Rafale Buff/Br reduction (13.7)

I don’t know what you think you’re proving with screenshots. We can’t watch that, can we? We can’t judge your flight, we can’t confirm your numbers. I know you’re made some pretty silly claims with screenshots in the past that people were quick to prove incorrect.

Blatantly wrong but go off I guess.

How about you record your tests and share them in full, with a better testing methodology of “here’s a screenshot when I feel like it”?

I think Alvis lives to be a contrarian and start arguments. Pretty funny to engage with though.

I use the same exact methodology that real life pilots use. How is that a bad methodology?
Doing video recordings is a bad methodology?

I’m stating popular good takes such as pro-decompression, and acknowledging facts proven by Defyn, dataminers, Seek, etc. How are those contrarian?

I am not the community, I just state their takes that I agree with. I am a vessel of knowledge, I am a flawed man.

And apparently datamining is made up as well as WTRTI/localhost… what a movement of goalposts.

pretty much, his posts are nonsensical rambling.
and LMAO he just replied again, twisting your words. i want to block him but he’s just too funny.

Questions aren’t twisting words, they’re asking for clarification.

You’ve been actively arguing against what DEFYN says in his videos through this thread but go off I guess.

Don’t put words in my mouth. Your testing methodology is what’s bad. Read what I said in my last reply another three to six times to be sure, internalise it, then go do your tests again.

You aren’t the community. Knock your ego down a notch.

Never said anything about localhost. You shared screenshots at some arbitrary altitude, not plots of data obtained through localhost. Stop trolling and participating in bad faith.


Defyn states that F-15C/E are hilariously powerful due to their speed, and he puts Typhoon up there with them.

No one put words in your mouth. Asking you to explain your statements better is asking for clarification.

My methodology is used by real life pilots, cause I just copied their methodology.

Glad you agree with me that I’m not the community.

Do real life pilots test their planes by flying them up to some arbitrary altitude with some arbitrary load and then taking a photo of their HUD from a couple dozen metres behind the rudder? No? Damn that’s crazy dude.

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The altitude is 10,600 meters, or ~35000 feet.
Specifically they start leveling off at 10,000 meters and are leveled off by ~35,000 feet.

I never toke photos of anything in-game, as you can see it’s a video with timestamps.
Your next post may claim OBS can obscure time codes as the next movement of goalposts to once again dismiss evidence to the contrary.

I was like you once, I believed the F-15E would beat everything with those engines.
Then my hypothesis was ruthlessly disproved by WTRTI and datamines. I was proven wrong, and I admitted I was wrong to believe F-15E would be a monster with those engines.
In reality, it’s an F-15C/JM/Baz M that can accelerate slightly faster and turn worse below 1200 IAS.

I was wrong. It’s okay that I was wrong, cause I have more information than I did back then and my concerns were alleviated.
I was also wrong to be worried about AESA radars. I learned more this year and all my hypothesis’ of AESA radars being OP were proven wrong except the harder to notch part.
It’s okay that my idea was wrong.

As soon as your ego is called out you put out an entire essay claiming you were wrong about many things. One step in the right direction though.

Bad testing methodology. Why are you levelling off before the target altitude? What’s your profile like? Is there a more optimal profile you should be taking? Why are the fuel loads mismatched between different vehicles - are you going by fuel mass or should you be going by fuel in minutes? For those stall climbs how long does it take to reach the maximum altitude? Etc. Loads of info we can’t tell because you’re sharing a screenshots instead of the full videos.

My brother in christ you have never showed us those videos. You show us one or two screenshots with no useful information attached.

The F-15E happened just a month ago. This sentence gives off jaded fantasy wizard book vibes and I don’t like it.

Then why can’t you accept that you’re wrong here?

I am constantly wrong as I argue against my own ideas with half a dozen other ideas, as well as seek other perspectives.
I don’t vocalize it as much as I should, I also do a poor job vocalizing my original ideas that were proven wrong.

I should do better, both in explaining things and stating where I came from.

But yeah, I never think I’m right; I at most will think information is correct. I don’t take ownership of thoughts or ideas cause I think they can’t be owned.
Take that statement how you will.

Uber, do two turns: Do a 12G turn in say a Mig-21SMT. Then do a 4G turn.
Which causes more speed reduction? The 12G turn.
That’s why real-life pilots start the leveling to cause a slower turn thus less speed drop. It’s to be as fast as possible.
The shallower your turn the faster you are, the sharper the turn the more speed you have to get back.

Videos use too much space and I’m not editing videos to get them below the upload limit of the site.
I’m also not paying to host a file sharing site.

