Realistic is not realistic


What is not realistic about tank from 1943 being killed by helicopter from 1960 or artillery from 2018.
Very realistic game where developer invented their own penetration calculator to “balance” things out then put tank on 6.0 that can lol pen everything up to 10.0
Very realistic game
Would recommend to all my enemies
10.5 /10 stars

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I read your whole post,but I’ll keep an answer short(ish). I can see know 130K games ,65 k etc which is good .I see a few who are top of leader boards on this forum and its nice and helpful to be in such good company.
My take now overall is I have hated maps,banned maps ,moaned about maps but now I just take them as the come.I see CQC maps in towns and big open maps for what they are as I would in reality.You fight on the terrain you are given.

Its all to do with getting better as a player as you say and oddly enough I do think some of us are cowards in the game and afraid of getting hit or even seeing an enemy.Always maintain there is a place for Arcade in a players development in Tanks.

Im sad to see all the maps smashed ,its like when they obliterate a forest or pave over a garden.We will have all the maps looking like a Pool table soon and one of the best bits about the actual battle is or rather was finding a good hiding place. In an SP gun you need to bed down in the right spot in an form of combat.

I like this bit.All those clever maps ruined, like Society having to walk at the pace of its slowest member.

I maintain overall that War Thunder has lost its sense of direction.It tries to be all things to all men and fails in what it used to do best which was freedom of choice.I do think the player base have played a part in that.


Not even that, WOT has got an internal damage models for crew, ammo, engines, radio, fuel tanks, gun breaches/ barrels, turret rings, etc, hell you can even kill vehicles in WOT without depleting their HP by killing all their Crew members (I only ever experienced this 3 times in the 9 years I regularly played that game) or if you’re like me memorise where ammo racks were located on different vehicles so I was more likely to get a 1 shot.

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WOT was very popular but it nosedived so quick after a few very poor decisions.
Some very big organisations will do that.Some say the same about the Army or the Police.A few bad mistakes at the top and boom ,it all collapses like dominoes.

I mean, yeah obviously all one can do is accept that the snail decided to change the maps like they did and adapt to it or stop playing altogether. I for myself still enjoy the game enough to keep playing and value its strong parts enough to keep with it although i partly switched to naval. Which maybe is even worse in rb but that’s only for grinding to be able to play ec on the weekends.

Still it does no harm to fantasize about what else could have been.

Now that you mentioned it looking at exactly this leaderboard theres a thing that bugs me and is maybe a sign of why a lot of the long term players don’t like these changes:

Most of the players in these leaderboards have winrates of under 50%. Which is totally fine, everyone can and should play this game the way he wants, explore the maps or just provide cover from the back. In the past it feels to me that was a more viable playstile which could still have an impact. I feel like a lot of these players prefer this more relaxed, controlled and defensive (or passive playstyle). Theres almost no 60+% winrates or even 55%+ winrates in these leaderboards. To get to these you will need to play meta vehicles, push aggressively, get in the brawl to contest power positions and the caps and to get to cas and play it effectively. Harder to do in casemates, tanks with long reloads and stuff that is not meta. My point is I think a lot of these long term players might prefer a more passive playstyle. With their experience of 100 thousands of battles and adapting to the esports braling meta i would expect most of them to be way above 50%. Still, everyone started at one point and these are all time (i think) so I’m not entirely sure.

Actually being scared being cornered or getting an adrenaline rush being pushed by multiple strong enemy tanks that know your positions is natural and exciting. But that fades away with experience unfortunately and with accepting that getting killed is just part of this game. But for people that are lucky enough to still feel that sensation it shouldnt remove their prefered playstyle?

So it feels like a whole playstyle is being lost. A lot of the players that prefer more “relaxed” playing by sniping or slowly advancing and tactically picking your positions will struggle with the fast paced gameplay we have nowadays on most maps. I feel like that’s a bit sad. Possibly losing many of these long term players that used to love this game and put a lot into it.

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Maybe the war thunder has always been childish but you’ve grown and changed over the last 10 years. Maybe the game was realistic but your perspective has changed and now you see more issues that you might have previously been blind to.

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Alywys cracks me up when people dm because you outplayed them or mald in chat because they got shot. Like dude you chose to play a game where all that people do is shoot at each other, everyone explodes all the time and then you can’t handle being shot at? wtf

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So true i first play wot in like 2015 and just start playing WT in dec 2024 and im in top tier
and im NOT enjoying top tier at all


I dont want to go off topic but I really pushed myself last night to just go all out and play the cap and attack those around it.Just be cheeky and aggressive and do everything I dont normally do and at Italy mostly at 6.7 with unmodded vehicles it really worked for me .I got some number one spots and mostly top 3.
Really worked out,not sure why I never did it sooner.Been looking into those how those who are good do it.Not a question that gets asked much on here considering how many real long term vets we have.

Totally agree about wishing for missed opportunities in the game but accepting it for what it is.I do get what the OP is saying though.

Taking a good break form it is such common advice we often just laugh at the idea but it really does a player good I think.

If, and I can only speculate ,WT is having a rough patch now then at least we can all see why.Its not like Gajin dont know what is upsetting long term players.

I agree ,we all like a laugh at the long goodbye letter from leaving veterans but you have to think the game is loosing yet another old long term supporter and to be replaced by what? A ODL new kid at Top Tier?

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I never laugh at those. For someone to take the time to write something like that, or feeling the need to do so there needs to be more behind it than “i played this for two months and dont like it”. Obviously it doesnt affect anyone else. Obviously no one needs to care about it or read it. But thinking about why that person maybe decided to write it-it always feels sad


I agree ,I think its a shame and if I owned Gaijin it would bother me.

Yup. and most likely those are people that put more money and/or effort into the game than one top tier premium. Anyways that enough off-topic for now ;-)

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Yeah I wonder at the wisdom of gaining new customers at the expense of old ones. Do old veterans pay though? Or do they have everything and no longer pay?

Make a poll ;-) Second option it is for me. Now annoy me out of the game snail

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Lol mate it has always been one shot one kill. just more people play now and theyve played longer so more people know how.

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You skipped to the top in like 2 months. You wont have a good time by doing that.

That 4k battles in the wirbel is wild

anti-cas dedication gets my sign of approval. Anyways i thought stat shaming is something similarly frowned upon like having not so good stats in the first place?

But maybe this also supports my thought that a lot of people that prefer different (maybe more static) playstiles possibly struggle with the newer maps and faster paced gameplay?

so you haven’t learned to play in 10 years