Quite the game after one death

I’ve done worse bro I no-death leaves the maps I hate especially snow maps that hurt my eyes. Since I got 5 nations to play so I can no-death leave 4 times in a row and still get to play! whether you like it or not, there is nothing you can do about it bro!

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Oh it does, do you have matches were half of your team quit because they have only one tank and is not even premium one. Imagine 10 battles lost because of this very nice to play. Must players think WT is like WoT one battle and done next battle. The tutorial only teach them basics not the gameplay battle that require multiple tanks.

…and in another thread players want to get crew lock removed - which originally was introduced to prevent players to leave a patch prematurely…

Can we remove crew lock already - Game Discussion / General Discussion - War Thunder — official forum

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That isn’t true because there is a confirmation box you have to click that tells the player they still have points and vehicles they can play.
They are making a intentional decision to leave because they have decided its not in their interests to keep going.
Also I think you are only noticing when you lose, not all the games you lost just because the shoe was on the other foot and the other team happened to have a higher number of quitters.

You are right about points to respawn verhicles but if you can don’t have extra verhicle or backup verhicle pass then is difficult to keep playing. I don’t think you will spawn rank 1 verhicle in rank 3 battle mayby for the fun.

A lot of players are leaving battles because of the Matchfixing / matchmaking system, where we have to fight against downtired enemies… where some favoured players are allowed to make a lot of easy kills on our expense. Secondly they have the highest kill-rate for the same reason.

Just a small ask/suggestion would it be possible to edit the matchmaker to pair players who have a history of repeatedly leaving after one death together? I wouldn’t want it to be a permanent change for them, more of a deterrent and a way to pair people who simply want to play a single premium together.

Would that be fair - if the player join up for a BR 5.0 battle and have to fight BR 6.0 enemies. Do you understand the differences between BR +1 level tanks etc. and the advantages the opponents have on the battlefield. If the battles was announced as (example) max BR 6.0, then the players could align the line-up accordingly … and we would all get a fair-fight … and therefore avoiding players leaving the battle.

Wtf has that got to do with people deliberately leaving after 1 death game after game, premium players are known for this because it doesn’t affect them, they die leave then joint straight into the next game. Other players have to essentially die needless because half of the team have left just to avoid getting crew locked.

Well try to ask those players who leaves battles after loosing the first vehicle ? From what I have learned from them, they are checking which BR levels they have to fight against (after the first vehicle lost)… and if a lot of the RED team are downtired vehicles with a BR level +1 (example BR 7.0 against BR 8.0), then they leave.

If the battles was announced as (example) max BR 6.0, then the players could align the line-up accordingly … and we would all get a fair-fight … and therefore avoiding players leaving the battle.

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Dude it is not black magick to guess what BR are you playing against since spawn points at the start of the game tells you what BR are you fighting.
I’m premium player cuz I want the top stuff and not rly feel like playing couple of years just to get to that point, even with full lineup I sometimes 1DL or even 0DL.
Why should I stay in the battle when I get the map that I hate but cant ban it since there is only 1 ban, or it is typical all vs ussr game when T-80BVMs hold W ram into your team get 1/2 kills than comes KA50s and 3min into the battle you cant even move up without looking 360 everytime you move cuz mb there is one near your spawn.
Even 16v16 furball meta ARB is more fun and uptiers are not that bad cuz you can see from far away who is coming and who you can or cant take on.

Please explain me what the difference is leaving the battle at the spawn point … or after the first lost vehicle ?

Depends mb you got a kill mb not, still no point in suffering

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Something like having green bushes on all your tanks then getting Cologne or Advance to Rhine can lead to leaving early as the camo works against you.I do see occasionally were players spawn in Normandy in winter camo and leave very quickly.Also a player can set up a certain line for Battle challenge and find the map is totally unsuited for that chosen line up.

People can get sick up the uptier and leave as well or maybe they just had the same map 3 times already as is common now.Looking at the line up of your teammates and seeing you are one of the few uptiers can lead to bailing early.So many reasons related to the game itself not the player.

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I quit sometimes as well after one tank … when 15min has passed, I’m satisfied with my performance and I’m facing 15 enemies while my team consists of only 3 players.

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As long as Gaijin keeps selling higher tier premiums to new players, this will be a problem (and man it’s bad after a sale) people will leave

As long as the maps are unbalanced and/or bad (an example: The Ardenners winter where the south west spawn is out in the open and you can get pawn camped from the other side) people will leave

As long as the BR system is as it is and people are getting fed up getting uptiered for the gazillionth time, people will leave.

Fix the game, and less people (not all) will start to stay for longer.

DON’T effing blame the players, when they are doing it because of how the game works, blame the game.


I’m just wondering… how can the premium vehicles - (the first 10-20 battles) make a lot of easy kills. What ever I’m aiming at … I kill. Is there a factor (aiming or some kind of hit accuracy) in the game. ?

my premiums don’t react that way, so either you are better than me or more lucky :)

I think it’s pure coincidence tbh.

I have recorded videos of the first five Object-120 battles - where I made 9, 10, 12, 9 and15 kills. What ever I was shooting at - was hit and killed in the first shot. … and I was wondering, why it was that easy… After 15-20 battles it all changed into “normal” … and today I don’t even bother using it.

New toys are fun

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