Remove air vehicles from ground RB

It doesn’t need to be higher. They need to entirely overhaul the distribution of Points to players. Since right now it has existed. You move around, get an assist boom now have access to a plane.

However, if someone was to overhaul it, killing tanks would still give you points to incentivise support role vehicles you get more. It incentivizes teamwork over lone wolves.

It is a discussion stating the pain of aircraft in GRB for some. I am giving solutions to combat the aircraft, not stating that planes are an end goal in any way. But if your team is threatened then I see the wise action is to do something about it; what I suggest is an option that I see works.

As a mid tier player I noticed they have just done what the majority want/do every match. That is when I realised it really is not for me anymore. A shame after so much time but 2015-2023 with a few big breaks is not bad for a free game (with not a huge cash investment).

Best of luck with the Devs!

The majority who have left, since the majority of players from 5 or 6 years ago had a very different thought, what happens is that it is always easier to keep players who are happy with anything, and if they are those who pay for premiums even more.
Returning to the topic of CAS, I remind you that the planes could be taken out since the GF began, but curiously the CAS spam problem has started relatively recently (like one or two years?).

the CAS spame is real

practically won the game here ;)

and then when the enemy spawns planes to counter lol

Perfectly balanced ;)

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No, just no. Everyone has the tools at their disposal to deal with CAS……


You mean the tool that they can use after they die? Or the one that in most cases is not effective?


Indeed, CAS have no chance against a player who is awake! Imagine if a player was actually committed to SPAA duties (with skill) or know how to use CAP even better!

Most players have too small an attention span, probably due to:

Same reason you get 8 players sitting in one spot :D Sigh… (and 1.5 kills per sortie isn’t actually that great overall, acknowledging a percentage could very well be base bombing in ARB… yuck, and that some runs don’t give targets (so easily also) and not every match is a try hard moment)


Yes, the none effective 1000% tool if they have no clue how to use it or mind in la la land. Like coffeeBean said, many players attention spam is so small…its just bad they start shooting tanks with SPAA or just drive while planes fly right over them. Seen it happen a lot more than ya think.

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So SPAA are effective in right hands, so You should be able to do good in them right?

sure dude. just stay in your BR bubble…

sure dude please spawn your plane:

Even if the enemy spawns fighters and kill me (CAS), they are useless since most of them dont have ordnance to kill tanks. Then i can either get into tank or spawn again in a fighter. So either way whoever brings first CAS will have the upper Hand in the outcome of the match if you dont fuck up.
Its unbalanced and far as i see its a problem with US. No other nation spames so many aircrafts.
In most matches today BR 7.0 there were like 3-5 planes at the same time up.

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For some things, yeah, probably, but it doesn’t need to be fully removed, more like nerfed pretty bad, like giving harder controls and weapon system controls. When I do CAS, it’s in a plane that gets computers, but all unguided ordinance, and when I get lucky, I might get 5-7 kills when the enemies don’t know how to hide themselves, but when they have not a clue, and have no visual protection, they are the easiest targets in the world, people who do know how to do it, usually do survive, and probably go completely unseen by most planes.

Says someone in the same BR bubble? OK… Spading almost every ground vehicle (and air) in every nation up to the 6.7-7.3 BR you linked your screen is exactly the same BR as your most played ground. Heck a quarter of battles in my most played vehicle were up there at that BR, and it is only a 3.0. So why play the “bubble” you have issue with me playing? Please tell.

I did and after my SPAA I got the last 2 spawns. Yes, I am clear I play CAP over SPAA, but ground over air. CAP works and you even proved it with your screens… twice… (same ones but you kept linking it did you not?).

Your OWN screen cap shows your own team using fighters to attack fighters. So even YOU show it works.

My own A7M2 air kills even beat your A2D GROUND kills where you show off one 8 kill drop/s. So even with less targets my CAP is more effective than your CAS. 1.5 ground per match is NOT anything special, yes?

One, they are not. Ask @ULQ_LOVER .

Two, why would you need to kill tanks? You know you can land quickly to rejoin OR defend against any more aircraft that might spawn in. I don’t know about you but I knew how to cater to situations. Just because you are useless up there in a CAP does not mean others are aswell.

Or if one average player like myself just took you clean out. Your SP just got wasted.

I am not sure why people like yourself try to put off the effective use of aircraft to counter aircraft, other than padding your own playstyle of a CAS main.

Your own stats show your CAS main style does NOT in reality make much an impact. 1.5 ground kills per match from air (yep, not fully accurate) in your A2D is pretty damn poor when you link 8 kill moments; you are not doing it often are you? Your stats are there in this instance, not backing up your own claims.

And thanks for the proof air kills air. You did it YOURSELF and just linked it… lmao… so did your team.

So even some self professed CAS mains like yourself get relatively poor results, in context of your belief you have such a big impact (I am sure in some matches you do, but 1.5 per battle… lmao).

One day of one player and your feelings do not hold much weight, do they?

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yea, pretty much, I should be performing better with them now. Back then no, i was ignorant to even care about taking care of CAS and used SPAAGs to kill tanks instead of planes. Especially with the Type 87, now use them how they are meant to be used. Luckily in the recent years, Japan FINALLY received M16, SUB-II-I and M19A1. I didnt touch the M16 till recently and used the other 2 for tanks instead of planes like IFVs lol dumb me, should of used them purely for planes which is what I been doing a lot now.
Screenshot 2024-01-07 140430

Not many wanted to fly this match but those who did well, unlucky for them. My team were saved from CAS, only 1 other player used a SPAAG besides me. He killed 1, I killed the rest. M16 is such an effective SPAAG due to having 4x .50 cal.


Still SPAA are not as effective as they should be in order to say that they are effective against the air. Especially that I can destroy M16 by just simply launching the rocket that doesn’t even need to hit You from outside of Your effective range.

Here’s the catch, you have to see me first in order for you to do that. I wont shoot at planes 2km away and giving myself away. Newbies do that, give themselves away too easily…I’ll wait till your close enough as I did with the rest I shot down in the image. By then, you will be flying by and getting shot at while you focus on rocketing a tank. Only 1 focused me after giving myself away but still got em…50/50 chance of survival or death. If I miss everything, tough luck on me, my fault, my skill issue. However, can always spawn again in SPAAG or with enough SP, ill fly a plane or use the Type 75 SPH with proxy fuse which depends what Br were at or hope another player sees ya which hardly ever happens.


Not that hard to do as people portray it to be.

It’s a bit harder to spot when I’m playing in Max graphics. ULQ is too easy to spot.


ULQ is not what makes spotting easy, but You will eventually understand it.

i played ULQ for years when used a potato laptop soo it is

Just proving that You don’t even know how graphic settings work