Re-doing the matchmaking system

No I haven’t bought any premiums (neither vehicles nor subscription) so I don’t know about that but it seems likely

Or maybe you could actually give some effort and make a proper response like a normal human being, not something that would come out of a 10 year old kid who doesnt even know whats going on. But im not going to judge, some peoples brain isnt just fully developed after 18.

Yeah, youre right, it would be really messed up in the new tech tree situation.

Well, youve shown me guys that youre right, it just wouldnt work, but maybe they should do a little rework of maybe br or something, because im currently at 8.0 in american tech tree, and im getting uptiers constantly and its annoying getting almost every game killed by rockets or heatfs, or again, thats just a me-problem. So, i see you guys are really skilled, or it seems like it, could you give me some tips to be better at uptiers, if there are any?

Player levels mean you spent time getting to top BR, that’s it.
You don’t have to learn a thing doing that.

Considering the sheer number of absolute braindead level 100’s, I’m in doubt.


They aren’t, because level really only shows how much you’ve played - you can be braindead and reach level 100 without any issues, it just takes a while.

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So as a lvl100 I would only get to play with a tiny percent of the player population and would never get low tier games due to nobody playing?

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I’ve killed plenty of of Lvl100 players that had as much skill as a lvl1 player - Which to clarify, means they had none.

Level only indicates time spent in the game, not skill.

You can invest all the time you want into reading guides to learn all the spots on the maps, go full autismo on the ins and outs of all the vehicles. You will still die to people both higher and lower in level than you. That’s just how it goes.

Accept it.

My “favourite” experience on this line of thought was in air sim.

There was a guy, like… level 17 or 20 on the enemy team flying some japanese plane. They had pretty handily handed me and my team our arses while contesting the A point.

Looking at their stat card? They played like 10 arcade games, 10 air RB and then pure air sim - like 3+ days in a fighter at just level 20 account.

Now, what did my level 100 teammate infer from this? That it’s a guy who played IL-2, DCS or some other combat sim and has pre-existing experience?

Nah. Hacker. His reasoning? The guy in the zero could fly loops too well and did not spray their shots. Proceeded to repeatedly all-chat insult the zero.

This sounds more like a Smurf account to me…

That being said I will admit that perhaps quarantining levels 0-10 might be useful but what would be more useful is a fleshed out tutorial.

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Skill-based MM would make queues take longer than ever, esp. for Naval and other less-played modes.

Beginner zone is a thing, iirc youre in it until you unlock a BR 3.0 vehicle.

Level just means points gained I think
So yea top tier premiums will get you level 100 very fast

Alot of bot Accounts also are level 100
But I doubt bombing the Middle base in a F5c constantly gives experience(a lot legit player’s also bomb based)

And I agree new players should maybe get noob protection to like level 20(which could still lead to sealclubing becouse of Smurf or other alt Accounts)

But actually Skill based matchmaking tends to ruin most games were it’s implemented
And that completely ignoring the fact warthunder is Very complex(just becouse you are an ace in a Zero or Tiger 1 doesn’t mean you can use a f-14 or leopard 2a7)
And that’s excluding all the different game modes

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I have already explained recently that despite the official denial that the game uses such a system, it is perfidiously visible.

random replays

air RB

ground RB

The system works like this: a player with an average team position of 30 will meet a player with an average of 90, but the sum of skills between teams A and B is as close as possible.

Who is the most disadvantaged in this situation? Well, the one with 90. Because his high rating will get stupider people on the team just because he has above-average results. What percentage of the player base is actually affected by the problem? Minimal. Most of them are cannon fodder anyway, who have no idea what’s going on around them.

You can check random server replays yourself, team A’s total will always be very close to team B’s. I counted about 50, my friends counted, no one ever found a battle where team A had 300 points and team B had 900 points.

You don’t have to trust in any way that what I wrote is true, you can ignore it and pretend it’s raining when someone spits in your face.

Although i share your view on things, i am not sure if 3rd party readers can follow your explanations, even if they are level 100 - because it says nothing about their cognitive abilities to understand rather complex things.

  1. It boils down that gaijin’s MM uses already some aspects of your service record and adds the average result of recent games to it. Same with all other players in both teams.

  2. Gaijin’s assessment of player skill can be seen by viewing the leader board directly after spawn - the higher you are, the lower is the experience level or recent combat success rate of your team mates.

  3. The main weakness of this view is that gaijin’s way of skill assessment is unable to cover other indicators which might be more suited to assess actual skill.

  4. By looking Air RB lobbies you find often players with very high K/Ds, low WRs and rather mediocre team positioning values very low ranked by gaijin - it is the typical experienced and “good” player in stuff like a P-47 seeing his rookie team dying and will BnZ to death if you try to pitch up.

Have a good one!


As i have seen comments like “a SBMM would lead to long queue times for experienced players” - those guys are just unable to think abstract. The overall goal of any SBMM is to create equally balanced lobbies - this means just that skilled players are equally allocated to both teams.
This does not mean that less skilled players are excluded from fighting top players - they fill up the lobbies as before, like irl you have a mix of vets and rookies in your armed forces.

Countless threads about MM and SBMM just prove that the current system is not providing the desired results. Quite simple.


Have in mind that your replay links don’t work - replays can be watched usually up to 14 days, but as soon as they run major updates or change some other things you can’t watch them anymore.


it seems to me that player rating is one thing but vehicle rating is also taken into account, newly purchased premium vehicles in my hands had much easier opponents, I thought it was a bonus to encourage buying premium machines, however, while upgrading vehicles, and in my game history I have over 1000 of them on AS I noticed that if I use only one vehicle, newly purchased, total stock I have much easier opponents. I was amused by the fact that while playing with a new stock vehicle I had more XP on average than with vehicles with which I had already played several dozen/several hundred battles. That is why I gave up on adding newly purchased machines to the set and performed the exp process with one vehicle until I felt a strong change in the difficulty of the game.

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Mate as someone who played since 2017, Player level has never meant anything.
I’ve played against level 100s who are extremely poor at playing the game.
I’ve also fought level 100s who are godly good at the game. As well as ones who cheat/hack. Though were likely banned, never bothered to check.

Anyway point is player level increases with how many camouflages, decals, modifications, and vehicles you acquire. As well as medals, achievements, and so on.

I belive the premium experience might be a double-dip as well.

There’s a patented industry matchmaking technique to drive micro-transactions. The idea is to have a “marquee” player - a good player who owns visible and recognizable micro-transaction-sourced equipment and match them against players deemed susceptible to “They beat me using X, if I bought X, I will be good too” thought processes.

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