Responding To Your Feedback On Separate Battle Ratings

The French version of the Alpha Jet absolutely should not have its battle rating increased. Compared to the German version, it lacks the powerful BK27 cannon, which means its ability to attack light targets has significantly decreased. In addition, it lacks countermeasures, making its survivability even worse. So it should stay at 8.7.

The Q-5L should continue to go to 10.7, because currently, apart from the Pantsir S1, there is no SPAA that can counter it. Once it gets countermeasures, it is almost impossible to counter, its aircraft performance is too OP.

Furthermore, if the F-4EJ Kai Phantom II can go to 11.3, then the Mirage2000-CS5 and CS4 should also go to 11.3. If the F-4J Phantom II can go to 10.7, then the Mirage F1C, F1C200, and F1CT should all go to 10.7.

Great nerfing rewards again… what a ******** joke.
Are you ever gonna actually listen to your playerbase that isn’t russian???
Or you want to make ppl start another review bomb campaign nerfing everything


It’s right to increase Air To Air kill rewards, not reduce Base Bombing rewards.

It’s not related to this topic, but the Ground Battle is the same.

I can’t understand why Gaijin is always trying to reduce rewards.

Think again about the situation that happened last year after Nerfing with an Economic Patch.


Sorry but that’s complete BS, you are effectively saying that “after getting 2 or 4 free kills on flare less air craft, people can kill them”, 1st off, BOTH are pure strike aircraft, they are not meant to compete with fighters. 2nd, by this logic why don’t the F-104S/TAF/.ASA also go down as they are only at 11.0/11.3 because of their missiles and they under preform WITH the missiles… or for that matter why doesn’t EVERY bomber in the game go down? they can’t compete with fighters at their rank either.
The problem with the A-10s Su-25 is that when you expanded the maps you made it imposable for them to reach battle before the fighter battle is over, then they just get stomped.
How about you up tier them and give them air spawns like other low rank strike aircraft. As their performance issues are EXACKLY why lower rank strike aircraft get an air spawn to begin with.
The current BR cut off is foolish as there are lower rank strike planes that function as well as fighters at lower BRs (like the FW190 F-8 the SAABS Etc.), it should be implemented on a case by case basis.


Having a lineup impacts both the rate it’s played at and – much more importantly – impacts what opponents it will see. Since it does not have a line-up at 10.7, it will either be brought to 11.3 (where it will get stomped, same as if it were 11.0), or the 10.3 lineup will have to be uptiered, where, fair enough, the plane should do better than in the other scenario, but now everything else you brought sucks, so both are horrible in terms of game-design because they present the player with an impossible choice that feels suboptimal no matter what you do – a tell-tale sign of bad design.

Now when we have separed BRs for ground and Air battles I think you should consider replacing all aspect missiles on these aircraft with rear apect ones such as AIM-9G and R-60 and if needed maybe even lowering their BR in Air RB. It will give aircraft without flares chance to use at least some kind of strategy against them.

Also with these new battle ratings for ground RB comes the question if these changes will also apply to squadron battles. If so it will shift the whole meta for basically all BRs so could you please give us any comment on that @Stona_WT?

I have an idea, at least, gaijin should increase the basic reward. now, final reward is count by basic reward X active time, but in high br, players die fast, and making reward minimal.
active time is used to prevent players do 1 death quit, but in air battle, you can’t do anything but watching after death.

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Even if you take one AIM-9L and one countermeasure pod, you can still carry 6 GBU-12 vs the Super Etendard’s 4 while also having a thermal pod. And at this point, you have more CM than the Super Etendard and have a better missile, even if it’s just one.

Guns and flight performance aren’t going to matter all that much at 10.7, where you’re going to face Mig-21s, Mig-23s and Phantoms that will clap you.

Sure, but you have to keep in mind that you’ll have to do so with no thermals, while facing SPAAs with radars (2S6, Rolands at the same BR or below and even Pantsirs in full uptiers) and you only have two shots before having to RTB. Doesn’t really make up for the sheer difference in payload with the A-6 or AMX, especially considering the fact that the Jaguar A/E can already do all this at 10.3.

