Remove air vehicles from ground RB

I’ve still put threat to a bomber sitting at 3000 meters… You don’t have to be accurate, but you just need to get that round up there…

Once they drop I choose between them and the bomb, after a bit of freefall…

First match of the day.

Jag GR.1 & 2x A6E dropping LGB’s from the stratosphere, wiping our team out.

None of the anti air can reach them.

FaIr AnD bAlAnCeD

The last days CAS was a bit more then usual … no problem for me … but one thing came to my mind.
What do you think about the following. Players who wanna fly should be able to fly in GRB but only that. No tanks for them. Maybe 2-3 Planes. They have to start on an airfield and points are only rewarded when they land on an airfield (nice idea by boveybadboy69 when I remember correct) A soft crashlanding will grant points but the loss of the plane.
One thing should be balanced for this. The bomb loadouts. At this stage if a team doesn’t react quickly a plane can wipe on rank 3 an entire team on his own.
Problems that could be solved … revenge bombing by tankers who are bad at tanks and throw away their tanks to get asap into a plane.
But there are for sure other problems that will could come … help me find them.
I hope for a creative discussion.
I want to point out that I don’t have issues with CAS and I don’t want a tank only mode. SPAA need a bit more love by the snail.


Is pretty easy fix CAS problem.

1- Remove air start (if nuke plane can start at ground all the other planes can do the same)
2- Increase cost for planes in Ground (no more cap or die and bomb)
3- This is more agressive change but just add first person view for planes like enlisted.

With one or two of these changes CAS problem is more than solved but Gaijin is using the CAS for idiotic and incompetent ground playes dont leave the battle to early and can obtain easy kills.


CAS is superior to tanks and it will always be , there is reason why planes are at least 10x more expensive tha any tank. Now it should be reflected in RGB that you have to do really well to spawn a plane , and this should be considered HIGH RISK / HIGH REWARD spawn . You can kill many targets but if you die you will lose at least 1200 SP and might not be able to spawn anything else.

Currently you take fucking reserve tank you go cap , then you can chain spawn planes. Its completely retarded.

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Just have a two plane limit on CAS otherwise keep it the same.I never see a winner chain spawning CAS on reply

Honestly I get that people want to play combined arms, I’m fan of that myself tbh.
But that should be its own gamemode. If ppl want to play tank vs tank without planes, why not let them?
“Realism” can’t be the argument here, there isn’t much realism in ground RB (example: a tank that ate a shot in the enigne it isn’t ready to go again after ~40 sec in reality).
Another thing is that the way combined arms is currently implemented seems like a compromise that makes all players involved unhappy:

  • Those who just want to play tank vs tank because they get farmed by planes
  • CAS-players cause they can’t spawn in a plane right away
  • Players who like to play SPAA and/or fighters because they have to spend half the match afk before the first planes spawn in
  • Why no ships??
    Imagine it: A combined arms gamemode (maybe a 32v32 format) with all of the good stuff: Ships, planes, tanks. And you can play whatever you like without any of the SP-bullshit. One can dream I guess…
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When aircraft were first added to GFRB, they were fine. They were rewards for skill on the ground, required skill to use & didnt dictate the match.

This is why I don’t take CAS whiners seriously. When they were first added they were NOT “fine”. They had 3rd person reticles for precision dropping, rockets had 10x the killing power, etc.

Now they have to actually aim their bombs, rockets do far less damage, SP has only increased over time, and when you start talking about smart munitions you get into realms of SP (800+) that require you to do far more than “spawn a low BR vehicle and get a cap”. You also now have mechanics far above what existed in the past with radar and SAMs.

If someone gets 800+ sp they deserve to spawn in what they want. Thank god you have a 70 sp sam you can spawn in to counter them.

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Which does mean that it is THAT easy for one of 16 players to also get in a fighter, drop all CAS, land, j out, back in tank with CAS players thinking twice about “free kills”.

Not as if most players are really engaged, regardless of vehicle. All those 1DLs could easily spend a few minutes stopping the enemy air but thry chose not to, therefore the threat becomes an “issue”.


My perception from rank 2-4 is that people are so good at bombing that they nail 80% of the bomb drops within 3-4m near the target. 5% are precise on target where the bomb sticks on the tank and 5% use so big bombs it doesn’t matter where it lands. The other 10% are misses.
BUT … it is what it is.
Skill. I can’t do that. I suck at this. But I can’t blame others for their skill I got to adapt … I get better every day on SPAA and that is important. Most people want to drive more mindless through the botany and they will always find something to complain about.
Next up will be light tanks and TD who are smart enough not to rush the caps and ambush people. And the real whiners will keep on with this until the game isn’t what it was before. And then they whine how shitty the game has become and leave.
Btw … I stay away from hightier because I suck there even more so I can’t judge on CAS this point.

