Remove air vehicles from ground RB

But they are still there.

Go play it,… you’ll not see Aircrafts out of range of SPAAG or SPAAM spamming in GBU’s or AGM’s

That’s the whole point of the guy complainning,…

Nah, don’t make suggestions to touch the current cas realistic mode, just add a tank realistic mode, maybe throw in something like rushmode, rushcap.

Cause once you make any suggestions of adjustment to CAS in current mode, they’ll call you whining and “spawn AA bro”, play pve bro, our queue time will be long bro…

Keep bringing up for gaijin to see, ehh wth they knew already.


These arguments are so stupid. When will I be allowed to enter Air battles with my Tunguska?


Exactly like that. Makes me want to (only) play AA in RB everytime, but this is not what Ground RB should be.
And the next point is, we even don’t get good AA in other Nations then Russia, of course Russia…


Something could be done at high levels, that each team had patriots and S400, thus denying the possibility of the planes at a certain altitude, they would have to fly low and be within reach of the shorter range SPAA.
In addition, there is a simple solution, longer games (around 30 minutes), and that planes can only be taken out after 15 minutes, so there would be more people with SPAA, apart from improving the SPAA with a damn functional AA sight, which the tracers look better, desynchronize the double and quadruple weapons, review the ballistics of the bullets since in many SPAA it seems that the bullets fall when traveling 200 meters, points to reload the bullets, and in addition to that modify all the maps, making them bigger, clearing the margins of the map to be able to see the planes that come at low altitude, that the forests serve to cover you, maybe this way the problem of extreme imbalance is solved a little.

If it is not for time, it would be interesting if to take out a plane you had to have killed at least 4 enemies first with a tank, this way you would eliminate the absurd airplane spam 3 minutes into the game.

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Ask for it then, stop posturing.

Then the better team would still produce the first CAS and worst team left hoping their better player chooses a plane to stop them from striking from above.

I get the idea though.

As it is now, it is simply that the team with the fastest tanks captures and gets the CAS faster. As I said, only the players who deserve it would get CAS, if they do things well they reward you.

Yes, but countering might become worse. Currently no effort is required to counter, since CAP is cheaper for SP.

No, because there would simply be fewer planes, and as the game was later, there would be more possibilities for players using SPAA.

I know the abilities of the average player when using the SPAA. Standing in the spawn and firing at aeroplanes at 3km while the pilot can order a pizza in peace.
No wonder so many people find playing SPAA boring.

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So one side gets to dunk on the other with less chance to respond with vehicles like fighters.

Like I said I get the idea, but needs work on a few finer points.

Team 1 gets a player with 4 kills, pops out CAS.
Team 2 only has SPAA to counter because can’t get one player with 4.

I prefer being able to respond in a plane since it works. So stopping that could just make this situation worse, especially where SPAA is lacking.

Also unrewarding in game effect and rewards due to being an easier target.

I get it though. Many players are just having fun and many players know sitting at spawn with no thought attracts the players flying with no thought and they feed one another.

Well, then the first thing is that you are telling me that the SPAA are useless, since in that hypothetical situation if there are several SPAA against a single plane, the SPAA are lost.
Then leave the topic of fighters, there is no CAS and fighters separately, the fighters are the CAS that has already eliminated several tanks and has no bombs and rockets left, so either it is going to reload (which I have already seen quite a few times), or it goes to shoot at the tanks with the machine guns looking for soft targets (the most common), or after exhausting its load it goes in search of the opposing planes, which definitively closes the circle of imbalance, since it can shoot down opposing planes, which in cases are players who have been killed by that same plane. In short, you don’t have to be very intelligent to realize that the planes in GRB are nothing short of horribly implemented, they are unbalanced and that the only The solution without modifying anything in the game is to transform the GRB into ARB using a tank first, since the vicious circle would end with the goal that all players have to make points quickly to be able to take out a plane.
You can give 5,000 excuses, but if you want to play with planes at all times, there are always the ARBs, you don’t need to go with a fast tank to capture something to be able to spend 80% of the game time in a plane.

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Or keep it as is since I can pull out a fighter, stop CAS, return, leave it mainly to ground action to decide a battle.

Then quit when you realise most players are very very boring.

The first thing I am telling you is for anti-air I prefer CAP, and it works as is. With your idea it would be harder to retaliate for me so I prefer the current situation.

How you lot enjoying even narrower maps now? 🤣


I prefer GRB, and that the planes are secondary, not that they are the goal to reach in the game as quickly as possible.

Yes, it seems that gaijin’s goal is also to make fewer and fewer people play GRB using a minimum of brain power. Why do you want to spread out around the map if you can go in a straight line to capture? And don’t worry, if you have the temptation to play like a normal person, I make the maps smaller to remove that temptation, and this way it is also easier for planes to kill you, since in such small maps you have nowhere to hide. It is the gaijin tactic to achieve mediocrity definitive.

I don’t want CAS removed entirely I want the spawn point cost for CAS to be higher and gaijin should give a little more incentive for people to play SPAA right now rewards for shooting down planes is too low

Player controlled SPAA would have nothing to do in air battles — the maps are big enough that it’s easy to just not go within 10km of them. Ground battles basically happen in a single grid square on an air map.

In ARB, vehicles have markers, so you’d get spotted from 10 km out with no real way to move or hide. SPAAs are super easy to kill if you see where they are. In GRB planes need to get a lot closer because tanks are difficult to spot among the ground clutter.

If you spawns an SPAA in ARB you’d eaither die to something that you never saw hitting from max range, or you’d never get within range of the fight. In my F-111 I bomb ground targets from 12km up and 15 or 20km away while moving Mach .9, and that’s with plain old gravity bombs. Against moving targets I might use guided bombs, but I’m generally going to be unspotted and off the radar so why would the target be moving?

It would be pointless. SPAA works in GRB because there are no target markers, and all the action is in a 5km area.

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