Quitters / 1Death Leavers need to be dealt with

Its not hard to understand but its simply not the truth. I know that for some people bad Map or whatever is Reason enough to quit the Match (as i have already said) - i just find it ridicilous to be honest.
As i wrote in my OG Post already most don’t quit because the Match is being lost, the Map is bad, theres a Heli sniping into Spawn or whatever they quit because they are quitters and give up the second one thing isn’t going perfectly / they get killed.

How do you know the Match isnt fun when you don’t even play it because you immediately leave?
How do you know the Match isnt going to become fun when you immediately leave it?

Just today alone i have had several Matches of BS at first but ultimately turned out to be fun and some which stayed complete BS from beginning to the end - but i don’t abandon my Team and give up instantly…

There never is going to be a fun Match when you instantly quit every one of them, like you don’t even give it the chance to potentially become fun.
And so what if it is a bad Round and lose? It happens.

And if you dislike every single Map and apparently everything happening inside a Match - why play the Game?


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you fail to understand extremely basic concepts that have been explained to you like they would be to a 5 year old. it’s sad but not worth the effort to reply the same questions again and again.


Too many rush up the trees.

And look, the OP has 2000 matches overall. Hmm…


And yet it is not competitive. War Thuder have too many random factors, that nulify individual player skill (Map, teams compostition, line-ups, different crews and etc).

But you can do that in many games. Even Counter-Strike allows you to safely leave from casual matches.

Yes. And thats the way to grind for many. If i have line-up of three vehicles and i clearly see that two of 3 is useless here - i dont want to stay here and waste my time (and give more points and SLs for my destruction for enemy).


Lol yet ANOTHER thread on ODL … people never learn or what XD ?

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Nope, none whatsoever. Only a bunch of really bad excuses.

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5 minutes*

Now, as for the OP and others with your stance…

When the Russian Bias code is removed from the game in entirety.
When the criminally undertiered Russian vehicles are uptiered accordingly.
When the maps stop being utter dogwater in design.

Then, I’ll consider stopping my ODL tendencies. Until then, I will ODL as much as I want.
Just try and stop me. I dare you.


If there’s no good incentive in a match to stay, then it doesn’t matter what reason or excuse a person provides. War Thunder is incredibly punishing when trying to grind a single ground vehicle. Wins do not matter that much when you want to try to upgrade a vehicle, especially if that vehicle was lost early or if the vehicle is just completely useless in the current map. A free backup spawn would help, same with RP increases to ground. But in comparison, Ground vehicles are not fun to grind versus aircraft. It’s a lot easier for people to move on to the next match to maximize their use of playtime. Heck, if you could play any vehicle and funnel any RP earned into researching modules, that would eliminate issues of having to play an ineffective, difficult, or stock vehicle.


You compare Counter-Strike with War Thunder can’t even put the same together. Look at Counter-Strike is tactical shooter and War Thunder is like teamplay requirement and communication.

And none of those ‘extremely basic concepts’ make any sense at all, they are literally just excuses as to why they give their Allies the middle Finger, abandon them and quit with 1D. Its a Multiplayer Game - a Team Game where you can’t be replaced by a Bot or another Player when you quit.

Every single thing said so far has been nothing but absolute ridicilous excuses like…bad Map? Really? Thats not a ‘extremely basic concept’, its f* stupid. You want me to take that seriously?

And it shows that everyone here defending that quitter behaviour here is a quitter - who would’ve thought.

Should try out joining the Army/Military for some time, there you learn to not be quitter and not make up any ridicilous excuses when one thing isn’t going perfectly well for you…

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I’ll only stop the day they finally start taking action against this type of behaviour as it is ruining the whole Game at Top Tier and increasingly happens at lower BRs as well. Its simply not fun to play a Game where the majority are just quitters and im not denying that the Game doesn’t have issues but none of those are come even close to be a justifiable excuse to be a quitter and give everyone the middle finger.
Its a lot more of an Community issue than it is an issue due to the Game because a lot are just to sensitive and mentally weak.

And what is that supposed to mean? No right to speak because i don’t have 10000 Matches where the same thing happens? I can already tell that when i reach 3000 Matches, 4000, 5000…they are all going to be the same like the previous ones.

