Remove friendly fire for Nuke planes

regardless of friend or foe.

maybe make an edit to your post, instead of making 2 word posts… each time…

and no, it doesnt kill everyone, it just… ends the match, winning the game for that team

It doesn’t kill anyone, it just ends the game.

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huh just thought like all the other massive bombs it would be considered team killing. Like how dropping the 12,000lb bomb will kill both friendly and enemy even if you didn’t mean to. The nuke just does not seem like it is not team killing.

well thats dumb… because then youd cause your Entire team to lose their vehicle… and then have to repair it?

so… no… again. it just Ends the match… its a instant win for the one who drops it

well that’s probably why they don’t give it the team kill mechanic but your team might feel like it’s and end to their fun.

Nope, no one on the map is scoring another vehicle “death” when a nuke goes off.


and humans breathe oxygen.

just saying last time I experienced a nuke the game wasn’t even half way over and both side had equal tickets and the dropped the nuke and ended that.

yeah… i get that… but still it was… mostly irrellevant.

Those that get the nuke, earn it (99% of the time)

nope this is good, be glad

You just did,…
You wanna take out 1000Ge from the TK guy, and give them to the guy that have been TKed,…

You’re contradicting yourself dude,…

Dude,… re-read thread… go read the entirety of my posts,…

You can’t have a compensation made out of Golden Eagle, because of potential abuses, and stupidity of Economical plan for Gaijin.

The proposed idea of 1000GE is dogS…t, since you take from one(which never had the GE at first place), to give to another (so you’re granting 1000GE free, from nowhere)

This proposition itself is the same as killing the game within months.

100GE then, it’s kind of like, either pay for it, or get locked out.

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And so no players in 2 months,…
Whoever never TKed with an AAM doesn’t exist, even with 9L or 9M,…

Even happenned to me to TK an ally while firing guns to an ennemy,… the ally was chasing another guy and happenned to be crossing 1.6km away from me, while my target was at 0.6km

So by that TK i would have been locked in?

This is just compensation for a NUKE, not all TK’s, that’s already in place, in the form of paying their replairs.

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Do it for nukes, you 'll have it for others later on,…

And even that, if i’m a SPAAG firing to an ennemy interceptor, and you happenned to be in the middle it with your nuke bomber, i would be locked?

See? This is stupid

When TKed, you still pay you’re repaircost.

Thats a bad idea because they will get bad feedback on the game

Also such is life get killed by friendly fire its realistic bruh

I’m answering to false information given by @Zyranovos , as we all still pay our repairs after being TKed.