Re-doing the matchmaking system

Im sure im not the only one, but i just cant stand seeing like players with level 9 againts players 80 levels and above, its just really not fair. I think it would be really nice if it was ore ballanced, like levels 40 would get like max 50 and min 30, this just seems right, which would also help with skill-ballancing.


Player levels mean nothing though.


Level doesn’t indicate skill.


Maybe some sort of partially separate MM for sub lvl 10 players could work, but I can’t think of a way that that could be implemented.


Sadly player level does indicate skill, kind of.
The event is at fault for it, because of the high requirements to unlock the boxer, many players go to lower ranks to grind for it, because it simply is faster.
This results in insane amounts of seal clubbing.

And the sad thing is i do it as well, and even feel bad for it. I work a 40hr a week job and dont have the time to spend for the insane grind.
So i use the Pz.Sp.Wg.P204(f) KwK (which is insanely good) and commit what you could call war crimes at Rank one, getting around 3000 to 4000 score points each match.

A solution would be to reduce the requirement for the Event tank to 25000 points, then i could play top tier where i only get 1500 to 2500 per match.


To all the repliers here who say the level doesnt mean skill, it sadly does, for example, ive been getting massacred by level 100s all the, or premiums, but im not going deeper into that, i dont ever get killed by someone under 4O levels, so it does matter


Im not giving hate on you, it just feels like when you dont buy prem vehicles, you cant do practically anything, because prem vehicles are so stupidly overpowered (most of them), and when most of the enemy team consists of prems, its practically impossible to win, or, at least for me, but im like a really bad player, so maybe its just me.

If you implement this kind of matchmaking you make it impossible for high level players to start new trees. I agree that something should be done but the search tree system makes creating a matchmaking by level almost impossible.

In the same way, matchmaking by level would kill certain game modes, I’m thinking in particular of the simulator games, the assault mode and the naval battles which are the least played modes.

And to say that the player’s level indicates his real abilities, it’s not necessarily true. A level 100 player who mostly plays in planes is not necessarily good in tanks (this is my case) and I would find it a shame to be penalized in tanks battle because of my level with planes

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stop whining, learn to play.


Player levels mean experience which translates to knowing the good spots on the map, knowing your tank’s strong and weak spots and where to shoot your enemy.
Low level players have no idea about such stuff and I know this because I have had many games in low tier and I am not even level 100 yet but I get so many good games in low tier (I’m level 87)
Here’s a game I had today and I wasn’t even going competitive just some casual gameplay cuz I had a special task to get 24 kills with SPGs:

So player level matters and showcases the players experience and knowledge hence literally called xp short for experience

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My 80 levels of air experience are no indications of any semblance of skill level in ground battles.

My ground record illustrates this fact. Heck, my air record also illustrates this.


Ironically most of the premium players suck and it’s a good thing if the enemy team is full of wallet warriors because most of them leave after one or two (if they have backups) deaths and you can strike back if you have a lineup.
I would honestly prefer to have non premiums on my team than premiums who leave the game just after one death

I honestly play both ground and air
If you exclusively play air battles you would know how easy it is to energy trap a low level in low tier who just pitches up for your plane because he’s lacking the knowledge of such things in the game but you know how to energy trap him
So your level shows your experience and knowledge in your field of expertise

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But in this case if you play in tank battle you find yourself facing players much more experienced than you, it’s unfair and we find ourselves in the initial situation

The problem with matchmaking by level is that you would have to create one level per game mode.

I’m in the same situation and frankly it wouldn’t be a pleasure to find myself in a tank every game against the best players in the game mode just because I’m level 100.

It would honestly be my own skill issue if I get outplayed after hundreds of hours playing this game and I’m fine with it I can take the L
And I am not advocating the implementation of level based match making, I’m actually fine with how the things are currently but was just trying to say how player levels mean experience

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For me the level does not really show the experience anymore, one of my very good friends spent a lot of time on the game and is really very good but is only level 80 because he only plays in arcade tank battle. On the contrary another of my friends bought a premium plane and went up very quickly in level which means that today he is level 100, and, based on the level, he should be more experienced but he is not the case.

I think that the level could be a reliable indicator a few years ago but since the arrival of high Br premiums it no longer really has any meaning

Indeed there are some exceptions but the general idea still stands that the average high levels are more skilled than the average low levels
True in that there might be some high levels who absolutely suck

For me the majority of players who bought the premium packs in recent years are really bad even if their level may indicate the opposite, I have rarely met competent F-4S or A-10 players, even if their level indicated otherwise

I’m not even sure that the majority of top level players are any good anymore.

Most of them are low levels who purchased those vehicles

I don’t know if you bought some or not but the leveling is extremely fast with these vehicles, my friend who bought one had never played the game and reached level 100 in less than a year. He has almost 800 hours of play in A-10, that doesn’t make him an experienced player (except for feeding the opposing team)