Remove QN506 from 9_2 Sim battles

I’d agree with it, and be fine with it.

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But these statistics prove the opposite!
In addition to being a counter way too strong for helicopters that meet at 9_2, it also proves to be incredibly effective on tanks.

Once again we are talking about 9_2 you have to keep sight on the target to be able to hit something, and as i said earlier you’ve never flown helis in SB, statistics means nothing, one year ago you would have seen actual stats of “heli kills vs death” by QN506, because players were not aware F&F missiles were in 9_2, now most of them do, hence they don’t use it, or get bullied for 2-3 games, and gave up on spawning heli in 9_2.

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I completely agree. I have usually always died to helicopters right out of spawn because of the range differences. I also think that counters should exist to them especially because most of the IR guided AA cant even lock them until like 2.5 km. I usually counter the helis with the flarakpanzer which is a great way to do it but still I think helicopters need a hard counter and that Light and AA need more XP for killing helis and planes.


I don’t understand all this helicopter hate used as an excuse to justify something overpower.
Tiger UHT was mentioned, but I can say, as a spaded enjoyer of this helicopter, that it isn’t so reliable.
In open maps with clueless enemies, it can be very effective, but most of the time PARS-3 loses track because of a tree, a building, or just a smoke, making it way less effective than KA-52 Vikhr’s and speak of the devil, helicopter hate is born because of the KA-50 in the helicopter PVP and the KA-52/MI-28NM in Sim. I still remember flying the BO-105 against squadron of sitting and still KA-52 spammers, two years ago.

But still, enough off topic, we are talking about this poor little guy facing a QN506:


I would like to remember that this helicopters have a kinda bad zoom, doesn’t have thermals and, ATGM performance are very weak to be used so far away.
If you stand and still in open, exactly on your spawn, probably you deserve to get sniped by so far away, otherwise there are chances you can survive if you know your enemies weakness.
And i would also like to remember that any helicopter at this BR are a free kill to any jet player, because they can’t defend itself.

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Lets focus up, the Tiger UHT is NOT in the 9_2 area of ground SIM. Stay on topic. ;)

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Lets read again, I never specifically said it was in 9.2 BR rotation bracket. Read carefully again. :)


Chassis are not relevant because what kills is your weapon system, you could take some WW2 grade truck and put a Javelin with thermal hunter-killer on it, such a vehicule would still (in wt) kick your butt. Who cares being the first on cap, when you can spot and shoot on the move without keeping a sight on the enemy.

The way it makes no sense to you, is easy to figure out, you look at a tablesheet with a main tank player perspective, with a typical confirmation bias, reminding me the way Gaijin was dealing with repair cost before the dislike wall.
So everything is perfect to you, you don’t have to get a jet to take down helicopters because QN506 does it automatically for the whole team without even moving out of spawn.
And since helicopter player in sim are a minority, who’s gonna vote to stop this technological cleansing ? Certainly not you.


The thing is, China/Soviets does not have any useable SPAA in that bracket without having Strela put there. Their only HE-VT equipped tank is ZSU-57-2 thats good as tank destroyer and not a SPAA, as it lacks radar and therefor cannot spot Bo 105 or any other heli sitting low in trees slinging their ATGMs. Meanwhile all Chinese/Soviet helis in said rotation get outranged by York, Veak and other HE-VT equipped things NATO have at their disposal.

The tanks there are also way weaker with T-64A being matched against Merkava 2D, AMX-30 Super, Centauro 105 and CV90105. If anything atleast T-64B,T-80B and T-72A should have been added onto Soviet side.

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Helicopters hard-counters in 9_2 are Gunships (Mi-24A/D) and Jets, idk why you’re whinning about tanks vs tanks there because that’s not the topic subject.

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Heli players can shoot qn506’s missiles down using machine guns. I was told that it is skill issue if i don’t hit a helicopter with spaa cannon. It is skill issue if you don’t hit qn502cdd with your machine gun. You’re free to defend yourself. No machine gun? Use your missiles then.

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Considering your “level” of knowledge about NATO side helicopters in 9_2, i’d let you educate yourself before saying another clueless comment.


Helicopter on Soviet side or the jet gets countered the moment they get within 4km of battlefield, which is how close the helis would be. And finding a heli sitting at treetop while flying in MiG-15 is very hard. Added the fact you just fly around the battlefield and some HE-VT VEAK just slams you away from sky without you even knowing he is shooting at you due to no tracers.

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Like every NATO pilot has the same issue, have you ever heard of [BMP-2M and] BMD-4 IRST sniping capabilities, PGZ09 is litterally a Chinese Gepard, WZ305 proxys are quite efficient when you have some aiming skills.
VEAK and M247 have the same issues as red ones, they have non guided ballistic ammo, and radar which are not very precise when it comes to track targets at low altitude.
There we’re talking about highly specialized vehicules which have to track single targets continiously. In a 1vs1 situation if spaa dies, the heli will most likely survive, thing that won’t happen against a QN506, at worst for the QN this will end up in a trade because, F&F missile will not stop when you get killed.

Oh and BTW no heli missile has a 4km range on NATO side except the new Hungarian thing which shouldn’t exist because they will get TK most of the time.

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There is no BMP-2M in that sim afaik, and BMD-4 is event vehicle not many have. And even then BMD-4 and its gun does not have 4 km range on heli that can simply evade the burst by pressing A or D for a second. PGZ09 same issue. The HE-VT is superior round to any other on these SPAA, also the rounds on PGZ self explode at 3km, so I-TOWs outrange them.

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Fake they fixed most problems of low alt flying helis and jets for spaas

No BMP-2M right,

My quote still stand, HE-VT ammo helps but you have the same issues on both side SPAA isn’t a hard-counter to helis, except when pilot don’t know how to maintain range and fly straight.

Lol no hevt is a counter to any Russian Heli at this sim bracket

But then you’re going off topic sir.