Revised poll on CAS in Ground Battles, would you play a tank only mode?

Thx, couldn’t read the numbers.
Well mine can’t, and I’m gonna need some explanations.

Even if it could, just any other AA at its BR is doing a better job than that thing. 3km is a joke regardless

Reread what I have said because I have laid out all info.

thats… still extremely sad when you consider 10.0 has a lot of planes with 8km+ weapons

but you are 9.3 not 10.0, at 9.3 it is fine.

I can’t tell if you’re tugging on my nuts or if you don’t know how this works

It’s a 9.3, but it sees frequent uptiers to 10.0/.3 thanks to the premium spam at those BRs. And the next system is at 10.0, and it’s a worthless Roland…

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you will see 9.0/3/7 most of the time… again for a 9.3 it is fine, and at 10.0/3 you can kill people, most of the planes doesn’t even have those long range weapons, not to mention that the thing that you would actually see in those br are su25 which can be killed with the santal if you time the shot correctly, and if you happen to face some of those systems you can just hide and wait when they get close enough.

you will see 9.0/3/7 most of the time

No, you won’t. If you think this is so, please record your BRs for ten matches. You will find yourself at bottom or near bottom of the pile the majority of the time.

Did you make that suggestion ? Any feedback ?

you do, 9.0/3/7 are extremely popular br, same as 8.7, you will be facing those most of the time, and again the santal can be used effectively on 10.0/3.

so you’re going to insist that you’re correct instead of actually playing a few games. Alright then, take care.

im just pointing out my experience with the santal… i think that 100 games on in is more than enogh, i dont need to play a “few” games with it.

I only ask to remove the CAS in the arcade, the reality does not change. World of Tanks and Armored War has a large number of players who only like to play tank battles, and GAJIN should make some small changes to attract these people.

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I’m tired. So tired.

Obviously, it’s not every death, but over half of my tank deaths these last few matches have been to CAS. It’s always the same: I hear CAS coming, I try to reposition, heavy tanks don’t move fast enough, bombed to smithereens. Every once in a while, the CAS suicide bombs me, gaining that extra accuracy to land a bomb on top of my tank. What the heck am I supposed to do? And I’m not even touching the mess that is revenge bombing.

I just want to point out how unfair this situation is. Beyond the CAS discussion, the fact that there is an Air Battle mode, where players who enjoy planes can fly to their hearts content, while players who prefer tanks have to bear with the reality that their Ground Battle mode is actually combined arms.

It’s not that I dislike planes, but I love tanks. I got into WT to drive and shoot tanks, no matter the nation. I researched SPAA, I shot the planes bombing my team, and I kept dying to CAS. Over, and over, and over again.

I’m tired of this. I just want to fight tanks with my tank. When an enemy I hadn’t seen shoots me through a window, over a hill, past a collapsed building and explodes my ammo—you know, that kind of silly tank shenanigans—I often find myself laughing. Appreciating the player’s skill. Reminding myself to check that corner next time.

When CAS kills me, I just get sad.

I’m tired. Sorry for this unhinged rant.

I’m one of the people who’d never play combined arms if there was a “tank only” mode, currently considering trying out WoT since I read this issue doesn’t exist there.


Hello everyone. I have an idea too. But I write it down, because let be honest I am kinda new, and don’t play planes too much, so you have every right to correct me. (And ask you to do so :D) That said I think planes are a good part of ground realistic, kinda adds a LOT to immersion.
My idea is a slight buff for SPAA, but not in it’s performance instead encouraging aircraft players to avoid to get shot down by it. For example if your plane get shot down by an SPAA, you would get a similer crew-lock as when you crash to the ground. The idea is that you probably don’t want to fly carelessly around in real life when anti-aircraft guns shooting at you. This only could work in low and mid tier I would imagine. Maybe a somewhat less fustrating version would be if you get this penalty only if you are currently flying towards an AA vehichle. (I hope this idea wasn’t before, its impossible to read everything in such a popular topic like this, in case it was, I wasn’t intented to steal anyones intellectual property :D)

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What you say is fantastic!
In arcade mode, I can easily kill a lot of people with CAS, but it’s no fun.

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Respectfully disagree. Take this coming from someone who mainly plays GFAB and one of those rare players who actually enjoys playing SPAA in the game. I get as much enjoyment killing aircraft as I do ground vehicles so I’m against removing CAS from GFAB.

CAS needs some changes but doesn’t need to be removed from GFAB.

Suggestions for GFAB but might work for other modes:
Aircraft should never be allowed to spawn behind enemy spawn locations. (This is probably my biggest complaint with CAS.) Ok to spawn in front of or to the flanks of enemy spawn locations but never from behind them.

No CAS allowed within the first 5 to 7 minutes of a battle. This would allow some time for strictly ground versus ground combat while still allowing CAS to eventually contribute to the battle.(Probably my second biggest complaint is that aircraft are appearing within the first 2 minutes of what is supposedly primarily to be a GF mode.)

Finally I’d like to see Gaijin do an event with strictly ground vehicles. This would allow players to temporarily have a strictly ground versus ground experience without CAS which I think many of us would enjoy. The event would allow Gaijin to collect feedback from the players while collecting their own data.


Why should it be only temporarily ?
If Air only modes are permanent, why should Tank only modes be just a temporary thing ?


my own version. I’m an anti-aircraft gunner. That’s why it’s not profitable for me without catching birds. But in arcade mode “only tanks” - yes. In arcade mode it’s convenient to take pictures of a tank for drawing. And without annoying planes it will be even easier!

Then what about making some balances to the current one, and adding a second AB and RB as tank only. You can keep using SPAA against planes, CAS players can keep their omde as is, and those, who prefer using skill can have their own mode too.

You know, just like Air mode…

Why not make it permanent?

Well, i know it:
Since a lot of players who are fed up with no skill Joe capping a base, or getting 2 scouting assists, and then hops into a plane, and gets 10 kills (while his tank K/D is 0.5 on a good day), so all these players would play the ground only mode.
What would happen in the original mode, is that every players would try to get into a plane as fast as possible, so there would not be any ground vehicles after 3-4 minutes, because those, who had enough SPA to spawn in a plane spawn in it, and those, who did not, will just leave. It would basically transform itslef into Air mode. I mena ground currently is basically Air mode where you can use a ground vehicle to suffer.


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It is one of the worst suggestions about this topic ever made. It would do literally nothing.

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