It doesn’t even take five Matches to see that it is an issue…what a stupid way to try an discredit someone.

In fact i wouldn’t have even needed to play a single Game because most of you just directly confirmed what i said - outing yourself as being quitter / ODL for ridicilous excuses and not caring at all…

Atleast try and see the reasons why people 1DL.

A bad map is a reasonable excuse to 1DL because certain lineups perform poorly on some maps, and better on others.

People wouldn’t 1DL as much if the excuses weren’t justifiable.

You need to understand why people do it before you try and fix the issue. You are ignoring the reasons why, and you are refusing to accept why people think they are valid reasons. You are treating war thunder too much like a competitive game, but it really isn’t. The game punishes you for dying, and people don’t want to die to something mostly out of their control.

The main reasons why people leave after 1 death is

  1. Uptiers – People do not want to fight tanks that outclass them, nor do they want to be easy kills for the enemy.
  2. CAS – People play GRB mainly for the ground aspect of it. No one likes dying to something they physically can’t do anything against unless they die.
  3. The map – Map design is one of war thunders weakest components. No one wants to play on a map that they don’t enjoy playing on. No one wants to play on a map they don’t enjoy at all.

Would you want to play a game that isn’t enjoyable?


Listing your same excuses three, four or five times won’t make them less ridicilous.
And i don’t treat the Game overly competitve at all - but people like you make it impossible to play for Fun, for Grind and competitvely because every Match is just infected with quitters.
I remember playing Warcraft III back in the Day, everyone hated the Black Citadel Tileset / Maps because it looked ugly af and had OP Creeps on it and yet not one Person quit it because you just don’t abandon your Team.

Go play against Computer or any Solo Game when you do this but not a damn Multiplayer where your Team relies on you. The only person not understanding it are you

Its that simple, you don’t abandon your Team that relies on you in a Multiplayer Team vs Team Game.

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You are refusing to even acknowledge the reasons people 1DL might be somewhat valid.

You aren’t understanding why people leave after 1 death. You are outright refusing to see the other perspective, you are thinking that your view is the only correct view.

Then make the game worth playing. Ofc people will abandon teams if they will lose more than they will earn. People will abandon their team if the situation is not good.

Punishments will just kill the game, and push away players.


Funny how often it’s the people that want to fly that get angriest at 1DLers. I noticed it years ago, when I would be having a good game, only to find half my team gone when I died my first time. Those were the games that I got the least joy from, since I frequently did well enough to spawn again, time after time, only to be outnumbered and in a hopeless fight. Most of those matches would see me lead the losing team, and frequently they cost me SL, too.

They could always shift things around so that, in the ground combat mode, it was easier to make SL and RP by staying on the ground, unless someone that wanted to fly was good at dogfighting, and could empty the skies of enemy aircraft. Currently, it pays too well to go ground-pounding, so it’s miserable to keep tanking once the aircraft are up. (and fliers on both teams are frequently ignoring each other in favor of killing ground targets)

Good news, though! I’ve quit trying to tank in this game, so that’s one less 1DL player. (Doin’ my part!)


I already acknowledged your excuses several times by now. I already did so in my Original Post…those however aren’t Reasons but ridicilous excuses.

And then i ask again : Why do you even play? You keep on saying this bad, that bad, this is Reason why Game sucks and that its not worth playing and yet you continue playing it and ruining it for everyone around you.

You are the one refusing to see any fault or wrong in your Actions and fail to understand the most basic principle in every Multiplayer-Game :

You don’t abandon your Team that relies on you in a Multiplayer Team vs Team Game.
Whats so hard to understand about it?

And you know what pushes people away from the Game? Quitters like you who are completely destroying every Match they are in. You are just afraid and against punishment because it would affect you.

I don’t play Air and don’t even have a single CAS in my Line Up nor any Plane researched at all and i never once saw someone get angry at quitters with the stated reason that it is due to them wanting to fly / join in with Air.

And of course its not fun to play a Match where everyone has already quit within the first Minutes…whole point of this post. They ruin it for everyone and can just think of themself.

Well, the start of matches is the only time there aren’t aircraft. (at least until helicopters) Why would any angry player state they wanted to fly when their team left?

Look at the bright side: As I said, I’ve quit, so at least one tanker isn’t there doing 1DL anymore.