Remove QN506 from 9_2 Sim battles

I don’t think I’ve asserted otherwise.

I tried a few times as a non-jet player, and I understand that’s hard. Indeed, I said:

But still, if the helicopter is flying high (over 60 meters), it can provide a better CAS, but it’s more visible by a jet because of the contrast with the sky (it depends on the map).
Flying low, it’s harder to provide CAS, but it lets you hide from jets.
Meanwhile, the jet can roam the whole map around the battlefield, looking for the black dot in the sky, or just camp on the helipad because there is no AA in the closest one, waiting for reloading for an easy kill (these helicopters have from 4 to 6 ATGM).
I think this is a good compromise, even if getting killed by a jet on your helipad is extremely frustrating, I can understand it because there is more gameplay; you must be vigilant to avoid falling into a trap, you can play smart by flying away, and jet skill is required anyway; instead, the QN506 is objectively too easy to play, you can’t fight it, and sometimes it won’t let you even play (like in the video of the main post).
It just feels like it doesn’t belong in this SIM bracket.

First there i no Merkava 2D in that lineup.
T-64A is a hardly best vehicle which Russia has in 9_2, so why compare all to it ?
CV90105 should not be there, same apply for the QN506. Both way ahead the 9_2 tech.
There would be no issue with T-72A/M to be added, tanks like Leo 2k or MBT-70 should be added as well. There are probably other feasible candidates in other nations TT for addition to 9_2.
T-80B is the Leo2A4 equivalent, so it hardly fits into 9_2.

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Good thing 10.0 can be downtiered to “9_2”.
Spikes would regardless of BR be a good addition and well deserved for the nations who have them. Maybe we can have puma with spikes next.
Good thing qn506 supplements this idea.
Helicopters should be vehicles where they can perform well when counters aren’t on battlefield but perform poorly when counters are on battlefield. It shouldn’t always perform well.

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So they finally removed the Merkava from there,atleast something. T-80B aint 2A4 equivalent,its subpar tank and 2A4 is superior to it. If anything then T-80U is 2A4 equivalent.

I would like to kindly remind you this is about ground SIMULATOR mode. Do you even know what does it mean ? No, you probably don’t, since you don’t even play ground SIM.

So no, there are no downtier in SIM mode.


They are faily equal, rougly the Leo2A4 is featuring better mobility, while the T-80B is featuring better armor and firepower.

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As i said before.

You’re giving an opinion about something you never experienced on a mode you barely/never played, your simple reference about “BR system” says it all.


Right, the qn506 is correctly there.

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Yeah, the balance is working pretty well. You can’t just go in your helicopter and kill the whole enemy team

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Provide footage.

Footage is your own words where you said youll die to a qn506 in sim.

That’s not a proof.
Provide footage or your opinion is worthless.
Thank you.

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My own words said that QN506 is overpower and doesn’t belong to 9_2 Ground Sim battles.
If you want to prove otherwise, provide valid evidence, or your opinion is worthless.
Thank you.

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Except qn506 works correctly therefore its not overly powered unlike some vehicles that are not working correctly and are too strong because of that.

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That’s off-topic.
We are talking about removing QN506 from 9_2 Sim battles; we are not talking about the proper functioning of the vehicle.
Please read the topic again and provide valid evidence if you disagree.
Thank you.

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Please read the topic again.
Thank you.

Can you provide a footage of what you are talking about?
Thank you.

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According to logic QN506 should not be in 9_2
According to experienced SIM players QN506 should not be in 9_2
According to @simbadumba, who does not know what the 9_2 is, QN506 should be in 9_2

Tough choice … :D


That is not my opinion. Besides there are reliable counters.

Problem is that QN506 is to reliable counter for 9_2 bracket, and only FnF missiles armed vehicle in 9_2.
There are other FnF missiles equipped vehicles with very similar capability to QN506, so either:

  1. QN506 should be removed from 9_2 because it does not fit there technologically
  2. Other FnF equipped vehicles should be added so other nations can enjoy this “reliable counter”.