Responding To Your Feedback On Separate Battle Ratings

agm-65d is able to lock a moving vehicle at 12km, it’s low resolution and scale limits it in a-10, but with LITENING pod, it can throw agms 12km away, like what su-25sm3 do in 12.7
it can be buffed in other way, but not adding pod

You mean the flight characteristic of AMX is better than Su25s? Play the game and don’t be ridiculous.


They should do neither, as the current rewards are fine for both in air RB. They should increase ground rewards if they do anything.

not with A10, you do not have that visibility. A-10 also can’t throw mavericks 12km because they don’t have that kind of range with the A-10.

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You know the fact that they can even lock onto the ground is a balancing measure(its not possible due to the method it uses IRL), and the fact that it’s probably overperforming (report in progress, see below excerpt) known data points (so are all Mavericks, but that is besides the point).

Report Excerpt

NB: Data for the -65D is mixed A-10 and F-16C launches, if they had access to a TGP is unknown, though possible as these tests are from the late '90s.

It’s still inside the threat Radius for relevant SAMs, and CAP Fighters should have few issues dispatching an A-10 anyway, especially considering ECM pods and DECM systems aren’t (yet) modeled.

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My point was that it needs a BR raise in air battles, but undoubtedly it needs one on GRB too.

it can if with pods, most agms and bombs are limited by it’s seeker, the lock range is their limit, if not, they can fly much further, times than now.

you don’t want a A-10 in top, believe me, fighting top AA and jets. but in low br, it will be overpowered facing Roland and 2S9

It seems that somebody have only learned subtraction in primary school. Improve players kill rewards is also a good method.

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They are pretty bad but definitely not useless, the few planes that get “early” AAMs sometimes do use them and for the 6.0~8.0 planes commonly seen here they pretty much come out of nowhere. Air combat is part of about every single round of GRB and having weapons specifically created for that is always an advantage.

FFARs do allow more efficient air striking but that’s not all, Alpha jet can always carry a cannon and the german variation has countermeasures, it’s clearly fit for 9.3

Im fine with the Premium A10 going to 10.3 but it need its extra 2 ir missile and fix the locking target at the stated range in the wiki form (Its only function correctly in the test drive). 8km is state the distance it can operate but in game it only function a 4km and the A10 late i understand it got thermals but you can hardly see anything in the thermals. They both should be at 10.3…when you add the A10c that should be at 10.7 or 11.0

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Nope, not kinetically possible with the A-10 at the altitudes it usually flies at.

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it can, I tried when I testing how long it need for agm-65 to reach 12km in test flight. only 2000m high and very low speed about 500kph, high altitude and speed only provide it more speed, won’t affect the range

The only thing between Tornado GR.1(11.3) and IDS WTD(11.0) is the ‘Use of Guided bomb’, Which is almost useless in an Air RB battle.
Why did you guys buff MiG-27K compared to MiG-27M but give Tornados no love at all?

Just tell the truth to us Stona_WT.
“Prem Su-25K/A-10A whales need the free kill krill and F-86K, Hunter, Super Mystere need to suffer forever in All-Aspect hell for them.”


Tornado IDS (with GBUs) can’t have the same br as their younger brothers in ARB is beyond me. Laughs at MiG27K :S

try it on a target that moves or has literally anything near them


It’s moving, in 12km away. something near it’s another problem, when too far, like ir aam, the missile will see 2 close target as one, and may lock on the wrong one when closer, or hit between 2 close target.

OK so… Su-25/A-10 is still 10.0 in air because “Uhhhhh wiping x2 to x4 flareless jets is not that great”???

What the clown

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I can’t imagine that you still want to continue reducing player revenue. If you want to encourage players to engage in aerial battles, you should increase aerial combat revenue instead of reducing bombing revenue.


Gaijin should consider the total effective reward from the modification. I think at least the decreased reward for Air-to-Ground should be offset by an increased reward for Air-to-Air. Users do not appreciate a total decrease in game rewards. I am prepared to adjust the number of stars in my Steam review for War Thunder again.