Removeal of the ability to decrease own engine sound

As a hearing impaired person, I thank you for bringing this up.

I feel the change Gaijin made a while ago, where they increased the minimum own engine volume from 0%, to where I believe it’s 30% now?, was a nice compromise.

Even just this change altered the way I had to play. I love Challengers but I can’t play them much anymore because their engine roar drowns everything else out to me. Even in tanks with relatively quieter engines, I’ve lost confidence to push into CQB environments. Everyone with a headset can hear me coming around corners but unless I turn my engine off constantly, I can’t hear them.

Locking my engine volume at 100% would, in effect, make my audio situational awareness as bad as playing the game on mute.


I have multiple opinions in regards to tank engine volume.

First of all, having your engine sound low and other players high can be helpful, but it can also be confusing at times. Changing this won’t make a big difference in my opinion. Everyone has this option anyways, it’s certainly not unfair.

When it comes to reality I don’t know how loud tanks are, I’m sure it varies a lot but I do know what a Detroit 71 series engine sounds like along with other industrial equipment.

If tank sounds were to be changed they should be changed to as accurate as possible. It would be awesome to hear a pair of 7-61 screaming at 2500 RPM in a M10 as it races across the battlefield.

When it comes to gameplay, players could learn certain tanks from the engine sound alone.

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What if you could your engine down to 0% but this would tie a maximum of a 10-20% difference with other people’s engines, meaning you can only ever make your own engine at most 10%-20% less volume than whatever your general engine noise is on. You could still turn your engine to 0% but it would limit people from putting their engine on mute and then pretending they have the world’s largest ears to hear everyone else

  1. I see literally no way this can be confusing
  2. Changing this would make a massive difference as it would mean people could play with their own engine sound on without being at a massive disadvantage.
  3. It’s unfair in that the only correct way to play is to nuke your own engine volume else you’re at a massive disadvantage. Same issue with graphics settings.
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This advantage wouldn’t disapear with a change like that…

  1. It can be confusing when your surrounded by your allies and your enemies. It can lead to you looking all around trying to figure out who is who; sometimes you will think your hearing an ally when it’s an enemy instead. It’s actually been distracting me enough lately I’m considering turning it down some.

  2. You can’t fully turn off the sound of your tank, even turned down all the way I still have to stop personality to listen. Maybe higher ranks are quieter, as I haven’t played much above 6.7 BR. In my personal opinion It isn’t a massive advantage.

  3. I can’t really argue with your point, but at the same time everyone has the option to fine tune these settings to their personal preference.

I personally have my engine sound down and other players up as you likely picked up on when reading my post.

Should have hit em with the:


  1. You will have to explain how turning down YOUR OWN engine somehow leads to you getting confused about which engine is which.

  2. I and I believe anybody else who has functioning ears can definitely decipher the difference between your own tank at 30% volume and theirs at 100% + every other sound setting such as SFX turned down so that the ONLY thing that has any volume are enemy engines. This is the most common volume setup.

It could back then but, the game forced to 20% at minimum because everybody abused it.

you didnt read the suggestion at all

Sometimes I just play games with the enemy who comes looking for me after I killed them, I would only start driving when he were driving so his engine noise masked mine he can’t hear it lol if he stops then I stop.

Darn it, I always forgot, Staff team could add a attached channel with those images.

Worst case scenario, when the enemy knows you’re nearby, both know the position by the engine noise, both turns them off and on. You know you’re cooked.

Well, maybe you should?

It’s like people complaining about ULQ. If it’s really as powerful as they say, then they should just use it themselves.

People do not want to be forced into using specific low end settings that diminish realism/fidelity just so they can keep up. Before you go “buht its uh choice!” the other option is to play at a large disadvantage to preserve the game’s original fidelity/art/sound…


You want a reason? Just go amazon and buy the most expensive headset in the catalog and you will get the reason. Without this ability those vehicle using gas turbine engine will just become deaf and only hear their own engine noise instead of other players

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Sound settings in game are not the same thing as having a different headset. One of them is a variable controlled by the game and one is an external uncontrollable variable. I’d also say the in game settings matter MORE anyway… there are solutions that fix the issue without leaving you without the ability to turn down sound

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They are. One of the reason they add this in game is try to balanced the advantages due to differ of headset. Just try use those headset you brought from temu, they can’t hear a shit if you don’t decrease your engine noise

I have no intention to use such cheap and lame ways of playing the game, just like I don’t have grass in gun sight disabled, nor am I playing with low graphics settings…

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