Remove QN506 from 9_2 Sim battles

The NATO side has always had stronger lineups in ground simulator matches compared to the Soviet side, except this BR bracket rotation. With the exception of hunting helicopters, the QN506 performs poorly in practically every other aspect: it struggles to flank, cannot lower its cannon, has limited ammunition, and its smaller missiles barely penetrate tanks. So being placed in a somewhat lower BR bracket rotation sounds perfectly logical to me.


Are you sure you are talking about 9_2?

I see you are talking from first hand experience.

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I don’t really know what you mean by “stronger”, IIRC a player can only take one nation per game and not the very best of the whole NATO side vehicules.
Hard-counter of helicopters in 9_2 are gunship helicopters and jets, then spaa to some extents.

You also seems to forget that most of players didn’t start playing sim 9_2 by using most efficient machines, most got those through playing the whole tech tree, so when we ask to remove an event vehicule which use 2010s weaponry because it delete a whole level of a tech tree without any sort of skill/challenge, this would permit rookie helicopter players to be able to start grinding those tech trees in sim mode, but i guess you never flown any stock H34/UH-1B in sim mode.

Also since the new “missile refill system” gaijin has implemented, a QN506 sitting on cap can shoot its 4 F&F missiles every 30s or continiously every 7.5s (not taking crew skills in account), so yeah, pretty limited.


Where did you even get the 2010s from? Just because the missile was built in the 2010s, does that imply that the technologies from the 2010s? Fire-and-forget missile technology existed far before the 2010s. These missiles are mounted atop a Type 59 tank chassis, which was developed almost 80 years ago.

According to your logic, the new UK Fox armored reconnaissance vehicle should be matched against the Soviet T-72 main battle tank since it has the 30 mm L21A1 RARDEN autocannon, which was developed in the 1970s (and this will be a 1970s weaponry in your argument). The timeline of weaponry is irrelevant in this game because, if it were, the whole Italian ground tech tree, particularly the Fiat CM6614, would be overtiered to oblivion because they were all built after the 1970s. Obviously, this argument makes no sense, so QN506 is perfectly fine where it is currently.

I am speaking facts. It can carry only 100 APDS-FS rounds. The maximum gun depression is 5 degrees. A volatile missile box that will detonate the moment it is struck by anything. Even though it is categorized as a light tank, it runs slower than most medium tanks. Mediocre QN201DD ATGM with 200 mm of penetration that appears to be adequate on paper but struggles to penetrate practically every tank it encounters frontally without dumping half of your entire ammunition onto that one single target.

You want to know why Vilkas is superior to QN506? The same reason why, while having the same armament, the E.B.R. (1954) outperforms the M4A1 (FL10) in battle. Lastly, they are not even remotely identical vehicles, they simply have similar armament, period.


So can you explain why this player have this incredible stats with QN506?
It is certainly a capable player, but to say that the QN506 “barely penetrate tank” sounds strange to me.

As he pointed out earlier, he only plays in a full squad, which has numerous benefits. I have numerous friends who own the QN506, and their statistics are far worse.

This is a link from Thunderskill. I am sure this data is far from accurate, but it does provide some fundamental insight. I do not believe that having 0.71 air kills per death in simulator mode is overwhelming.


Pointed out who?
The player with these stats didn’t reply here; read the main post. Thank you.

I usually don’t trust thunderskill, it never count any helicopter stats.

Maybe simply because helicopter players don’t play them anymore, thanks to QN506 farming them everytime they used it, i still remember those games, when the QN506 came out and every single players were shot out of the sky within seconds.

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That’s probably why Soviet have a higher win rate.


I am already getting tired of this conversation.

He replied this to you on 14th of March right after you mentioned:

Could you kindly read the entire post (especially his replies), as I am quoting these for you? I will really appreciate that.

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The player with this stats:

is the one in this video:

His name is RussianRainbowTTV as you can see at the end of the video.

He’s not SneedSellsFeed, which is the one who replied here.

I invite you to read again the main post so you can understand what we are talking about.
Thank you.

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It does not matter. Like what I have said, QN506 is only good at hunting helicopters; it does not hurt to have a strong counter since helicopters have been ruining ground simulator battles for quite some time. One great player means little, especially when the greater player base struggles to do well. His air kill per death is barely 1 anyways, so I do not see a massive problem of it being overpowered


I’d agree with it, and be fine with it.

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But these statistics prove the opposite!
In addition to being a counter way too strong for helicopters that meet at 9_2, it also proves to be incredibly effective on tanks.

Once again we are talking about 9_2 you have to keep sight on the target to be able to hit something, and as i said earlier you’ve never flown helis in SB, statistics means nothing, one year ago you would have seen actual stats of “heli kills vs death” by QN506, because players were not aware F&F missiles were in 9_2, now most of them do, hence they don’t use it, or get bullied for 2-3 games, and gave up on spawning heli in 9_2.

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I completely agree. I have usually always died to helicopters right out of spawn because of the range differences. I also think that counters should exist to them especially because most of the IR guided AA cant even lock them until like 2.5 km. I usually counter the helis with the flarakpanzer which is a great way to do it but still I think helicopters need a hard counter and that Light and AA need more XP for killing helis and planes.


I don’t understand all this helicopter hate used as an excuse to justify something overpower.
Tiger UHT was mentioned, but I can say, as a spaded enjoyer of this helicopter, that it isn’t so reliable.
In open maps with clueless enemies, it can be very effective, but most of the time PARS-3 loses track because of a tree, a building, or just a smoke, making it way less effective than KA-52 Vikhr’s and speak of the devil, helicopter hate is born because of the KA-50 in the helicopter PVP and the KA-52/MI-28NM in Sim. I still remember flying the BO-105 against squadron of sitting and still KA-52 spammers, two years ago.

But still, enough off topic, we are talking about this poor little guy facing a QN506:


I would like to remember that this helicopters have a kinda bad zoom, doesn’t have thermals and, ATGM performance are very weak to be used so far away.
If you stand and still in open, exactly on your spawn, probably you deserve to get sniped by so far away, otherwise there are chances you can survive if you know your enemies weakness.
And i would also like to remember that any helicopter at this BR are a free kill to any jet player, because they can’t defend itself.

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Lets focus up, the Tiger UHT is NOT in the 9_2 area of ground SIM. Stay on topic. ;)

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Lets read again, I never specifically said it was in 9.2 BR rotation bracket. Read carefully again. :)