Realistic is not realistic

tank battles are totally unrealistic lately I feel like I’m playing some kid’s game This was a super realistic game when I started playing 10 years ago and spending my money here and in return I get a worse game. I suggest you return the game to the old one as soon as possible so that there is no more one shot one kill and to strengthen the armor which is realistic on tanks with composite armor on all nations and not just Russians because believe me Russian tanks in real war are not that tough they are easily eliminated even with a regular Zolja {that’s a fire and throw version of a hand-held rocket launcher} so be kind and restore the tank and air force mechanics like they were 10 years ago -


43620 games is the most I have seen on here.Anyway ,here comes the legion of fanboys to tell you that you know nothing and its a skill issue.Brace yourself : )


Skill issue


You know nothing. Unironically a skill issue.


No tanks is strong as they claims, the game never was realistic, using somewhat accurate models and the right environment design doesn’t make War Thunder realistic.


I might suggest the game is not as much fun as it was 4 years ago.The maps have all been scoured clean of anything that made them individual and different so they are all a samey moonscape now.This leads to people abandoning certain vehicles and the tactics needed to make them work.
It also means everybody is painfully open to being obliterated from the air and the inability to do anything about it leads to your game being ended early in many cases or just plain ruined.

The amount of times my shot just bounces off a Russian tank is actually so noticeable now it simply makes me laugh and I was on here not long ago denouncing the existence of Stalinium, How silly I feel now : )
The flood of cold war artillery in the first 6 BRs was the nail in the coffin of fun for me so yeah I am with the OP. My story is 4 years old.How this game must feel to a real veteran I can only imagine and sympathise.

This game took a real dive really quickly and only a few relatively small changes killed it for me but what was changed was the things that were important to me as a player.


As someone that’s been here since the beginning of tanks, the worst changes that made the game what it is today are the maps, and the lowering of spawncosts.

As for Soviet tanks, I’ll be that guy, but checking OP’s stats, he’s not doing noticeably better in Soviet tanks than NATO ones…
I mostly play top tier, while winning against the Soviets can be a pain because of a neverending lineup, and the absence of consequence to poor performance due to the ridiculous SP costs, dumpstering their individual vehicles is very easy since the fuel explosion thing.
And as far as winning goes, if it really needs to happen I whip out the 2000D and it’s done.


It is a game optimized for kids. A plain vehicle based shooter…


Because this is not a sniping game ;-)
Why would people play a “semi realistic tank game” with “sopisticated interiors modelled” to then shoot at long ranges with these vehicles (which they are used for irl - weird that there’s people that want to use them for what they were designed for) where leading shots, getting ranges right and hitting the right spots of enemies is harder because long range armor gets only stronger and actually matters (you know “tanking” shots could be a hint as in the word “Tank”) when you could just go cqb and cornergangbang match after match peeking around buildings in third person view?

Not gonna lie the models are awesome and cqb definitely has its place in the game (especially in sim, unfortunately there ists just more easy to still hit vital stuff and just use 3rd person than be fked by parallax, would be more fun if the aiming circle in sim was removed for 3rd person and you would have to use gunner view or just guess where your shot will go in 3rd person) but its still a different skillset that is good it’s in the game.

But to me it feels like when i started and probably wasn’t confident enough to brawl all the time and immediately push to the most forward, most aggressive positions, which u need to do to influence the match as much as possible (like BPA JON or other top notch players are playing) then the difficult, long range snipes felt really rewarding and you felt like you could still influence the match no matter what.

For example like the sniping on eastern europe on the eastern part in lower tiers…1200 m sightlines, treelines with bushes where it was easy to overlook an enemy sitting there.

Now most of these really long range sighlines are gone. And I’m not sure if that is a good thing or not. On one hand because there was so little cover it was just an open field with too much distance to cover to get to the objectives or the next cover so everyone would just sit there and snipe because it was too dangerous to move out. → Also not the most exciting gameplay if everyone does that for 15 min and also the snail wants to get those players back into the queue so c’mon hold w and die. But at least then people realize u can’t do that forever and just lose because one fast light tankmade it through and capped. On most maps there also were “semi safe” routes out of spawn, a lot of ppl just refused to use them.

Same with old sinai with the hill where from you could shoot the whole map from hull and tank down positions and restrict movement way too much. Similar with maginot and mozdok. Hills and elevation around the edge of the map where if you managed to push there or the enemies didnt contest you had really strong positions to sit and shoot at everything moving out of spawn into their weak sides.

But instead of providing better cover across the map for enemies to move out of spawn or somehow making moving into these positions more dangerous (by not allowing to move there in complete cover) these positions and map topographies were removed altogether which now makes for totally different gameplay. In some parts better, in others worse.

I just feel like the original designers of the maps did put thought into these maps, they just needed improvement and not complete change and were not suitable for laserrangefinder dartslinging (because obviously they were designed when 6.3 or something was max br). But maybe that’s just me?


I think you might want to see TenPoundsOfSalts played matches xD yep, he or she is number 11 in all time overall leaderboard of nr. of rb matches played

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then what is the difference from WOT

u ask me ?

eoo ri


if we remove this then the USSR will kill everyone

Devs common sense

lol So when War Thunder had even more arcadey ground physics it was more realistic to you?

I see, you do want arcade.

See, this is why you can’t trust titles.

Learn more tactics, get better at avoiding sight and getting hit.

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An actual damage model instead of the boring “shoot HP” down.

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And the stupid “sit still and wait 3 seconds for gun accuracy to increase and still send the shot to narnia” mechanic. Hahaha i definitely dont miss that crap


oh and tank being 5 m further than your artificial “spotting range” whatever that is supposed to be being completely invisible lol. Or you sitting in a bush being invisible but suddenly appear out of the ether when someone gets closer than 50 m. but your spotting range not being affected at all because somehow ofc you still can see through the bush as if it wasnt there