Quitters / 1Death Leavers need to be dealt with

Or just don’t care. In WoT for example, if you leave the battle a certain number of times, you can get banned. That never stopped me from doing it. Sure I got banned a lot but that was time I used to play other games, study or whatver you want.
In the end, by banning me, I started to realise that the game was terrible and I went to WT. If WT now decides to ban me, then I’ll go to AW and so on.
Penalties aren’t the way


It could be an argument that it worked in WoT. Because you left.
I’m not the guy who will tell ya that you are wrong.
I respect your opinion. I share it in some points but not at all.
My guess is if Gaijin would start to work on the decompression and some cautios changes on map design then other problems could be solved by just disappearing. Just make the playerbase happy and people would stop for every minor issue.
People start to look for every … in germany we say … hair in the soup if they get fed up by other major issues.

Of course. Fixing the game will make some ODL problems disapear and that’s the best way to go.

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Some but not all because most ODL have an issue with their mentality towards the Game rather than the Game being at fault. The existent issues in the Game are just used as an excuse as we see here and they can’t even understand what there might be an issue with how they approach the Game - and not how the Game approaches them because simply there is never going to be Maps pleasing everyone, so you will always have ODL on some Maps, the Grind is never going to be enjoyable and good paced for everyone so theres going to be ODL due to that, theres always going to be controversy with people who want Tank vs Tank only Mode and are going to continue to ODL due to that and once Tank vs Tank would come out they will leave because of the issues this will bring…

Its a issue with those peoples mentality - they are simply quitters who are only playing a MP like a Singleplayer.

And Grindwise to maximize RP Gains its definitely better to continue a Match than ODL because the length of a Match greatly increases the gained Rewards by a lot - people who say otherwise probably just never had a Match last longer than five Minutes as they always leave beforehand.

And i would ask again how on Earth is it fun to queue up in a Team vs Team Match, play for three-four Minutes or even less and then leave with the first death which ruins the fun for everyone else as now the Match is unbalanced, its not really enjoyable to play a Multiplayer without the Multiplayer because everyone just quits…and then why don’t you play Custom Battles instead?

And ‘my team leaves me alone…then the next battle i’ll be very selfish’ you are punishing over a dozen of other Players for the fault of an entirely different Team of which maybe like one-two leaved you alone…

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Because with that sort of mentality what MP is going to be fun when literally every thing not being perfect or going your way is enough Reason for you to quit? I can already tell that no matter if suddenly they were only perfect Maps enjoyed by everyone, perfect paced Grind for everyone, perfect balancing etc. its just going to be another issue that you will use an excuse to be a quitter and none of those are ever going to be anywhere near perfect and especially not for everyone.

So as i have said dozens of times by now the people being quitters will have to change their mentality and approach towards the Game and the Game needs to do something against quitters because else its never going to stop no matter what they do.

Dude… it works the same in the game as on the forum… you dont care about other opinions, so they dont care about yours…
Thats true even if the game was perfect ODL will remain no matter what, but WE have to adress the problems so at least get closer to that “perfect game”
Ppl saying that being mad for uptiers since there is only 4 enemies that are full BR higher forget about the fact that there are still 0.7 and 0.3 BR higher vehicles, so at best you fight on “even” ground with your BR, then there is a map that can force you into head on engage so well if you went same way that the top boys than yep that was funny as hell.
Then there is other problems like overtiered vehicles for example 76 Jumbo that has no firepower.
We also get undertiered stuff like Jagpanther at 6.0
Or my favorite rockets heli rush to get 2-3 kills and spawn in plane XDDD
It is no competetive, no ranks, no rewards so untill it is casual I will ODL as much as I want


Also if you build lineup around specific vehicle you want to play as main vehicle of your lineup, it can result in having just one tank with specific BR and rest of lineup will have lower BR. So in full uptiers you can fight mostly much higher difference of BRs of total. For example AMX-40 is only 9.7 vehicle for France.


Again, the football match analogy applies.

