Revised poll on CAS in Ground Battles, would you play a tank only mode?

Probably best would be to manually go through and pick out the ones that actually make any sense as tank destroyers and put them in the real tech tree as a separate vehicle category, and then the ones that really only did anything or achieved their BR by AA duty, and put them in a hidden/protected area

(similar to how they hide the really really shitty French tanks from new players at first)

Again, as You are having problem in understanding how C&F tactic works.

  1. You need to be first on CAP (meaning that only a few players can gather enough SP with reserve tank in order to get into a plane with bombs). Why it is unbalanced? Because game spawns You in random location on spawn, meaning that randomness decides if You have a chance on doing something or not - thus unbalanced.
  2. If You play a nation which reserve tank is slower than reserve tank from other nation it already puts You on disadvantage as You won’t be able to get to CAP first. Thus only like two nations would be played.

I agree…with spaa vs tank is balanced

this sounds like allota sideways talking to make your argument sound reasonable…what I said is true playing a reserve tank and capping then flying is something ANYONE can do in this combined arms war game

Sorry but if You can’t understand what I’m saying it only shows that You don’t have a lot of experience with C&F and that is all.

Lol, you asked me about SPAAs, didn’t have an answer to the response, and then just went off and threw it at someone else instead. Why make a good argument when you can just spam a bad argument to 40 different people and hope it eventually fools someone?

Sorry but your not making any sense how about you explain to me which nation cant play a reserve tank and try to cap and fly… I need to know so I can create a bug report for Gaijin because yes its not balanced if only 2 nations are allowed like you say…

I asked if tank vs spaa was balanced ULQ said it was I agree with him you went on to say they useless and uneeded

If you think they’re balanced already, why did you even bring it up…? It only made sense for you to mention it at all if you thought they were not balanced and were trying to give another example of vehicles not being balanced vs one another, to try and justify CAS not being balanced vs other vehicles.

i think spaa vs tanks is balanced so is cas vs tanks …

You’re wrong about both. SPAA in some cases COULD be balanced vs tanks, in the case where it has large caliber ammunition that can serve as anti-tank. But sometimes SPAA only has 30 cals or only has a missile that can be launched up in the air and can only lock things in the sky, etc. etc. and there’s nowhere to put it in a ground only mode that makes sense.

And even the SPAAs that CAN be balanced against tanks often aren’t currently, because if they are more effective vs planes than against tanks, their BR is going to be currently higher than it would be in a ground only mode

The first point is more relevant to the conversation, though: If a vehicle just completely lacks any tools at all to deal with another vehicle, then there is no possible way to balance them together by BR alone. That is the case with 30 cal-only SPAAs if forced to exist in a ground only mode (unless you put them in a “meme status” that only has them as foldered and restricted and never required to suffer through them to advance), and it’s also the case with various tanks that have literally no way to fight or evade a plane.

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Hmm why is it a problem that planes or jets can kill tanks I dont understand why it bothers you.Sounds like you need a tanks only mode so nobody can hurt you but war thunder dosent have one of those what ever shall we do… Honestly you guys deserve your own mode so you can play tanks in peace so scrubs like me cant hurt you after we fly…but I mean you guys soo good in tanks why not use your sp to fly and fight us surely cause us cas are such trash in tanks and at playing this game we should be easy targets for anyone in a aircraft …or will you just default answer I dont want too…

They have no counterplay

I dont understand

Yes you already established several times you don’t understand what balance is.

why not use your sp to fly and fight us

  1. We want to play tanks, or we’d have clicked “Air Battles” obviously. 2) You have to die to spawn a plane, you want me to just suicide first…?

If you say so it must be true…tell me where exactly am I supposed to play to bomb rocket or missile player controlled tanks if not in ground battles ? And do you not actually believe that every player running 3rd party software wouldnt run to that mode in an instant seeing how the only counter to them is not there lets actually see what happens when the minority of tank only players faces of with EVERYONE running those things will be comical the tears in the forum then

Air RB or Air AB, obviously.

And do you not actually believe that every player running 3rd party software wouldnt run to that mode in an instant seeing how the only counter to them is not there

? What is this word salad? Are you saying tanks cannot counter tanks? You know tanks have like… guns on them, right? Ones meant for killing… tanks. So yes, they can counter each other. UNLIKE airplanes that most of them do not have guns able to shoot at reasonably. You just used the exact argument that actually works against yourself…

Lol ok mate I give up to you intellect and this game needs a ground only mode so tanks can play tanks for game balance its just not fair to guys that play tanks to have to worry about things other than other tanks so lets all just play tanks together there couldnt be any possible imbalance to that and lets not mix nations either just axis vs allies and nato vs bloc

how in the heck do I drop bombs on player controlled tanks in airarcade which I dont play or air realistic?

Why on earth do they need to be “player controlled” tanks?

The players can’t fight back against you anyway, so there’s zero reason why they can’t just be bots.

Lol cant fight back gib me a break bro tell that to anyone camping airfields to get free kills when opponent has no ammo or fuel as if the excuse derr people cant fight back isnt in other modes. And I guess you never used a single tree or building to stop a hellfire or use a building to not eat Vickrs or stop a GBU or maverick using smoke or hard cover. Yea if u sitting in open sniping or just dumb air is gonna own you but dont act like there isnt things every tank can do to not be a farmed turnip…

…? Can you please show me a video anywhere on youtube of a player in a tank “camping an airfield”?

And I guess you never used a single tree or building to stop a hellfire or use a building to not eat Vickrs or stop a GBU or maverick using smoke or hard cover.

“Not dying” is not “fighting back”

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