Responding To Your Feedback On Separate Battle Ratings

I support it strongly. I play air arcade and a match where I bomb four bases will be equal reward to multiple air to air kills pretty consistently. Even with a strike aircraft base bombing is more reward than attacking the tanks.

Getting half my rewards from a match from low skill supersonic bombing doesn’t feel fun. It makes fighter gameplay feel unrewarding and pushes people into bomb runs to grind fast.

Its also pushing up the BR of bombers and strike planes up to fighters that they aren’t able to deal with. And then you get the silly feat of famine rewards where if you are left alone you get a massive payout equal to multiple fighter matches, over 10k RP at times. If an enemy picks you out early you get nothing and can’t defend yourself.

It would be far more fun for bombers to be lower in BR and getting a sensible reward at the lower BR.

You were supposed to adjust BR of planes in ARB, not break GRB even more!
I am not gonna comment any further or I get banned again.

The reward should not be reduced at any time , instead, what you need to do is add killing rewards.

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Basically, you want to gain less rewards from bombing bases, and somehow it will be “better” for you?

If you decide to play a bomber or strike aircraft or even a fighter and drop bombs on bases, you will gain less rewards (I assume also the score will be reduced) than before.

If you decide to kill other players, in the best case scenario you will get the same as before. Possibly even less, because less players will play bombers and strike aircraft, so there will be less “easy kills” for you.

I understand this will allow heavy planes to move down in BR, but it’s not like they will be able to dogfight fighters at lower BRs. It will be slightly easier to survive at lower BRs, mainly due to lower speeds and worse weapons of fighters. But we are probably talking about 2, maybe max 3 BR steps, I don’t think it will be a bigger BR reduction.

You know what’s actually ironic about this situation? When the devs introduced the severe damage mechanics, they reduced combined score for destroying planes (from 167% to 120%) and also removed most critical hits. This actually hugely reduced rewards from killing other players. And this made bombing bases even more effective than before. So why not just increase the rewards for killing other players, at least to the level we had before these changes? That would instantly make base bombing less effective.

It’s just funny how they first reduce rewards for fighters and then want to reduce rewards for bombers to keep them on the same level. But why did you reduce fighters rewards in the first place? This was never officially explained anywhere.

If someone doesn’t know what I’m talking about, you can check these topics:

Lack of these critical hits is a huge nerf to the score, activity and rewards. This nerf mainly affected PVP (so fighters efficiency got reduced with this change, but this is apparently not a problem for the developers).


Heh, that expkains why I felt I was being short-changed for my air kills


There is an excellent topic about the severe damage mechanics, where players figured out the new system and compared it to the old one.

The topic is big, but I really recommend to read it (at least partially):

Because the severe damage works completely differently than most players think it is. It actually made a lot of things worse than before, including the score, activity % and rewards.


Respectfuly i know nothing about the top br of the french tech tree but as i play mainly Italy but i can Say that we don’t Need more nerfs. Like, why even use the AMX at 11.3 when you can bring a tornado?
In the end looks like we both get something ruined, your situation Is Just worse

What 10.3 lineup? 9.7 is the highest french ground lineup below 11.7. Making the Super E 10.7 just kills it.

Totally disagree on reducing rewards for bombing bases, you should not penalized bombers because fighters are out of their role.

You should enforce those roles trough rewards :

  • Killing planes : fighters +, attackers - , bombers -
  • Destroying bases : fighters - -, attackers =, bombers +
  • Destroying ground units : fighters -, attackers +, bombers =

Not only don’t you get crits, now you get sever damage so its almost GARUNTEED that some vulture will get 20% of the reward for your kill!! And I dunno about Arcade, but they already nerfed the hell out of base bombing in ARB by increasing the time it takes bases to respawn, now if you don’t get a base in the 1st run you have to survive 10 to 15 mins with a full bomb load… which at higher ranks is practically impossible.

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This seems more like ignoring ARB and mildly improving GRB

mavericks have a very long time to have this very common problem to appear and ruin the shot

lol how about stop reducing rewards but raising the lower part (on those who focus on fighting the players on the other team gaining air superiority) and adding more bases so that less people TK just for not being able to bomb them?

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I dont agree with the response with the allspecti missles at 10.0-10.7

If they truly below the efficiency expection there are other ways to buff them without keeping at such a low battle rating.
Firstly one major issue with these planes is the map design that we have currenlty in air ab. They fight on maps that a more or less focused for supersonic jets. The issue is here that they take an eternerty until they reach the center of the map and 2 options exist. Either your team got wiped out or their team got wiped out. In other words not only have these planes untl they reach the center of the map a low activity rating and when they reach the center they can either grief flareless planes or are helpless against the enemey team. A way to fix that would be to give them back their airspawn, in such way that they reach the center of the map at the same time as the rest of the team.
Also if the average eraning is to low why not increase their multipliers such that they are much closer to the expected average. That would mean these attackers would be high risk but high reward planes. Either way 10.0 and 10.3 are to low for these all aspect missles. They need to go up !!!
Because of these attackers flareless supersonics got pushed down to 9.3 which in return bully every plane with a lower br. The last battle rating patch in return pushed now these korean era jets to 8.0 which now bully ww2 era jets. How is this fair?

it‘s a common problem, for anything concerning lock, they all use the same basic logic, fov and signal strength

Essentially a Rewards nerf by stealth. Which No one noticed… glad to see Gaijin hasn’t changed a bit.


Я думаю, что-то нужно изменить
Я завязал воздушный бой, но противник увернулся от всех моих ракет.
Как вы думаете, сколько очков я смогу набрать? 1!
Почему игрокам нравится летать на бомбардировщиках? Потому что польза от воздушного боя слишком мала
Кроме того, не ослабляйте бомбардировщики, поскольку бомбардировщики часто сбиваются еще до того, как они пролетают над целью.

I think something needs to change
I started a dogfight but the enemy dodged all my missiles.
How many points do you think I’ll get? 1!
Why do players like flying bombers? Because the benefits of dogfighting are too small
Also, don’t nerf bombers because bombers are often shot down before they fly over their targets.


that’s a load of ###censored### …

This nonsense is exactly the same thing Gaijin has been using for past 10 years, where all balancing is basically just showcase “what plane/BR do incompetent people cluster around” … leading to such amazing balance as R2Y2 having the same BR as Mig-15, not because the planes are comparable but because one of them has significantly bigger pool of dumb people available for pushing BR down by sheer incompetence.

Now that we have separate BR available, it really is time to start treating planes (and SPAA & helicopters) as support units that have BR “assigned” to slot into ground unit lineups. At least to the extent to prevent planes being moved into nonsensical BR gaps with no ground units to support, especially if that nation doesn’t have any other useful CAS options there.

Look at current situation where for example USA has A-4Eearly (with flares & smart bombs or 5x Bullpup loadout) available at 8.7 while several nations have no similar CAS options … and according to Gaijin this was perfectly fine and balanced situation that didn’t need any change for several years. So compared to that I really don’t think that leaving some marginally better CAS plane at BR where it fits into a lineup (instead of moving it to nonsensical BR where it has no ground lineup) would somehow ruin some amazing masterpiece of flawless balance.


German coastal? Well color me surprised.