that has been used since the beginning of video games getting serious aka the late '90s ->present day.

If I got 1 or 2 kills ok cool, however, if that person gets killed by me, and gets access to a bomb on a plane he’s going to try to revenge kill. This is what everyone is complaining about since it’s a cheap way to kill your opposition who killed you fairly since some people refuse to believe it’s their fault they died for not looking. However CAS in GRB is not something that should be removed, what needs to be fixed in the Point Distribution system to incentivize teamwork and support over being a lone wolf. Which in-game it doesn’t,

Another thing is to bring more and add certain destructible buildings that alter map route options. Via buildings bombed and destroyed, building collapse becomes a static object, and unless you are a vehicle designed to destroy and push through the rubble the access is now unusable aka strategy. This also means HE would serve an actual purpose which in game it doesn’t and why Gaijin is slowly removing them.

Which the game fails to do.

It is about morality. Yes, sadly it is a part of the game, but you can choose not to do it.
Just like spawncamping is a part of the game, yet i choose not to do it.

CAS players are statistically worse than pure tankers.

I am not getting mad at them. The only - if any - emotion it makes to me is sadness. Sadness of how bad they have to be to use CAS.

The ones that blatantly exploit a mechanic are the CAS players, not me.

My problem is not that they kill me - i don’t give a crap about it - the issue is, that they use a game mechanic that is blatantly unfair, and unbalanced. They have to use absolutely no skill, nor any game knowledge to kill me in a way, where i have little to no ways of defending myself.
I have learned 100s of weak spots, armor profiles, 1000s of shells, and their stats, reload times, and many other stats, that help me with a tank, against other tanks.

CAS players have to leanr NOTHING. I am a horrible pilot, and i can get kills much easier with CAS, than with tanks, while using absolutely no skill with the planes.

I tend to J out, because these players don’t deserve the kill. if they want to kill me, then they will have to learn to play with tanks, and use said tank.

It is just a small part of the issue. You can not make CAS require skill, and make it fair by changing the SP system.
Most people that is serious about it (the ones having issue with CAS) do not want it removed either. We just want a second mode with tanks only. And no skill players can keep their mode for themselves.

It would be just a big pile of mess. They can’t even make the current ground digging at least viable without bugs.

They just added several HE vehicles a patch ago.

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The fact that they’re advising someone to stiff another player for thier kills, shows how terrible a player the suggester is to be in this…

That’s a severely bad sportsmanship angle to push, and to say that a player, playing the game normally is the same, is pure peak ignorance and arrogance…

Jing out to deny someone the kill is absolutely exploiting, and I know I’ve raised it with GMs and CMs in the past, and quite frankly, I think it’s about time I did so again.

It’s exploiting, nothing can compare, and you trying to excuse it, shows how bad a player you genuinely are.


Weren’t You the one saying that kills are not that important?

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The issue here is, if someone was to do it to you, constantly, just because they didn’t like dying to you, then YOU WOULD BE COMPLAINING ABOUT NOT GETTING ANYTHING…

That’s why when I hjighlight how terrible your attitude is about this, that you can’t acknowledge it because you have no care for anyone other than you being the receiver of the action.

Like, honestly, I actually hope this leads to you being acted upon because it IS exploiting, no matter the ignorant rationale you dips even try to highlight that it’s not…

You’re j-ing out to be a pussy and not die to someone who has you dead to rights. If you can’t handle the game, then maybe it’s not the game for you.

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I did indeed…

It further highlights how shitty this players actions are…

Do you also endorse J-ing out to not give players credit for the kills they are getting?

If you agree with this action, then you should also hang your head in shame as you’re just a terrible player if you even lean to this being right in any form.

(Edit - Honestly, because you endorse this by your involvement in this riling, you deserve to have every kill you should make, just be a death to them, with no credit to you… That’s how dumb this idea that this is even right at all…)

The comment should end here as You are a hypocrite. You have proved that there is No point in having discussion with You.


I don’t like dying, so I j out to be a smirking fool, ignorant to the reflection that would be put on me, if every kill I made, j-ed out like a champ…

Like, honestly, how ignorant can you be in this, just to be a hjater on players playing the game differently, and the intended way, that you have to j-out to deny them to kill, that you are trying to get, because you can’t handle the method in which they are doing it.

If you can’t handle the game, maybe the game isn’t actually for you… Like, damn…

I’m not a hypoicrite for calling someone out on exploiting and avoiding the game like this.

It’s got nothing to do with your precious statcard, nor mine, but it shows someone truly can’t handle the game at all, so much so they’ll be a spiteful chump and deny the kill.

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Is there a rule saying he can’t leave the vechicle when he wants?

I think the rules are maleable enough to quantify holding J, knowing they are about to be bombed, to avoid being bombed, is genuinely an exploit.

3.2.3. No malicious or deceiving use

exploit flaws in Game mechanics (exploits, bugs, etc.);

And before you pipe up, CAS isn’t an expliot, it’s a feature. You holding J to avoid them getting a kill would definitely be an exploit.

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Everyone can leave their vechicle when they want.

You would need to punish all players in the game
People who do 1DL, 0DL, C&F etc


No, not really… Just those that keep j-ing out mysteriously the minute a plane ends up on the field like a big old chicken…

And what about being disconnected or just not wanting to play anymore?


Quote me the exact line where i said that!

Applying your own logic to here:
Like, honestly, how ignorant can you be in this, just to be a hjater on players playing the game differently (meaning: not let zero skilled players kill him with an unfair mechanic)?

Who does that?

Easily distinguishable…

The fact you keep dragging this out to avoid the point that someone holding J to avoid giving a kill, and thus someone even suggesting it, is a sign of a problem with the player, not the game.

For me is the same as plane going to AirPort to avoid the fight