Remove air vehicles from ground RB

I’m already at a huge disadvantage with being red-green colorblind. Always have to tweak the settings to see better green, red, some orange colors better to spot tanks easier in certain maps and weather conditions.
So maybe your right, its still easier for ya. but for me, will alwats be difficult and will need to change settings often.

Aight, this is the last images ima share, maybe the next games I can record to prove CAS can be dealt with. This is 6.7 Br, the area where people think CAS is the worst. Granted this was ONLY me doing all the SPAAG work along with 1 other friendly doing CAS and killing planes with plane. Rest was all me and carried hard, had to cap and decap points just to win this game as well. So, can’t tell me SPAAGs aren’t effective when so many players don’t bother using them.


Screenshot 2024-01-07 231711
Screenshot 2024-01-07 231736

What this game needs are more SPAAGs around 5.0 to 7.7 area with proxy fuze if there are any or just more SPAAGs in general. But removal of CAS, nah, can still be dealt with.


I have noticed in the last few days with the increasing number of enemy aircraft shot down that this is sometimes just as less lucrative as playing SPAA. Still much more effective.
Wouldn’t it make sense to have some kind of " threat level". A fully loaded strike aircraft would score more points when you shoot it down? The earlier I shoot it down the more points. If the opponent has no more bombs under the wing, fewer points because the team will definitely have suffered.
Any opinions on this?


No one said that it can’t, just that SPAA are not efficient enough.

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clearly its efficient enough from what I see. Just that no…one…uses…them…enough… or at all…literally showing you through the images.

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By Your standards, maybe. Still can destroy You from outside of Your effective range

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if and only if you spot me first ;)

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extremetly high skill issue noises

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Told You, no problem with that

aight, then we good, glad you are an awesome CAS player with precise aim. Keep at it, ill continue doing the SPAA role with precise aim as possible. you land a kill, awesome, I shoot down plane, awesome. That’s War Thunder, how Gaijin designed it to be.

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you really dont get it…
there were all CAS planes after dropping their ordnace and cleaning up the enemy fighter that were spawned to counter them in the first place…

i will beat you easily in my A2D or f2g

i have over a 60% winrate. i dont care about KD since i crash or kill myself every game.
i also play Air RB.


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but up tier play the old SPAA reduced range BR± 700m or 500m effective and this not making a good air pilot never will close than 1000m