Remove QN506 from 9_2 Sim battles

many have 8km launch range.

This is not unique.

Perspective is everything.

You only considered the heli’syou have. Not taking into account the ones you do not.

Why I must explain this simple things…


9_2 Ground Sim Helicopters list

He doesn’t play SB, so don’t expect much

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If you’re not agreeing and you’re not disagreeing, there isn’t much point to be here since this topic is regarding the idea of removing qn506

That is nothing the argument is about though.

Seems like the atgm flingers won’t be countering every spaa they see. Great.

Yes i am disagreeing with removing it.

It sure is though. Since it is a prerequisit for sim. And this is the sim section. So this always applies.

Good, then we agree. The QN506 shouldn’t be in the 9_2 area, since it excels at shooting down helicopters with no counterplay, therefore by your logic, the QN506 should be at a tier, where it can function as a light tank, not a SPAA. Thank you for agreeing with us even after 487 replies. :)

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Good, we all agreed that QN506 should be removed from 9_2.
After all, I provided every practical evidence of how broken is this vehicle at this Sim bracket instead of just blattering stuff just to troll people.

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The vehicle is not broken, it simply counters helicopters and you have to use a ground/jet to recounter it or have your teammates there so you can use a helicopter which would pretty much counter tanks while they can’t do much about you, this is how the game works.
Something counters X counters Y, A counters X, Y counters A.
There is nothing wrong with that except other nations not having access to reliable ways of countering helicopters that can counter their tanks.
The practical evidence is not qn506 being broken but the qn506 doing its job. You can simply get in a tank and kill the qn506, the game encourages you to play ground vehicles instead of just helis in the ground sim and it encourages you to talk with your teammates. Nothing wrong with that, did you come to ground sim just to play helis? You shouldn’t be able to counter every ground vehicle with a helicopter. Practical logic.

Lets not pretend that the QN506 is SPAAG vehicle, it is fire support vehicle capable killing any armored vehicle in 9_2 bracket with ease.
The fact that QN506 is featured in 10_2 and 11_2 brackets as well, confirms how capable it is.

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Easy kill? Due to the gaming characteristics of FNF missiles, most of the time it is impossible to kill NATO style internal layout vehicles with one shot. Can be seen in 10_2 and 11_2 because QN506 was the only IFV before the appearance of ZBD04A

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And ? You can fire all 4 missiles, unlike spike vehicles which can fire only two at once.
But most importantly in 9_2 you can go through frontal armor of most RED MBTs with those laser guided rockets.
So like 20 shots with zero reload.

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Not for 9_2, indeed, at this Sim bracket it is incredible effective on tanks too, because there are a lot of light vehicles and most of NATO MBT are glass cannons.
Meanwhile, against helicopters, it’s just too strong because helicopters don’t have enough weapons and technology to deal with it, aside from the fact that it’s just too easy for the QN506 to kill a helicopter even at 11.7.
For example, it’s like a Roland 1 (that is 10.0 like the QN506) fighing an IL-28.
Make sense? No, because it is unbalanced, like the QN506 is unbalanced against an 8.3 helicopter.
But if we must follow the “practical logic” of some of these forum trolls, you must use a tank to kill the Roland and then provide CAS with the IL-28.
So, where is the Roland in the 9_2 Sim Ground? /s

Like I said before, it can easily outplay every 11.7 NATO helicopters with no RWR and laser allert, just the noise, when it’s too late, of the incoming, very hard to dogde, FnF.

The use of CDD506 to strike helicopters was invented when QN506 first entered the game due to the FNF feature, which prevented it from effectively killing ground units. Moreover, in previous German Tiger helicopters, FNF was also used to strike helicopters. If QN506 is as powerful as you said, then why hasn’t its price exceeded $50 in the exchange after so long. Furthermore, if the BR of QN506 increases, what about 2S38 and BMP2M, which are much stronger than QN506

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Yes, but they can only launch after the vehicle has stopped, and they cannot continuously guide, only at close range can they launch continuously. This will result in QN506 being able to only use a 30MM machine gun while on the move

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Tiger UHT is 11.7, and it’s facing helicopters equipped with radar and a range of 10km. Sounds balanced to me.

2S38 and BMP2M are not in the 9_2 Sim Ground bracket; we are talking about 9_2 Sim Ground battles. Can you please read the topic name again? Thank you.

I never mentioned the price question because I found it shady, but you remembered that this vehicle is locked behind a paywall. It sounds very shady to me, but I think it’s okay because I can’t imagine the game if everyone is able to get it… unless you are a pay2winner.
Anyway, the price tag doesn’t mean nothing; it changes depending on availability, not effective performances.

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Not really, QN502CCD missile can be fired on a move.

It is a good time to take off the blind fold and look around what the other nations has in their arsenal.

Lets take US Bradley.
It is definitely more mobile, but in the other hand less armored.
It has only 25mm canon with almost half ROF of QN506, no LWR.
Not just it cannot fire missile on a move, it need to wait half of the eternity till the launcher deploys after stopping.

So it is not very moving that you need to stop to fire laser guided rockets and only one follows the beam.

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But when they attack close range targets, they will hit the ground.

Guided rockets with a armor piercing power of only 200 are not as lethal as unguided rockets when attacking close range targets, nor are they as powerful as anti tank missiles. In the attack, the long-range targets will appear very weak

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How to prevent QN506 from appearing in 9_2? Gaijin’s answer is to improve the BR of QN506, so let’s go back to the question I mentioned

A trading vehicle, on the premise that it is not a rare vehicle, the higher its price, the faster its appreciation rate, and the higher its intensity and playability. For example, AGS/T72M2/ojb.292, etc

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To argue whether a car should be in a certain range, we cannot only focus on one aspect. We need to observe both its strengths and weaknesses, whether the strengths cover up the weaknesses in its BR range, whether the strengths are just by-products of the weaknesses, or whether the weaknesses cover up the strengths. By observing the strengths, weaknesses, and the environment in which it is located, we can determine whether it should be in this BR range. Rather than determining through just one part that he is not suitable for this BR interval

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