Remove QN506 from 9_2 Sim battles

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There is a potential SPAA called PGZ88 could be added, it has a search/tracking radar,IRST mode, LRF and VT fuze shells fired from its twin-37mm gun, so it could be treated as Chinese M247.

Before it is added in the game, there is no way to remove QN506 since QN indeed makes 9_2 much more balanced.


For the first time in this topic, I read something that makes sense from the opposition.
The Chinese M247 sounds reasonable; I just hope it will perform the same as the M247 and not a way more better than everything Chinese in this game.

But this still doesn’t make sense because it’s objectively overpower and the lack of a better AA can’t be used to justify the presence of the QN506 in this BR bracket.

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Having helicopters kill ground vehicles and there not being a reliable counter to it is bigger issue than helicopters having to deal with 1 single reliable counter that they can potentially kill with a ground vehicle, a jet or with teamwork.

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Having helicopters kill ground vehicles and there not being a overpowered counter to it is bigger issue than helicopters having to deal with 1 single reliable & 1 OP counter that they can potentially kill with a ground vehicle (totally out of subject), you can’t kill with a jet or with teamwork (same argument vs choppers) .

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The snail heard us for the sake of balance.


So no more only counter to BO and we can win games with just it?

Great. Can’t wait to destroy gameplay for anyone wanting to play russian tanks in SB.

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There always will be some big fish, thing is how small fishs could make it when even big fish couldn’t.

Helis should’t have such an upper hand over all ground units, especially SPAA.

I was once told that things are not as I describe them, but by looking at my BO stats it can be seen how things really are.


Your stats are relevant only to abusers, i know very well how you “play”, i witnessed a lot of your opened cockpits, spams and spawnkills. Luckily you’re a special snowflake compared to a majority of players who don’t abuse gameplay mechanics.

You mean the situation when my cokcpit doesn’t close and I don’t have a button for it?

spams/spawkills on tanks that can be done agains the ground?

I have seen it many times.


Grats :)

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  • QN506, M3A3 Bradley — have been removed from the 9_2 GSB setup. These vehicles will remain in setups 10_2 and 11_2.
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Z - multi function menu
6 - cockpit
5 - open/close cockpit

You can use a mouse as well

You are welcome.

Never had any reason to care about it, so I think that I won’t care about it. Still thanks for explanation!

Funny that someone tried to say that it is some kind of abuse.

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It is certainly bug/exploit, which can be abused.

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And how it can be exploited? What advantage does the ‘open’ cockpit give You?

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You can hear things, which you should not.

Especially with loud music playing in the background.

I don’t need to hear the target to know that he is coming at me. Especially that by seeing the nickname in SB I already know if this person will come at me or not.

Can’t wait to meet all people who wanted QN506 removed from 9_2 in russian/chinese tanks. I will start flying my BO again as soon as 9_2 is up.

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You asked what advantage it gives. Nobody cares in what environment you play WT.

I thank everyone for the discussion.
I am glad that Gaijin listened, and all this topic was not in vain.

I don’t have CB-2, probably the eight TOWs make the difference, but it is also a rare premium and kind of a niche, so I guess it is also rare to face one.
It’s a discussion for another topic, so please create it because this one is over. :)

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