Remove friendly fire for Nuke planes

I’d rather avoid planes as opposed to bullets/missiles. That’s the only alternative.

Off-topic, focus on the nuke planes.

I don’t see a problem with the distinction between accident and non-accident.
An accumulation of “accidents” in particular should also have consequences. With regard to the Nuke, I find the solution even simpler.
A team member shoots down a friendly bomber with a Nuke.
The system should be able to distinguish whether it is a normal bomber or one with a Nuke.
I think the consequences should be staggered:
1 nuke kill = 2h ban + 250.000SL penalty + 0 SL& 0RP in battle
2 Nuke Kill = 4h Ban + 500.000SL penalty + 0 SL& 0RP in battle
3 Nuke Kill = 24h ban + 1.000.000SL penalty + 0 SL& 0RP in battle

with a 4th nuke kill I consider the mental ability to participate in ground battles as not given and would exclude this player from ground battles for several months. If these things happen again after the ban expires, bye bye player forever and ever.


It’s not the only alternative, sorry…

It’s not offtopic because the NEXT THING that will be of issue is that sort of thing and by implementing this dumbassed ‘’‘fix’‘’ will encourage more want for FF to just be turned off, dumbing down the game further because moderation is just too hard, and too much of a workload.

They knew what they were signing up for.

I overall like this scaling penalty system and not opposed to it. I prefer a system that protects the nuke carrier during the match so these penalties aren’t needed but I do like this alternative you gave.

What is the alternative to ramming if you can’t shoot it down?


They being who?

The moderators and game masters which you have faux-concern about their workload.

They’ll find one… Trust me, the players need fixing and ignoring them and their mischief, is the wrong way to go about it.

It’s not off-topic because as I just mentioned, they’ll find a way to continue messing about. You’re being selectfully ignorant to the points raised because you don’t want any action taken upon players as if it seems you know you do something that riles others up, which also needs to be fixed.

How is this (FF off on nukes) failing to address the mischief caused by players? This directly addressess being shot. Saying “trust me” when failing to list any other tk method than ramming is grasping at straws at a problem which won’t present itself. At worst, outside of ramming, friendly planes will try to mark your location in various ways. You still need to be shot down by the enemy or rammed by a friendly.

It does increase their workload if you are insisting they arbitrate. This is me stating a fact, not giving pittance.

At. No. Point. Did I ever say greifers/teamkillers should not be punished. I provided flaws in the current system, not justification for others to continue doing something against ToS. This is an argument you fabricated.

After giving it some thought, I’m starting to belive that the only way to deal with teamkillers is by bringing ranked matchmaking.


Make penalties for teamkillers bigger = well, he got banned/punished, but my ‘fun’ still is ruined, especially after game where I have spent 2500 SP for something to just get destroyed by my own team.

So how I see the ranked matchmaking?

Everyone would get 1000 ranked points at the start of the account, then for being in best 8 people in the game, Your rank would go up by some points, and for lower it would go down (so no one can make an argument that only ‘x’ matters, as whole score would matter). Then You get put in a game around the rank You currently have. For teamkilling, You would get Your rank cut by 1/10 (or even more). Someone would just teamkill for having games with people on lower ranking? Well his ranking would be still visible in game so everyone could call it out.

It would benefit everyone, as it would encourage people to do better in order to have better teams. I see it as win-win for everyone.

Someone doesn’t want 1DL? Then play well and You will play with only people who play well too (meaning more vechicles in line-ups as it is hard to constantly do well with 1 vechicle in line-up).

Someone wants to play casually? So You are paired with people who just play casually!

I can’t think of any drawback to it.

Are you suggesting Ranked MM be a separate mode or a replacement to the current one?

Replace the current system of putting people in team of random peoples based only on B.R. of vechicles (as gaijin says it is).

Want to be a teamkiller? So You land in teamkillers zone of matchmaking!

Like I’m starting to belive it would benefit the game as if one wanted the team to be doing good, he himself would need to be good in first place.

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Hard “no”, SBMM has already shown to be more problematic than helpful in other games that already use this system.


Please elaborate why what I have described would be more problematic than what we currently have

First off, to address if it fixes the problem of teamkilling nuke aircraft, the answer would be “yes mostly”. However, it is the leftover consequences from this that are undesirable. For this part of the conversation in relation to War Thunder, look up “SBMM” and read through player opinions on this forum. Due to my personal experiences with SBMM, I do not want it implemented.

As everyone teamkilling would not be playing with people doing well, then people doing nukes would not meet them.

Again, how what I have described would be more problematic than what we currently have? You have made a statment and saying ‘just look it up bro’ doesn’t say anything.

Ramming can be removed as well, similar to how airfield takeoffs work at the start of battles.

Doesn’t really fix the issue seeing as people still die on takeoff right now…


I’m saying look at other player’s opinions mostly because I do not add anything of value to what others already talk about in regards to SBMM. Otherwise, since I am terribly slow at typing out critically thought out responses, it would be better for you to search it. If you absolutely must read “my” opinion about it, it will take long for very little actually being typed, but you will have it. As a quick reference qithout overly explaining, this is what I don’t like about it.

-Above average players cannot have casual games.

-Queue times will be affected, the degree of which I can’t measure, but likely severe for those on ends of the bell curve.

-Due to grind, it will make War Thunder more frustrating to play as you “have” to do well.

-Vehicles that do not fit the meta will see significantly less use as they are now dead weight

-Players will likely be more toxic towards others than they already are now due to differences in strategy

-Just like any system, it can be abused to get into desireable MM against lower skilled opponents.

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remove ALL friendly fire. It’s not a fun mechanic.

No it’s not.

If this is what you believe, I kindly ask you to stop playing games altogether.

what about bombs and artillery ?