Quitters / 1Death Leavers need to be dealt with

“The beatings will continue until morale improves.”

I think you do not realize this method of thought would significantly impact Ground battles more than 1DL. Guarantee you if punishments are the standard for playing ground, people will stop playing on a large scale, mostly because you’re attempting to force cooperation instead of addressing why people do it in the first place. There is no way to stop everyone from doing it, the best plan is to reduce the likelihood of it happening. I for sure would not want to play ground anymore if I am forced to sit through a match I have no motivation for, I’m there most of the time grinding vehicles, not playing for the love of the game.


Well said.

Also, if punishments are put in place, people will abuse stuff, like taking a reserve tank to just J out of it/get killed right away.

I’d also like to add that I would rather have a team that all goes 0:1 than 0:3 or more. Atleast one doesn’t feed the enemy SP.

Because it can be fun. I know the issues, but sometimes there can be fairly enjoyable matches.

Yeah it would affect me because I don’t want to play on a map I hate in a full upteir, that just isn’t fun.


What if it’s just that you don’t like the excuses personally?


As long as you’ll think that, you’ll never understand why people are doing it so you might just open 4 other threads on the same subject, it’ll save you some time


It is always same. First it would be ODL next to come would be bad players that just feed enemy. You cannot satisfy those kind of players. They also fail to understand realistic battles for tanks is basically monopoly in entire gaming industry. There is no competition and Gaijin decided to create just one game mode for realistic tank battles for all kind of players to share. It is also why gaijin is only one who should be blamed for creating such environment. For me, tank-only mode or EC GRB would be probably enough to go back to full lineup. However as it is now I will play with one tank lineup(which is valid lineup and you can enter battle without any warning) as only early to mid game is fun for me. Late game is just frustration to deal with CAS and if it is not fun why bother with late game. Also trying for victories with banch of random players is not worth the frustration it has. Just look at them how they are frustrated here on forum. I used to be like that in WoT where I was frustrated with looses as I wanted to win all time, but then I said f*ck it and changed my perspective to just have fun in game and it is much better now.


Not what you thought I meant.

You are articulate and obviously think about the game. But many with only 2k matches try to get to top tier and DON’T think at all, hence top tier 1DL possibly down to no lineup players, Premium skippers, and still will not have the same ingame knowledge required at top tier against people who took their time.

You might be fine but consider all the others with little experience filling teams at higher tiers. Yes it is not definite but when I (never have never will play TT because alwats broken and modern did not exist when I started) play and most my team are 10-20 at mid BRs with 10% spaded vehicles (rushed, not learned anything) it just becomes soul destroying; sorry since day 1 people had tactics and changed depending on the evolving battle. Now it is yolo one cap over and over face smacking, getting killed in big groups by air (not meme bombs), always picking the WORST cap as Youtuber/Twitch did it! Etc.

So part of the problem you mention is down to people rushing too quick and not bringing spawns, or players peeved they got the team with mostly donuts.

Of course, you might be an exception (you are in my opinion) but many are not and their play shows.

It was poorly worded, I agree, and apologise for that element.

Realistically very little will be done about ODL because Gaijin tacitly supports it and it’s how they want the game to work. ODL creates shorter games, throws players back into the MM queue faster along with lowering RP rewards per match, and one vehicle premium line-ups is how they make a lot of money as well.

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I know why people do it, already said it like five times by now but i simply don’t agree with it. Theres so many MP Games out there with unpleasing Maps which aren’t fun to play but when i queue up and get in a Match with that Map i still continue to play it and don’t leave because its a very basic priniciple in Multiplayer Games that you don’t abandon your Team that relies on you in a Multiplayer Game - why are all of you not understanding that? Regardless if it is a RTS, Shooter, PvE, Battle Royale or War Thunder…you just don’t do that its that simple. Imagine people playing Sports IRL doing that - you don’t do it in fun/friendly Matches and don’t do it in competitive ones.

Theres lots of Maps i hate as well, i don’t think of it as enjoyable to be sniped by a Heli who just hovers 10km out of Map, CAS could use some Nerf as well etc…

But this also subject to personal preference - many want a only Tank vs Tank Mode and while i don’t particullary like CAS either i think its necessary and a great addition overall to the Mode.
Some people hate big open Maps, some hate the City Maps.

Theres i never going to be a full fix to this Issues because theres always going to be people disliking this or that change but there is a fix to the ODL Issue and that is an Community Problem - don’t be a quitter and don’t abandon a Team that relies on you in a Multiplayer Game…

Thats just projecting and it was ‘Ion_Protogen’ in previos Statement who argued its better to have 0:1 than 0:3 because one doesn’t feed the Enemy i.e. rather have the Game ruined by ODL than continue playing with bad Players and accuse me of treating it to competitively when you are concerned about Stuff like feeding the Enemy… I don’t mind playing with bad Players / Noobs at all - can be frustrating to lose because some are blind/deaf or whatever and sometimes im the one doing mistakes, not having paid attention, aimed wrong so now the Enemy gets to kill both me and Ally when it should have been an easy Kill…it happens, thats how Multiplayer is

Ask Gaijin then to create a rotation of only consistently perfect Maps, perfect balance between Vehicles and CAS/Helis, a good paced Grind everyone enjoys…simply not possible and due to that there will always be quitters as long as the quitters don’t change their mentality.

