Why are there no verse rockets on later Soviet and Russian aircraft?
R-73E, a short–range and highly maneuverable short-range air-to-air missile. Export version of the R-73 missile; designed to destroy air targets (fighters, attack aircraft, bombers, military transport aircraft). It is used at any time of the day, from any direction, against the background of the earth and with active opposition from the enemy. The name according to the classification of the US Department of Defense and NATO: AA-11 Archer (English archer – archer).
Main characteristics:
starting mass, kg - 105
length, m -2,9
diameter, m -0.17
wingspan, m -0.51
rudder span, m - 0.38
target designation angles - ±45°
GNS coordinator deflection angles - ±75°
altitude of the targets to be hit, km - 0,02-20
overload of targets to be hit, g - up to 12
launch range:
maximum to the front hemisphere, km - 30
minimum to the rear hemisphere, km - 0.3
Guidance system - all-round passive infrared homing
warhead - rod
warhead mass, kg - 8
explosive device:
R-73EL - laser non-contact target sensor
R-73E - radar non-contact target sensor
propulsion system - single-mode RDTT
RVV-AE: air-to-air missile
Rvv-ae.JPGThe world’s first air-to-air missile uses electrically powered rudders.
The missile is capable of engaging various targets (highly maneuverable aircraft with an overload of up to 9 g, cruise missiles, surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles, strategic bombers and helicopters, including the defeat of helicopters in hover mode and other targets) from all directions and angles, day and night, in simple and complex weather conditions, with electronic countermeasures, against the background of land and water surfaces, on the principle of “let-it-forget”, including with multi-channel firing.
R-27T1 (R-27ET1) guided missile:
The medium-range missile with a thermal homing head provides engagement of air targets (highly maneuverable aircraft, helicopters, etc.) at all angles by day and night, in the presence of natural and organized interference on the background of land and water surfaces, implementing the “let-it-forget” principle. The missile guidance system implements a modernized method of proportional guidance with target acquisition on the suspension under the carrier aircraft.
Main characteristics:
launch mass, kg - 245.5 (343)
length, m - ~3.79 (~4.49)
maximum body diameter, m - 0.23 (0.26)
wingspan, m - ~0,77 (~0,8)
rudder span, m - ~0,97
warhead - rod
warhead mass, kg - 39
explosive device - radar non-contact and contact target sensor
guidance system - thermal passive homing
propulsion system - single-mode RDT (dual-mode RDT)
launch range against fighter-type targets, km:
maximum in the ASW - 65 (80)
minimum range in ZPS- 0.5
R-33E: guided missile
air-to-air missile
Domestic R-73E carrier aircraft: various modifications of MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-29, Su-27, Su-25; foreign – J-10 (China), Mirage F1CZ (France), Tejas (India). The R-73E can also be used by Ka-50, Ka-52, and Mi-24 helicopters.
Source: [ГосМКБ «Вымпел»] ОАО ГосМКБ «Вымпел» им. И.И.Торопова