Quitters / 1Death Leavers need to be dealt with

I just told you: If I used them every time I died once, as a replacement for ever 1 death leaving, and I was a person who qualified for one or more of the reasons above to 1 death leave, then I’d go through hundreds a month.

I assume people would use them for a time until they unlocked some other tanks.

Which could be a year if you started out with a high tier premium. And which doesn’t ever apply if you just wanted to have fun in a specific tank.

True but does anyone ever really do that? I think people enjoy various tanks and multiple BRs and really just use a premium to push through some tank hurdles. A lot of tanks can be unlocked in less than 20 battles until you get to like Rank VI ans VII of course but my point is, you dont need that many battles ot unlock tanks. You make a valid point if someone wants to skip up to 11.7 but I cant imagine that as a realist scenario

It is what you were suggesting as a solution, when you said “How about just giving us the ability to use a backup for any vehicle within the spawn screen instead of have vehicle specific backups that must be activated prior to the battle…”

The fact that now you seem to view it as “something nobody would ever do” means we agree, then, I guess, that this was not a great proposed solution.

Maybe there isnt a single solution as it’s been an issue for years, but I think we can agree the as a means of using backups, its better than what is currently in place.

You sir only believe that. Most do view this as a competitive game. Hence why there are also Squadron battles cause it’s competitive. Same with leaderboards. I do like the backup idea.

It’s only won or lost in the first 10mins because everyone bails. If they stuck around your games would last a bit longer.

Thats not true, even in lower BRs matches tend to only last about 10-15minutes with matches generally decided before then as the tream stares at the spawn waiting for tickets to expire. My average game time is about 10 minutes total per match and there have been matches in which I have had 3 kills and 2 deaths within the first 4 minutes, left and was crew locked in my other vehicles…

What I meant by that is that the average player does not treat it is a very competetive game. If they did, teamplay would be way more common.

Both true and untrue. I’ve had matches where I thought it was lost, but we won, and other times my team just can’t do anything meaningful and we lose. 1DL does 100% affect this so much more.

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Well, when you have 3 caps, you recover, cap and hold one of them against 5 enemies while 90% of your team struggles to even recover one of the 3 and you die to OP CAS, I’d say that’s a pretty clear indication of how the match’s gonna go. I wouldn’t blame anyone for leaving at that point. I usually don’t and I have had some nice surprises where the team suddenly decides to put their shit together and we end up winning, but on those matches you can see some indication at some point that at least some players are trying. It’s not the case for 80% of my matches however. I blame the horrible match making system and the garbage, f*cking stupid map designers for that however.

Even if my team spawned 5 times each I would still leave after 1. You will see why

Sure, give me more rewards for staying in the match and I’ll stay.
Punish me for leaving when I don’t want to respawn anymore and I’ll stop playing.

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Absolutely not.

Sure… Some of your stuff is valid… But im not going to held into a match, that is a waste of time.

I die a lot less than the average player (they will be on 2 or 3 deaths and have left, while im still 0-1 death, usually) but im still going to hit Tab when i die and make a decision on whether or not im spawning back in.

Most of the games i 1 death leave, i look at the scoreboard (im usually top 5, and have the most kills, etc) and i see that half my team has left, and/or they are doing nothing, after ive had to 4 v 1, and got shot at from multiple angles on the map. Im not going to spawn back in when my “team” has shown me they are awful and doing nothing.

  • Sure you Do have a point of it would be nice if people werent trash at the game and actually supported their team… but the issue is people being bad at the game and then rage/1 death leaving, and there isnt really a way to regulate that. So the Fix is for them to be better players, and better people… which… good luck with that. People are mostly trash.
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You F****** hypocrite ,moaning at me for my post then you come out with this ?

they technically already do this… with the addition to the kill bonuses (which i think they should include assists as well as base/point captures)

– They should also add rp/SL, etc bonuses for Decapping points

I usually don’t ODL. I’m saying that if there were more punishments for leaving - I wouldn’t play.

Just proof you are a troll

I totally agree with you that people need to pucker up and stay in the fight. Happened to me a number of times where my team just vanished but some of us stayed in the fight and kept soldiering on to secure the victory.

This whole “theres no point in me staying” attitude is just lazy and entitled. Like people will only make an effort if they know theyre guaranteed a win? Rather than earning that victory.

People want success with little effort smh

And the economy is not the problem, the only way i lose SL even with an expensive lineup is if i play badly

How about "I got my Battle Pass quota and I’m off to do the next challenge before the time runs out? "

Nothing entitled about that other than the player being entitled to do so by the games manufactures who positively encourage it and make money from it happening.

The game makers don’t care about ODL, they encourage it, then they give the player a Crew lock for doing it .

You couldn’t make it up how crazy and unplayable this game is right now.

Not everyone play for victories. I personally do not care what will be result of battle. I only care about how I did with my tank. Being sneaky rat and killing tanks from unexpected positions is just fun.


If the match is lost 5 minutes into the match, it is not worth staying. I am not going to waste my time on a match that has already been lost.


There’s no point in me staying when the rest of my team is full of lobotomites, i cant carry a high tier GRB game on my own im not gonna put extra effort in just for a little more RP when i can get more from just going into the next game and possibly getting a decent team and a map where i can spawncamp the enemy, the game incentivises ODL at high tier, high tier is either spawn camp or be spawn camped there’s no inbetween why should i respawn in my challenger 2 again just to be instakilled by CAS or droves of leopard 2A7 and T-90M