8.3----9.3 Fighter planes Can it also reduce its BR in ground combat? I can predict that their living environment will become harsh
for example, Mig 15, J7, f86, and so on

Yes… that is the entire point of players wanting it up tiered in ground, currently if it gets even the smallest down tier, it just sits a 5 to 6km Alt and deletes your entire team and NO SPAA, enen the IR missile ones, can touch it, even the 10.3 radar SPAAs struggle if they don’t have their upgraded missiles!
If you increase its weapons range then you will completely negate the reason its going up to begin with.

Lots of good changes, thanks for listening to our feedback.

Change ARB so bombers and strike aircraft can have bonus bos destroying bases and not just fighters droping bases to 45% hp and then hunt enemy planes to maximalize their score and leave planes without being able to get any score without any bases left or proper ground targets to atack.

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I support it strongly. I play air arcade and a match where I bomb four bases will be equal reward to multiple air to air kills pretty consistently. Even with a strike aircraft base bombing is more reward than attacking the tanks.

Getting half my rewards from a match from low skill supersonic bombing doesn’t feel fun. It makes fighter gameplay feel unrewarding and pushes people into bomb runs to grind fast.

Its also pushing up the BR of bombers and strike planes up to fighters that they aren’t able to deal with. And then you get the silly feat of famine rewards where if you are left alone you get a massive payout equal to multiple fighter matches, over 10k RP at times. If an enemy picks you out early you get nothing and can’t defend yourself.

It would be far more fun for bombers to be lower in BR and getting a sensible reward at the lower BR.

You were supposed to adjust BR of planes in ARB, not break GRB even more!
I am not gonna comment any further or I get banned again.

The reward should not be reduced at any time , instead, what you need to do is add killing rewards.

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Basically, you want to gain less rewards from bombing bases, and somehow it will be “better” for you?

If you decide to play a bomber or strike aircraft or even a fighter and drop bombs on bases, you will gain less rewards (I assume also the score will be reduced) than before.

If you decide to kill other players, in the best case scenario you will get the same as before. Possibly even less, because less players will play bombers and strike aircraft, so there will be less “easy kills” for you.

I understand this will allow heavy planes to move down in BR, but it’s not like they will be able to dogfight fighters at lower BRs. It will be slightly easier to survive at lower BRs, mainly due to lower speeds and worse weapons of fighters. But we are probably talking about 2, maybe max 3 BR steps, I don’t think it will be a bigger BR reduction.

You know what’s actually ironic about this situation? When the devs introduced the severe damage mechanics, they reduced combined score for destroying planes (from 167% to 120%) and also removed most critical hits. This actually hugely reduced rewards from killing other players. And this made bombing bases even more effective than before. So why not just increase the rewards for killing other players, at least to the level we had before these changes? That would instantly make base bombing less effective.

It’s just funny how they first reduce rewards for fighters and then want to reduce rewards for bombers to keep them on the same level. But why did you reduce fighters rewards in the first place? This was never officially explained anywhere.

If someone doesn’t know what I’m talking about, you can check these topics:

Lack of these critical hits is a huge nerf to the score, activity and rewards. This nerf mainly affected PVP (so fighters efficiency got reduced with this change, but this is apparently not a problem for the developers).


Heh, that expkains why I felt I was being short-changed for my air kills


There is an excellent topic about the severe damage mechanics, where players figured out the new system and compared it to the old one.

The topic is big, but I really recommend to read it (at least partially):

Because the severe damage works completely differently than most players think it is. It actually made a lot of things worse than before, including the score, activity % and rewards.


Respectfuly i know nothing about the top br of the french tech tree but as i play mainly Italy but i can Say that we don’t Need more nerfs. Like, why even use the AMX at 11.3 when you can bring a tornado?
In the end looks like we both get something ruined, your situation Is Just worse

What 10.3 lineup? 9.7 is the highest french ground lineup below 11.7. Making the Super E 10.7 just kills it.