Now for fuel… oh the complicated world of fuel in War Thunder.
You have a few types of players, and the meta players will run 5 - 7 minutes of afterburner fuel.
Coincidentally 1 internal full tank of F-15E fuel is 6 minutes of afterburner fuel.
However, that’s not the case with other jets. Every jet has different engines with different fuel consumption. The meta players will know this and adjust accordingly.

If you’re aiming for 6 minutes of AB time, that’s full fuel + drop tank of Mig-29, that’s 33 minutes in all F-15s and F-16s.
That’s 29 minutes in Su-27.
That’s ~26 minutes in Typhoon and Rafale.
That’s ~28 minutes in Mirage 2000/4000.

So when discussing air RB it should be in fuel time for the reheater.
When discussing air sim, it should be fuel time for dry thrust.
When discussing IRL testing it should be full internal fuel.

Do not misunderstand me, Ubershadow. I am not making these statements as new statements.
While I did learn about the standard time to climb test a month ago, I did a similar trajectory just without going mach after reaching altitude.
It took about 7 attempts before I got the curve correct before I felt comfy enough to record the tests.

I have not and will never make anything up.
I have not and will never discount information no matter how allegedly insignificant; it might be insignificant in my conclusions, and I will still take the information seriously.

Please understand that I care deeply about consistency and integrity.

Just cause I disagree about F-15E being wunderwaffe does not mean I’m saying its anything other than the powerhouse that the AIM-120 F-15s are.
Acceleration is partially preference, and if you want to know any information that involves testing I can help.

My testing integrity and consistency has been involved in fixing Typhoon and Rafale bugs posted by Fireball and maybe one other.
I am not the enemy of anyone.

If you’re measuring time to an altitude, you shouldn’t be levelling off before reaching that altitude. The experiment ends when you hit that altitude, you don’t need to level off afterwards. If it’s a speed at an altitude, then you should probably use a different climb profile that gets you there without sharp manoeuvres.

Youtube’s a pretty good one for video hosting, you can just upload as unlisted.

On the fuel note, you’re right, it’s complicated and messy. This is why we test a number of different fuel loads, with and without tanks, to get an understanding of the wider picture and different circumstances you might be flying in. Even then you need to carry out a bunch of different tests for each fuel load, like time to altitude, time to a speed, endurance, manoeuvring energy retention at different airspeeds, etc. You’ve gotta pick and choose a few that best represent the behaviour of the aircraft, and then do those in a way where nobody can cast doubt on the results.

At this point I can tell you care deeply about your tests and I apologise for being so harsh with my words against you, but I do think your testing methodology is flawed. You’re trying to fit too much into a single test, and that you put emphasis on re-doing that level-off curve seven times before you were comfortable with should be an indicator that there’s a significant human factor influencing the result of your test.


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Here’s what the video explicitly measures:
Time to 1000kph, time to 10,000 meters, time to mach 1.5 at 10,600 meters.
All 3 are put into a spreadsheet [well not yet, but soon]. 10,000 meters is level off, and 10,600 is the mach 1.5.

It’s not too much in one test. I do many tests besides time to climb.

And I apologize for stupid statements toward you.

Your concerns about F-15E is valid. AND your limited experience at top BR air RB I think your concerns are slightly… overbearing. They’re consuming you a bit.
You’re in Gripen, which loses to all F-15s in air RB.

Magik’s performance in Baz M and F-15I are within margin of error, by the by.

Their claims that F-15I is vastly superior isn’t substantiated by their personal performance.
And sadly me bringing this up taints future records.

To be fair: Almost all of my experience at top BR against F-15s have been defensive while bombing. I have 4+ aircraft I’ve used as fighters at top BR against F-15s so far: Gripen, Mig-29SMT, Mig-29G, and J-11.
I’ve used F-15E as a bomber cause I only got its AIM-120s one match ago. Yeah, I have a 0.5:1 KDR in the F-15E using its stock loadout for 33 matches cause I used it as a bomb truck.
It’ll increase and go above 1:1 over time as I switch to fighter role.
I expect F-15E to match F-15J or F-4EJ Kai in KDR in the long run.
I also expect that of F-15JM as I play it.

But yeah, said that cause I always tell people to fact-check records. Which is also why I give the context that I only unlocked that AIM-120 loadout one match prior in F-15E.
Here’s proof BTW: 33 matches for 168,041 RP, or 5092 RP per match.

I will use the F-15, but I also have Rafale, Typhoon, and more Japan to get now that it has a subtree.

u have to consider about the F4s and those “wallet player” LOL. Anyway, we both agree that f-14 br is too high

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The German Typhoon lacked collision when it first went live.

You could dive under the ground to escape missiles and then pop back up.

Rafale radar is still terrible to use.

I see some leaks,
A priori there will finally be 8 mica, and I believe improvements on the radar

Take with caution