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CAS is only a real issue since ODL is constant and Growing.

The problem is ODL.

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Seeing this post:

I am actually wondering why it is not possible to pin certain topics like in the old forum and to merge threads if they are redundant / parallel discussions, also like in the old forum.

Even admitting that most of the posts are almost identical regarding the content - there are a hell of exceptional high quality posts in this and other closed threads dealing with “hot topics” that might vanish into the void if they were just closed and not merged. Seeing the efforts regarding brainpower and invested time by the players this is rather sad.

Imho the forum mods did a fantastic job with pinning and merging similar threads in the past - so why not continuing with this practice? Is the new software not allowing this?


I’m not sure about merging posts, but pinning posts is possible.

The reason why people dont see pinned posts is because you need to look in a specific section to see what posts are pinned. This wouldn’t be bad, but going to a specific section is more difficult to do than just clicking on “game discussion.” Pinned posts also don’t show up when you click on a category.

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And in real life the T-34 cracked when hit with a shell.

Separate ground only realistic mode is a must. There is no good reason to not make it. Why should the majority have to adapt to the minority? The mixed realistic mode would have longer wait times, but that only shows how much people hate CAS. CAS is a plague at every BR and in every battle.

Want to play some wall of steel like a T95, T28, Foch or Maus? Too bad, there is a winged rat coming in the first minute of the battle with full bomb load and you didn’t even make it half way to the frontline.
Want to play something unusual like Scorpion, ASU-57 or Type 60? Too bad you’re strafed in the first minute.
Want to play basically anything? Too bad, there is a swarm of rats filling the skies wiothin the first 5 minutes.
Does that sound like fun? I don’t think so.
If you are defending CAS, try to play the Foch or Scorpion and you won’t last 3 battles before snapping your keyboard in half. All of your arguments against this are completely invalid. Everyone can see what GRB has become and there is nothing you can say to defend it.

CAS makes the game even more infuriating and many many times unplayable. Air superiority both in actual wars and in WT is 90% of the victory. It just creates incentive to spawn in aircraft ASAP, thus making ground RB look more like air RB.

Its removal would be praised by literally everyone who wants to actually play ground vehicles in ground RB. Even if I would have to pay to get acess to it, I would do it the second it was avaiable and never play anything else. I’ve been here since 2015 and this plague has only gotten worse, never better.


i want to join air rb as SPAA to defend bases and vehicles.
the outcry of the flybois would be gigantic



CAS is the reason why people ODL

The problem is CAS

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I think the two are interdependent. IF people would stay and fight with SPAA it COULD change. IF CAS would be less effective people COULD stay.
I still love the idea that planes have to land at the airfield to bring their points home. I get so often revenge bombed by a dive bomber who has no interest in playing CAS. Just revenge and back into a tank.


I played the Wirbelwind for the first time in ages last night.I found I hadn’t even fully modded it.
I found I had such limited ammo in such short bursts that I had enough rounds to just about alert the enemy CAS to my position then nothing to hit them with as they killed me during reload.
I also couldn’t see ,just view of grass and bushes .

I didn’t hit anything.Had more hits with 50 cal on a tank.I can see why players don’t play SPAA in WW2 eras. M24 for Italy is pointless due to lack of ammo.You can’t resupply anywhere so why bother?Why end your own game?
We lack proper flak in the game at WW2 eras as the flak shell provided for the 88 are unusable.Only time i have been killed by AA in a PE8 was the AMX10 ,a futuristic weapon in WW2 settings thrown in from desperation no doubt.

Most WW2 SPAA I play are good BUT 90% are not able to prevent the first bomb run. (and I’m not a good scale for a casual player) And that is a big issue. Furthermore when there are more then 3 planes in the sky it can get pretty ugly. The Wirbelwind is a good plane shredder but only when the enemy has wasted most of his energy and you got a good feeling for the aim. You need a lot of experience. I now run into the problem that I played many SPAA and I like them all but they all need a different aim and it gets hard to adapt. One month ago I was really good with the Ostwind 1 and 2 … now I suck.
Resupply can be tricky in a match when the enemy has cap advantage and you are far away from cap or simply not safe to go there.
Playing SPAA is nothing for fast fun … it needs patience, experience and every mistake is costly. I got to admit that this will not lead to more players playing those.