Yes … sad but that’s how humans work.

as long as Gaijin sell vehicles to people with little or no backup vehicles this problem will continue (among other things)

(example) When i join a battle with a ton of green people in Leopard 2 (PzBtl 123)s i know it will most likely be an uphill battle where a good portion of the team will sod off after first death.

Which in turn make be look at the battle overview before i spawn in again.

And that goes for ALL nations higher br premiums.

Some teams/battles are lost before they start.

One death leaving is caused literally entirely by a single mechanic that Gaijin chooses to leave in the game: The backups system. There USED to also be an issue of “Worrying about repair costs if you were being overrun and knew that you’d just die right away” but that basically was solved by the “per minute repair cost” mechanic recently.

So the only remaining reasons for 1 death leaving are ALL caused by the backups system:

  • If I just want to have fun in a specific tank, and die, I can’t anymore, because I have limits on how often I can drive it in one match. Backups system blocks me. 1 Death leaving solves it.

  • If I want to focus on spading a specific tank, and die, I can’t anymore, because I have limits on how often I can drive it in one match. Backups system blocks me. 1 Death leaving solves it.

  • If I only OWN one vehicle in a lineup, e.g. a premium, and I want to keep fighting, I can’t, because I have limits on how often I can drive it in one match. Backups system blocks me. 1 Death leaving solves it.

How there managed to be a 67 comment discussion thread about this, with the sole cause of the problem only being referred to in passing one time confuses me.

If you don’t like 1 death leavers, tell Gaijin to let people spawn the same vehicle as many times as they want and to ditch backups as a system. That’s 100% of the cause.

I kept a data sheet of kills, deaths, wins, losses, SL, RP map type etc that is sitting in an SQL database and I found that based on my personal play style that I lost 87% of matches I spawned a second vehicle and the second vehicle generally had worse K:D and worse win%. In almost all of these cases the game was decided before I finally died. While I can totally understand the premium ODL as an excuse, when I look at my data, there is no benefit to respawn anyway so I take a more calculated approach to whether I respawn or not.

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Not true, poor map design and compression are more common reasons why people 1DL. Not having backups may be part of the reason, and its not the biggest reason.

You do have a point tho. Giving players 5-10 backups on a tank when you purchase it would be positive. Alternatively if there is only one vehicle of the highest rank in your lineup, that vehicle gets a 2nd spawn.

Another way to make backups better would be the ability to switch them from vehicle to vehicle. Aircraft backups are only usable in AAB, so they are useless to ARB players.


Personally it’s simple:

-the whole team will die on the same point
-allies who play without screens
-allies who release a WW2 tank in top tier to troll
-guys spam the MG at spawn and when approaching heading points

= I leave after the first death

Those are reasons for ZERO-death leaving, not one death leaving. Which is a whole different, and much less impactful, issue. Mainly because you almost always get replaced by some other player when you leave before a match even starts.

How about just giving us the ability to use a backup for any vehicle within the spawn screen instead of have vehicle specific backups that must be activated prior to the battle…Essentially make them all universal for all ranks and useable any time.

I think its a mix, there are times when I saw screw it and play to my first death and bail but to your point there are times when I see a bad map, bad mode, bad comp and just say nope and go load up cyberpunk

I don’t think anything about still having backups but them being slightly more flexible etc. is a sufficient solution to this issue, because if you actually relied on them every single time you died, you’d have nowhere near enough of them.

Thats true but how many do people “need” I have hundreds of backusp just from warbond store doing battlepasses that will probably never be fully used

You have hundreds BECAUSE you’re not using them all the time. If you used them in every single match where you died once, well… I don’t know because you seem to be hiding who you are on a smurf forum account for some reason (? lol?). But using my own numbers instead: 112 battles last week, let’s say I died in 70 of them at least once, so I could burn through “hundreds” of backups in a month if I used them every time that happened.

I dont personally ever use a backup because I have lineups but my point is, how many would someone “need”

I assume people would use them for a time until they unlocked some other tanks. I rarely play my premiums to be honest.