Remove Conquest from the Game

It’s all there in the thread, I’ve mentioned it a few times…

I’m heavy on chat and radio, so I do know a thing or 2 about getting teams to work together rather than just assuming they won’t, not trying, and pinging the map madly like a demanding player…

Then don’t pretend ‘‘I’m not interested’’.

I don’t know about remove, but I would like to see more gamemodes in WT. The current selection, especially in GRB is a bit lackluster. Would be interesting to get a more diversity of gamemodes

You’ve ignored everything I said about how I muster a team.

Maybe you need to understand what a forum is all about

I would like to see its frequency drop, not removed. I am getting sick of having to run several of them in a row.

Yes, you say stuff in chat and suddenly 16 random people are a well oiled machine that apply whatever tactic it is that helps you win domination.

Pretty sure you brought up air domination and now I need to stop bringing it up?

If you can’t accept that some can actually get the team to work for them, because they are clear and concise in thier communications, yet are picking an argument about a mode that can be won by coordinating, the same exact methods can be applied to the other mode that you want removed, and can drastically change the way it plays and the way it comes to end up, then we’re about done…

I’m keen to squad and I’ll show you how a team works out, but if you’re just going to assume that there’s no-one else playing on the field, that will help you, then there’s no saving you from the game itself, and thus I think we’re pretty clear on where that leads.

It doesn’t really matter when it’s a mode where the capture zone is not that far from spawn and the only possible tactic is to either spawncamp them or to clear the capture zone somehow.

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So I missremember writing

And in every other statement I also emphasised that it should be fixed and reintroduced on top of the new modes.

It is quite simple.
Conquest as an Idea is great and a staple in many games. Even WoT has it and managed to make it somewhat work after a lot of work and effort.

In WT we see neither effort nor work on the mode on gajins part. In 7 years they have not managed to even bother removing the randome spawn on multiple maps like was suggested a million times.

Maps like Conquest normandy would already benefit massively from just fuxing the cap to the middle on the normal B cap. The A and C cap variants are absolutely unplayable as they eradicate 90% of the map and increase the already bad spawncampinf situation on that map (A version in particular as you either spawn close to the cap and get spawnsniped from it or you spawn 3km away and get sniped moving across the literal open field between you and the cap. The onky alternative is the long flank into the enemy spawn to counter spawncamp. Very good design indeed.

Rhine is another example. The A version by the obelisk is ok but the other two are just plain awfull and should not exist.
The list goes on and on.

What I want is for them to make special conquest versions of the maps or outright conquest maps.
What we have right now is as stated a lazy and effortless way to “increase diversity of gameplay” and I am sure not a single Mapdesigner was consulted about this as it is their maps which got ruined by this implementation.
Maps designed for this mode like Port New Russia show that the Map designers are capable of doing a good or decent job of it. But the leadership of gajin seemingly refuses to give them proper time or any time at all to work on such maps. They are more intent on having them make new maps in record time. Which also shows.
We literally needed to almost push gajin out of buisness for them to finally do what was suggested millions of times (almost every change to maps in the recent update (roadmap relevant) was a change proposed multiple times over the past years)

Saying players are to bad or stupid to understand a gamemode when said gamemode literally destroys maps is the bottom of the bottom.

Go literally and i mean this uninstall

I am a bit confused. Most matches in the game mode that I have, the cap will switch between the teams multiple times. It is not a common occurrence where one team rushes the cap and it stays like that for the whole match.
I agree that some maps are a bit unbalanced but proper air support will easily turn the tide in my experience. CAS can pick off those who are in power positions and allow for your team to capture the point.
Again, this is my experience and it seems pretty clear that yours are much different.

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It is indeed not a linear mode as some would have you think ;)

Nice terminology too, power positions… Sounds like Riker with his leg swinging…

[Conquest #3] Stalingrad very good showcase of wasting player time through developer laziness

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Sane compromise option for the ppl who actually like conquest (they probably exist)
a 3 button radio option with conquest on top, domination on the bottom and Both in the middle. Problem solved… FOREVER!

follow up: after reading past comments… I going to re log out of forums and try to remember to not come here again


What’s the point of this whole ass section of the map with this game mode?

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What’s the point of this part of the map?

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It appears to just be laziness on the part of Gaijin. It would make for a better mode if the capture point was in the center of the map. Also need to increase spawn locations.

Since the recent changes the maps themselves have deteriorated overall and doesn’t make for a fun game experience. I’ve started just quitting out of them and don’t bother spawning when I get these types of maps.

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