Quitters / 1Death Leavers need to be dealt with

Untrue,… well,… untrue if all people were trying to win instead of sadly giving up their plays.

If that’s what you want to do then go for it. Just don’t complain about the maps you get knowing very well there are open maps and CQC city maps for all type of players in the map rotation. I will always shoot down CAS and still get tank kills and try my best regardless of rewards. Rewards is no longer an issue, you will still earn a bit or break even if do bad, but earn a whole lot more now doing well.

I’m always down to carry my team even if they ODL because they refuse to play certain maps with certain line ups.

Fully aware of it. I main Japan and they are not known for heavies, mostly light and mediums. Not a lot of CAS, not many missile tanks available besides the Type 60 ATM which is the worst one, and Type 89 IFV while others have better ones and more of them. Just have to pick wisely if you have 5 slots available.

EDIT: for rewards, we used to lose -40k SL and not much RP earned for doing bad. Now we just break even and earn a bit. It was bad years ago before the economical changes they made. New players have it soooooo much easier now.

Only applies to Premium account users. Non-prem accounts can still get shafted.

ehh no, i dont use premium unless im working on a new nation. I still break even as none premium.

I’m not talking about just ground. There are 9 modes between air, ground CA and Naval CA, after-all. If we include Heli pve and arcade pve, that’s 11.

This thread about GRB though. If your referring to the others, best to mention them elsewhere.

The SL earning/loss aspect is relevant, though. That’s why I brought it up. Wouldn’t have otherwise.

Fair, however, topic is still under GRB related things. So it’s why I only mention GRB related things and not bring in other things thats about SB or about Naval etc…

Lmao it’s not even about competition. I’d be happy to play a match that ends in a defeat if it last 15 minutes or more and turns out to be a great fight.

If that is the attitude you have why do you even play this kind of game in the first place? Like goddamn how do you convince yourself to log into WT each time knowing you’re gonna resent the game and show such disdain for spending your spare time on something you clearly don’t enjoy?

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The thing is, people do not care about winning or playing the objective.

If my team has mostly gone 0/2, there’s no winning that. Same if they lose all 3 caps right away, and are being pushed into our spawn.

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Most people don’t care about the outcome of a match in this game, compared to something like csgo or league of legends. The reward for winning isn’t anything special to less experienced players or some players in general.


Implying that they weren’t carrying with just 1 life.

Most people in this game don’t even get 1 kill with 2 lives, 3 lives. They are the ones who need to get cracking !

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i mean… sure… most people are very bad at this game… and i mostly get teams full of terribads

Yea, now I get why some people won’t spawn anymore when wanting to just play tanks. It is better to just join another battle.


Try a different approach.
Pick a BR range that you think suits you best. Search for the nation that has the best lineup for that BR range.
Play that exclusively.

Try rereading what I have said.


If you want to play just tanks, one tank lineup is basically closest you get to it. You spawn in, kill as many tanks you can, get killed by CAS and move to another battle and repeat process. Even when I had lineups I always left when got killed by CAS as it basically killed all motivation to continue that battle. Then I also always left, when I got killed by tank and there was CAS in the air as it always resulted in spawning in and getting obliterated in spawn by CAS and then leaving a battle. As a time went I realized that I always use only one tank anyway so why bother to take more than one tank when other tanks get crew locked all time anyway. Now I can play tank I want all the time. As I do not build lineups I do not have to care at all about tanks that are not interesting for me. I do not have to grind XP for different crew slots as I put all tanks in same spot. Grind of modules is less painful as it progress is much faster. I do not have to spent much time on maps I do not like as I can just yolo rush, get few kills, get killed and move on. And the best part I do not have to deal with CAS as this never was fun experience. I would like to play lineups as some nations have fun lineups like France with its autoloaders, but I am not going to do that in combined battles as it is just not worth it.


Yea, look at what I could do in that situation.

Maybe next battle is going to be better.


There was anything you could do to counter it like it is most of time with tank against CAS. Pe-8s bomb was so strong it even killed your motivation to continue to fight this battle.


Congrats to that Pe-8 player, that’s a great drop.

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