Remove QN506 from 9_2 Sim battles

You are once again wrong because, as I proved in the main post, it is incredibly effective against tanks and objectively overperforming against helicopters of 9_2 Sim Ground.

Even after a forum moderator’s intervention, you are still trying to have a discussion without knowing what we are talking about because of a lack of experience we can all see in your in-game stats. We are here repeating the same things, and you are here always proving otherwise with non-sense just to have the last word and annoying people, but your credibility is so low that nobody will care at this point.
I guess i will proceed to ignore your trolling.

Dude we are talking about sb here.

A mode where the CAS players need to fly the plane (helicopter to a.lesser extend)… While the people on the ground play a kiddie shooter.

Without aircraft there is no sim in sb gf… The mode might as well be deleted.

Sb tanks on their own are pathetic and you need to face this fact.


Yeah because sb is a tank combat simulation /s

The gameplay is identical to AB. The only changes are markers, less horsepower and no pen indicator ( and none of those are gameplay differences). That’s it … It’s AB++ thinking it is anything else is just lying to yourself

Can’t You change Your controls/settings to have it the same way in air rb as You have in sb?

So? You cannot change the controls in sb to have it like in RB.

Also in the xlcase of sb controls in RB you don’t have the instructor but the actual controls.

While with tanks the instructor cannot be shut off… It is alsways the instructor controlling the tank never you yourself.

So the game always holds your hand and does everything for you. Aircraft do not have that luxury in sim for them the instructor is forbidden.

For tanks it should be the same way… It isn’t. Gaijin thinks tank payers are too stupid to play without the instructor holding their hand. Which is why i don’t like playing tanks, because having the instructor available is condescending. Sim should be the mode where you get no handholding… Sadly this isn’t true for tanks.

So SB is just RB+ for air

And in the end we can say that RB is just AB+ So in the end SB is AB++

No, since SB doesn’t habe the instructor available.

So the game is drastically different.

And tank SB doesn’t allow to have 3rd person view, doesn’t help with aim and forces You to aim from gunner sight


View isn’t gameplay either.

Again i said gameplay.

Just because You see it as such doesn’t mean that it is.

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First commanders view is still 3rd person.

Second gameplay has a clear Definition. It is how the player interacts with the games Environment. Since you only interact directly with the vehicles, it is reduced to the tanks controls.

“Gameplay is the pattern defined through the game rules,[2][5] connection between player and the game,[6] challenges[7] and overcoming them,[8] plot[9] and player’s connection with it.[6]”

Again you only directly interact with the vehicle and there is no plot.

The gameplay between Tank AB, Tank RB and Tank SB differs as much as between air modes.

Not to mention that playing as helis is much easier than tanks

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Just no. Aiming/driving everything is functionally the same.

Which isn’t true for air.

You are delusional if you think that.

Easy isn’t what defines a simulation fidelity is.

How close is it to the real thing. Helicopters are way better in that regard.
Tanks don’t work at all like real Tanks, that’s why they have no place in SB the way they currently are.

Yes helicopters are worse than fixed wing aircraft. But tanks are so far behind that it is a joke.

I mean come on. If you change the view to third person and add markers air sb will not transform into air rb. But if you do it for tanks…

heli mclos missiles should be WASD/joystick controlled like tank mclos missiles just for realism

Sure, thumb stick should be the method for all mfd controls as well.

But here is the deal, so should be the tank guns.

I definately don’t say the helicopter are good, hell even the laser designators in fixed wing aircraft are terrible in that regard.

I am saying “still waaaay better than tanks”


What? I directly and on topic responded to your post.

If someone make a general wrong statement about case to argue this topic it should be okay to debunk that argument. Otherwise i would have to let a wrong Argument stand.

I am sorry that it takes a long winded explanation, but it needs that.

So the simple way is “no CAS is fine in SB, it’s actually tanks thqt are botken by any measure that matters for sim”

But then i need to explain why and we end up at the same point.

So no CAS in general is no usable argument for this topic.

Already said how a photo of statistics doesn’t prove a vehicles capability by using aim-54 as a perfect analogue. Peoples stupidity causing them to die doesn’t mean that the platform / weapon is suddenly strong.


Ok jump in your tank and kill a qn506 or coordinate with your teammates, you have them for a reason. Don’t jump in a helicopter expecting to counter every single ground vehicle, helicopters shouldn’t be able to counter everything on ground and currently they can’t.

Sure, i wasn’t responding to you nor disagreeing with that statement.

That isn’t a measure for SB though.

The question is: is the Situation depicted as it would happen in real life under the same circumstances. Since that is the purpose of a simulation.

Balance etc. Belong in RB and AB. SB is supposed to be “this is how it is, deal with it” mode.

Not everymode needs to be a shooter with heavy handholding.

I am not saying that the qn should be removed… So what are you on about?
I disagreed with an argument. I didn’t disagree with the point.
If a spaa is the way it is irl (but this includes operation of the vehicle) and it is capable to be overly effective against all helicopters because it was irl as well. Than that us fine by me.

But the condition “represented like real life” has to be met for sim.