While your reasons for staying are morally good, good intentions do not yeild the results most people want. They want RP over Wins. It doesn’t matter if there are ever “perfect” conditions for staying, most motivation comes from wanting to grind a specific vehicle. So, in this case, we would need to create incentives for people to stay and use all their vehicles, like having an RP pool that you can divy after the match to vehicles of your choosing. Trying to reason with people to stay, citing good intentions nd teamwork will sadly not go as far as one would hope. After the grind was restricted to time in game, people are going to focus on maximizing their time, even if it means abandoning a match early.

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It would be the exact same if you ended up playing football on a field covered with craters and with a team that don’t know the rules and don’t even speak your language.

WT is a multiplayer game, yes, but that doesn’t mean it’s a team game. Individual actions are more rewarded than collective ones.
I could play as a team if only half of it wasn’t speaking russian/chinese or not speaking at all. Do you actually see battles where an entire team coordinates itself ?

When I play with a friend, we do some teamwork cuz we can actually communicate. Good luck with that when playing alone.


Exactly. The question we have to ask ourselves is; why are we playing ?
Some people play to get the next tank and therefore don’t care about any form of team play.
Some others, play to have fun and the moment the game is frustrating, they leave.
Finally, some, mostly veterans, play in some sort of roleplay and these are the ones that care the most about team play but these are a minority.


LMAO, other games also gives players more choices what to do.

Good PvE games scale based on current number of players. Also in PvE games you sure can select mission and difficulty you want to play. For example DRG where you can join and disconnect to anyone on server list, you can choose mission you want to play so you do not have to spent time on environment you do not like. Same with Payday 2 for example. You are not forced to play missions you do not like because you just do not need to connect there. Any PvE game that forces you to play what game selects for you, is just bad game design. Also there are so many PvE games you can choose one that is perfect for you.

RTS - I do not care about that genre so I cannot confirm or deny anything about that.

Shooter games have most offer dedicated server for community to setup. For example in battlebit I do not like snipers, so I have option to create my own server with custom rules about classes or I can join other server with rules I like and there are a lot of community server. Also there are so many shooter games that you can actually go for those that have most optimal rules you like. Counter strike 2 is also good example. You can play casual, where you can join and disconnect when you want and nobody cares about it or you can choose to play competitive where you accept the rules of competitive that you have to stay to end or you get suspended from that specific MM. WT does not have any rule about you having to stay till the end and it also is not competitive game as there are no ranks you can grind.

Battle royale is same as shooter, there are so many choices you can go for one that has solos and you can leave when you die and go for another match.

Which goes back to simple problem there is - realistic tank battles is monopoly and all kind of players are forced to choose between playing one game mode or nothing. And everyone who choose the first option will play it the way they want to because they can. And like I said many times before one tank lineup is as valid as 10 vehicles lineup. One tank lineup will never give you any warning that your lineup is too small. Also game does not force you to buy additional slots.


Exactly this. Playing with friends in squad with coms is probably only true teamplay you can experience in this game. Otherwise is just deathmatch.

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There were so many threads about tank-only mode or more map bans. On old forum there was 700+ pages about tank-only mode. It was never added in any form. More map bans were completely ditched in one Q&A, where Gaijin said even one map ban is an issue. This is why I gave up on those ideas and simply adapt to have fun. Why should I sacrifice my time in order to make some players happy when Gaijin care only about queue times and does not want to split community. So you can thank gaijin that he puts all different kind of players in same queue.


Maybe we all got a different view on rewards. For most people I think (I don’t know) it’s the income from the battle to grind.
For others it
… is rewarding to dominate the enemy team and beeing untouchable.
… is the thrill of a good competative battle which lasts long and the outcome isn’t priority but the cherry on the cake.
… doesn’t matter which role he plays. He wants to win and doesn’t care about the grind and the income. He does everything which is necessary to win, even sacrificing his tank for the team.

My point is. We all got different playstyles and opinions on what a good battle is. The moment we accept that some playstyles are hurting the experience for others could be a good start. To differ which problems Gaijin caused and which other players causes could be a good start. On what Gaijin is doing we got minor impact. But we as a playerbase can stand together and work on that to get a better playing experience in the game for all. And sometimes it means to accept things. And it does work like “hey the other guy has to start to change or accept”.
It starts with you to make a change.
So enough heroic … all I’m asking is for a bit more grown up behavior. Some treat each other here like … (fill in whatever nasty word you like)

Good luck with that. Most of players does not care what other players wants from them and they probably will not sacrifice their enjoyment just to make some players happy. I also believe that players active on forum is just a fraction of playerbase.

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Also depends on the situation. What I mean is that a single person can enjoy all those three gameplays.
For example I often come into battle with the will to win and do teamwork (mostly because I have nothing interesting left to grind). But then if the battle is catastrophic, my team leaves me alone or even block my actions, then the next battle I’ll be very selfish.

I was actually having an idea although it’s a weird one, I have a 10-tank lineup I probably not going to be able to use them all at once, so how about putting them up for teammates to use? make it so in the beginning of the match I can select which tanks my teammates get to use, it will cost them their available spawn points but the repair is out of my own pocket, so someone has run out of tanks but has enough spawn point for another spawn, they can use an available tanks from teammates. So what yall thinks

This will be never ever coming because the grind is what the most people keeps on playing. Players could abuse such features to the maximum. This would just reduce the effort by lazy players even further. It will be always the same “Why I should … if somebody else …”
You cannot change the mindset of people by adding even more rewards. The will change only if they really want. Even if you force people to change their behavior by draconic penalties they would rather go here and cry before they start to change.