There is a potential SPAA called PGZ88 could be added, it has a search/tracking radar,IRST mode, LRF and VT fuze shells fired from its twin-37mm gun, so it could be treated as Chinese M247.
Before it is added in the game, there is no way to remove QN506 since QN indeed makes 9_2 much more balanced.
For the first time in this topic, I read something that makes sense from the opposition.
The Chinese M247 sounds reasonable; I just hope it will perform the same as the M247 and not a way more better than everything Chinese in this game.
But this still doesn’t make sense because it’s objectively overpower and the lack of a better AA can’t be used to justify the presence of the QN506 in this BR bracket.
Having helicopters kill ground vehicles and there not being a reliable counter to it is bigger issue than helicopters having to deal with 1 single reliable counter that they can potentially kill with a ground vehicle, a jet or with teamwork.
Having helicopters kill ground vehicles and there not being a overpowered counter to it is bigger issue than helicopters having to deal with 1 single reliable & 1 OP counter that they can potentially kill with a ground vehicle (totally out of subject), you can’t kill with a jet or with teamwork (same argument vs choppers) .
Your stats are relevant only to abusers, i know very well how you “play”, i witnessed a lot of your opened cockpits, spams and spawnkills. Luckily you’re a special snowflake compared to a majority of players who don’t abuse gameplay mechanics.
Especially with loud music playing in the background.
I don’t need to hear the target to know that he is coming at me. Especially that by seeing the nickname in SB I already know if this person will come at me or not.
Can’t wait to meet all people who wanted QN506 removed from 9_2 in russian/chinese tanks. I will start flying my BO again as soon as 9_2 is up.
I thank everyone for the discussion. I am glad that Gaijin listened, and all this topic was not in vain.
I don’t have CB-2, probably the eight TOWs make the difference, but it is also a rare premium and kind of a niche, so I guess it is also rare to face one.
It’s a discussion for another topic, so please create it because this one is over. :)