Remove friendly fire for Nuke planes

How does that even work?


Friendly fire is an eh mechanic in wt at best, but with nuke planes it just
Shouldnt exist at all

Like, seriously, making these concessions, why should rules be made in the slightest, we’ll just prevent anything from happening… It’s a stupid mindset to prevent players from thinking.

How is this even possible?

Purchase golden eagles, then chargeback the credit card they were bought on.

That’s how.

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As had been mentioned multiple times already, the chances that you shoot a nuke carrier by accident (negligence) is catastrophically low, so much so that almost every instance of a FF incident has been intentional rather than accidental. This is also backed by the mindset that nuking stops the game faster than normal, so players can feel incentivized to teamkill the nuke carrier so the match can go longer to maximize RP gains through time.

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And this is why the rules need to actually be enforced, NOT avoided so that players can keep doing this (And find ways to KEEP doing this).

Making the nuke carrier not vulnerable to friendly fire would make it easier for peopel to merely shoot down the enemy cheaply, and make the game crap.

Well, the so-called “team” is too busy losing a flank while I hold one third of the map basically by myself. If I’m doing well enough to accumulate 2500sp, I shouldn’t be stopped by my own team from dropping the nuke.

The rules in place are already enforced as intended. However, the intended consequences as of current serves no deterrent from occasional teamkilling. As such, if people feel so inclined, they can teamkill and not be adequately punished, which is why teamkills happen quite often. People will ALWAYS find loopholes to rules, this isn’t suggesting a slippery slope to send people to gulag. It is to reduce the ways a teamkill is performed on a killstreak vehicle. As someone suggested earlier, removing FF in GRB altogether sounds much more appealing.

How so? The only time a friendly AA would see you is typically right before you drop the bomb, so it would be too late for them to do anything anyway. For friendly aircraft, if they intended to shoot you and not the enemy, they are basically useless anyway as the bomber would still have to defend itself. This also gives the nuke bomber the chance to shoot down would be greifers (in the case of the B-29, Tu-4, and IL-28), so I fail to see how this is at all detrimental.

Unpopular opinion: i will rather remove the ability to nuke
While i’m not one of those who try to teamkill the nuke carrier i find it frustrating
You nuke mean that the game will end sooner limiting my ability to gain sl/rp
Also gaijin always brag about realism and how we can’t have actual balance in the game because of it BUT: how realistic is to see a nation nuke a zone where they still have men on the ground and after investing men and veichles to capture it? especially when they are winning the battle

What even is this junk, are you seriously trying to validate people TKing players to extend thier own game?

Making things friendly fire off isn’t fixing the prime reason of this happening, and it’s not the game doing this…

It’s genuinely trash players which we shouldn’t tolerate…

And no, just absolutely no… You’ll end up with people flooding points to contend them, and someone will drop a PE8 bomb right in the middle ONLY wiping out the enemy, which is absolutely dumb…

You’ll end up with people artillerying an area, and the team rushing into it impervious to damage.

This is ignored by you as being an exploit in the same manner as the nuke carrier being impervious to damage, and being able to be recklessly shot past.

This isn’t fixing the issue, it’s just making it ‘not a problem’ because it does nothing… The issue genuinely is the trash players, and to actual hell with them.

Where did I ever validate people TKing? My whole argument and point of discussion is against TK. I made this point:

because this is how some players legitimately think. It is an objective fact.

And those players, shouldn’t be playing the game in my eyes if they can’t actually follow the rules… Don’t make it just not a thing because it’s lowering the bar in all avenues, and they’ll just find another way to do it.



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Reducing the avenues players can use to grief others is a good choice, in my opinion. I have already stated people will always find loopholes, this will just remove the easier way to TK. I have already addressed this and you’re making us talk in circles. However, I will address a different point you made.

People already do this to spawn CAS, but your argument before was about petty players TKing because a teammate didn’t help them. Removing FF addresses this, no? Why are we moving the goalpost?

Removing FF from artillery sounds like a good idea, since people are already careless with its usage.

And again, how is the nuke carrier being invulnerable to FF allow some sort of exploit to be shot through to hit an enemy? Why did you entirely ignore what I said about friendly AA seeing you when you’re already above the battlefield, where their assistance would be too late anyway?

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No, we have rules to enforce for a reason, and these players shouldn’t be avoided in being acted upon… There should be better enforcement and longer removals for those rule breaks as this is genuinely screwing over someone elses game for the sake of their own want to extend the game…

It’s not the games issue, it’s these players are genuinely dumb.

It doesn’t remove the actual probelm, the actual player who does this… That’s who needs removal…

Fix the players, not the game, because it’s not the game doing this, it’s an active player choice.

You’re the one trying to move the goalposts by trying to make it about everything else.

I focused mainly on the topic at hand, while including an offhand opinion about FF, that shouldn’t be the main focus of this discussion. You’re free to disagree, but this isn’t the topic for FF as a whole. Just for nuke carriers.

This is complicated by this:

The current punishment for teamkilling is inadequate, however teamkilling is addressed both in accidental and intentional incidents so the punishment cannot be extreme for times it is an accident. Otherwise, someone would have to aribitrate every single instance of a teamkill and I would imagine the amount of those reports dwarfs the amount of games played. This method is impractical.

You cannot force players to play nice. And in staying within the point of this topic, it is too late for the player that lost their nuke to this bad player. Removing FF for the nuke carrier, thereby removing avenues griefers can take to kill said carriers, is a much more appealing option without requiring arbitration.

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So why have rules in the first place if we’ll just prevent the players from doing anything that contradicts them after the fact?

This is stupid, honestly…

The bad players are the issue here, not the fact that the game allows it and implementing FF-off everywhere dumbs down the game immensely…

Fix the players, because this is an issue we’ve been highlighting for ages, dumb players ruining games for others.

We don’t need to change the game to avoid thier stupidity.