Remove friendly fire for Nuke planes

I’ve never had to

Check back on it then, i’ve checked last week end.

bro has skill issues

you have a 0.16kd in ground realistic battles, have you ever even spawned in a nuke plane? i mean i’m not good at the game and even my KD dwarfs yours

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looks like General AUSChalkWarrior of the 3rd Keyboard Warrior Brigade has been summoned to tell us how KD matters in war thunder and how hes better because its higher than most

he has a 0.16kd

It is a PVP game thus K/D matters


Don’t remove the effect of friendly fire, otherwise it doesn’t stop them and rectify the issue… They’ll just make it happen by flying a plane into you…

This whole playerbase ‘issue’ needs to be sorted out as it’s clear that moderation and rules don’t phase these kind of players.

There needs to be proper actual consequences for this stupidity.

I am stunned that considering how woke and self righteous the forum and those that run it are, that this matter is even in existence as an issue.Nothing could possibly underline all that is wrong and negative about this game than somebody jealously killing a teammate who has played a great game and is about to claim a win for all their teammates.Shame on Gaijin for not smashing this one into the ground like a tent peg 😤


The first option is totally become abusable and nobody is waiting for WoT gamemode which no friendly fire in tank battles.

Second option is useless since must players having more then 200k SL in they account and permanent ban for shooting down a nuke plane is difficult because they will switch from shooting down friendly nuke bomber to CAS.

Can we just like
Not though

This is, quite literally, P2W bs that disproportionately penalizes F2P players on an obscene level

Could be fixed by disabling that for nuke planes.

Nah, just punish them. It’s high time we actually sort out the crappy players who are doing this sort of nonsense…

They’re blatantly breaking the EULA, and it’s time they were removed. No matter what they proclaim to have paid, they’re ruining others games.

Hell, they even admit it on the forums here it’s so obvious they know nothing comes back to them about it.

Eh, I would rather just fix the problem entirely, which disabling friendly fire + collisions for nukes does.


No it doesn’t as I said, they’d merely find another way to mess about in this manner…

They need to be held accountable because they’re griefing players.

Same with those who take out teams at the start of Air RB… They need removal from the game, and I’d be fine with them having thier accounts wiped to start over. No refunds.

It… fixes the nuke plane issue, though…? It is quite literally now impossible to sabatoge your own nuke plane.

Or simply fix the issue so it cant happen anymore.

Problem solved.

Why have rules made then if we’re just going to make it impossible to do what they’re not supposed to do?

As I said, they’ll find another way of making it able to be done…

Removing friendly fire from ground RB did nothing to stop the issue I had with them MGing my tank, as it wasn’t anything to do with the actual ‘hurt’ from it, but the giving away of my positions by MGing me making ricochets show the enemy someone was there…

They also started blocking me into corners and artillerying me.

These aren’t situations that can be fixed by removing friendly fire.

In the same manner that if you removed bomb damage to friendly tanks, or friendly artillery not have effect, you’ll have a player able to just spam shots at the nuke plane, knowing that only the enemy will take damage…


Imma be real, if you want players banned for this you are quite literally insane, because like yes, there are a few niche cases where it causes issues, but the vast majority of the time its quite literally just ‘oh hi friendly’.

Except the entire issue with our current system is friendly fire- remove it and its perfectly fine. Also, how tf would they even do anything to it given they cannot interact or shoot- if its use arty then by god idgaf because anyone that can use arty as spaa is skilled enough they can do whatever tf they want lol.

In the same manner that if you removed bomb damage to friendly tanks, or friendly artillery not have effect, you’ll have a player able to just spam shots at the nuke plane, knowing that only the enemy will take damage…

I’d rather not have such a change implemented to stop a select septic few from playing the fool and being dumb about the game.

They need rectifying, not avoiding.

And this is a problem how…?

Worst thing that would happen is with high-caliber HE-VT, otherwise it wont do anything.

Removing friendly fire for nukes is rectifying it.