PL 8B will just be a stronger PL 5E with more thrust and range
in short its the short range ET for china
in theory PL5EII should have better multi element dual colour seeker but currently… Maybe it will be implemented later.
I’d rather have Gaijin fix issues with the J-10A flight model, notably the massive increase in drag past mach 1.
PL-5EII is fine as it is.
(this is my video but the tests were made by general lee)
Current Python-4 vs (PL-8B) made by General Lee with the information that we have online for this missile.
Python-3 vs PL-8B
It says AIM9B lol, guess it is a naming error but PL8B is way too fast compared to P4, should be much closer.
This test was when the python 4 were new and unfinished it might be unfinished even now
brother this test made by general lee are from last year not when the Python-3 was added to the game or before that, the Python-4 didnt exist at that time mate.
yes its a naming error and also its not way to fast its what it is, the PL-8B have way less control surfaces that implies a lot less drag than the Python-4 guys, remember that the Python-4 have a lottt of control surfaces we can translate this as More air to move, more drag = more energy bleeding = less effective range is not really difficult to understand actually.
Yea sry i meant p4 i fixed that
The motor though, it should be stronger, as far as I am aware the python 4 motor is not what at least was claimed by some to be a large improvement to python 3, almost the same to quite the contrary.
yea some random people claimed that the Python-4 it even have the range of an R-27ET for just having a similar Delta V, just hearing this it literally hurts my brain to much XD, i dont know what some people smokes but the Python-4 have a declared effective range of 15 km.
That is quite high, although knowing that this figure is 10+km for even AIM9 is a bit. It has sth like 16 control surfaces or is that P5?
both missiles have the same quantity of control surfaces.
The python 4 isn’t smokeless the motor produces the same amount of smoke as a derby
The seeker also only has a 180° coverage, only the python 5 can truly achieve a 360° coverage because it has datalink and a IIR seeker
The python 4 has only an effective range of 15 km compared to the ET which is 50 km plus and 12 km on a tail chase
Maneuverability wise yes the python 4 is better but it can vary depending on how close you’re shooting your missile in a dogfight
At very close range the r73 is better because of TVC
The python 4 will most likely kill it on the second merge since the seeker will most likely keep lock because of its high gimbal limit
In game the python 4 will either have the 9m irccm or fov gathwith
It will come into the game probably soon since the f18 is coming
It was already leaked 6 months ago on some Israeli planes but the pictures got deleted
Over a year now, it was intended to arrive with the F-16D Barak (back when the F-16C/Aim-9M arrived with the SMT/R-73) but was pulled after it was discovered that ot would absolutely crush everything else it faced, since then however (plus with the buffing of magic 2 and addition of nerfed AAM-3) I believe there to be no excuse not to add a Python 4 with the Magic 2 seekerhead, everything for the missile is ready in the files and we have over 5 available launch platforms in game.
I feel like gaijin will wait to add it with next gen IRs and by then the Python-5 will be the appropriate choice
Python 4 has datalink too and lock after lunch so u can kinda do a stealth close bvr
Thats why it will be so strong compare to other 4 gen missiles
Also it has both irccm like the magic and 9m
That is hard to believe, source? I don’t think it has any of that, only the Python 5 does.
It doesn’t these features are only available for the python 5