Remove air vehicles from ground RB

I had a BP task of killing five enemy vehicles with SPAA. I didn’t attack CAS I just jumped into the French DCA and hit land units it was done in one game.I shoot down more planes in the PE8 or 110.

Another small issue is hitting planes ,watching them crash and not even getting an assist.Hardly encouraging.I do hit CAS with SPAA occasionally ,it is good fun but it is mostly when they are charging at me or come in really close and low.

Somebody suggested ammo resupply at Spawn points which could help with the issue of CAS hitting the spawn.It would at least allow players to leave the spawn area.



And here is a nice example from my last match where you can see that being a good SPAA-player makes only a little difference to the outcome of the match.
(Just wanna mention that I’m not against CAS!)
Your chances on getting the planes in the first run are small. All those planes I shot down lost most of their energy advantage.
For those who are interessted what my 1st tank was … ASU-57 which ended as Leopard 40/70 fastfood.
Last but not least I wanna mention that it was great that almost everybody stayed for at least 3 tanks or more.


IIRC, the rewards for SPAAs were cut few years ago
So you could have great game as SPAA (case above, what you did) and you’d only get fraction of the rewards

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Was there a reason why they did this?

I guess the playstyle
You don’t have move that much but you keep slapping planes out of skies
I don’t know really
I do know they were reduced by some percentage

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They wouldn’t even notice that. 90% of Air RB players just play fighter team death match and would stay out of your range anyway.



And I don’t even use Aircraft in 99 percent of my lineups.

yea but you see the enemy bombed your team out of your game.
doenst matter when you get 8 kills after their dropped all their ordnance and then proceed to kill themselve.

just plain wrong.

Nope, entirely true. And one death leaving has many causes. CAS is only one of them.

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That was my point to show, right. They even came one after the other, I did my alert thing (T-6-1) and tried my best. SPAA is difficult to play and as I learned now the rewards where reduced. I can understand the demand for mode without planes. I would use it only from time to time.

Dude - u played less than 500 Air RB matches, imho you should revisit the mode before you claim such things.

Imho this comment nails it:

Even as i do not agree with the 90% ratio - imho far less and depending on BR in your favorite WW2 range:

You simply can’t compare experienced Air RB pilots with the guys in planes you meet in Ground RB. So even if you would clap some PvE players after driving 10 minutes to a base or a vehicle column - the match would be over in most cases before you get there.


Circled here are two jets, dropping GBU’s on my team, in absolute safety out of range of our SPAA & SAMs.

How is this fair and balanced?

Theyre getting easy SL & RP, getting a multiplier bonus for their ‘Skill’, and im spending an eternity grinding out modules in my tank.


You want no aviation?
Please check out this gamemode PvE assault ground force mode

There would be no aircraft dropping GBU’s on yourself

You know that in PvE there are planes right?

There is no GBU’s from IA

Haven’t played top tier in PvE, but still there are planes, so words ‘You want no aviation?’ doesn’t apply.

IA are clearly less impactful let alone qualitative, so dieing from Air IA clearly is unlikely.

But again, there is aviation.

As per design yes,… but as effective as it is → it’s nearly as if there is none.