Python 4

Is the python 4 coming any soon since its one of the last missile that can be added before we get IIR missiles like aim 9x
the missile has been sitting in the files for almost 2 years

PL8B should also be added for china


Do you know why the Python 4 missiles, along with the now recently seen MICA-IR is sat in the files not being added in the game? Because the game is NOWHERE near ready for them, their would be no counterplay to their modern IRCCM, and planes with lower flare counts already struggle with lasting an entire match since they run out so fast (Looking at you Mig-29G)

PL-8B would be fine, since it would perform virtually the same as the Magic ll, just with an extra 5Gs of pull with the same type of IRCCM.


python 4 has the stinger irccm which we are all familiar with
plus the kfir c10 blk 60 is coming up therefore it would be good that the plane has something unique in order for people to be interested in the plane
because rn python 3 isnt cutting it for its br
MICA ir is just unflareable


?? we already have artificially nerfed missiles in game (AAM-3 comes to mind) that are using worse IRCCM than what they have irl. This was always a balance decision. They can just add the python 4 with its flight model and give it 9M IRCCM like they did with the aam3


yeah and stinger irccm is close to undefeatable in game

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or give it FOV gatewith

It’s a 1993 missile, so technically it kinda makes sense. But Gaijin fears that if they unleash the full power of Israeli technology, it would break the game (Merkava’s armor, Spikes’ accuracy, Israel’s air top tier lacking domestic weapons, Sholef being 10% of what it should be, the tech-tree starting at rank 4 etc.).


You realise the Python 4 can pull up to 70Gs, being able to shoot down enemy aircraft that is behind the launch aircraft? Along with having a 20km range. You say that the missile would be artificially nerfed, so if they nerf the flight performance, AND the seekerhead, then at that point it will be an entirely different missile, and therefore no point coming to the game at all

???… Yeah, exactly… so you should know how hard it would be to flare it? I’m not too sure what your point is on that one.

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The range number is probably wrong but I did not realize it had that agility. Even still it’s not like IR missiles are meta atm.

Single plane?

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We barely have any dual band IR seekers… The hell do you mean?

Almost all of the missiles in game are from the early '80s.

MICA-EM, AAM-3, Fakour Etc.


Sources don’t say. Don’t forget this missile is literally still in use by some air forces today, so most of the specifics are still classified. What we’re able to know however is that it can pull up to 70Gs, and it has a two-colour seekerhead (similar to the Fim-92 Stinger) and is very much capable of killing a target even after it has missed the first time, think of it as a slightly gimped IRIS-T

Aam3 is dual band


MICA-EM isn’t an IR missile, AAM-3 is from 1986, Fakour isn’t an IR missile

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In-game it’s tracking suspension, as dual band missiles aren’t incorporated in-game

what the hell are you talking about?? AAM-3 entered in service in 1992 brother in christ!, the Python-4 was started to be developed in the mid 80s like the AAM-3 and it entered service in 1994 2 years after the AAM-3 both missiles shares a lot in the seeker deparment soo… i cannot understand yet why gaijin cannot add the Python-4 in the same way as they added the AAM-3 and end of the problem, is that really difficult? we are not asking to much. also the “70G” is not an official number, the official numbers are around 50-55G no more than that. you never heard the “marketing” word hommie? and another thing is that people looks like real clows comparing the last 4 gen IR missile ever produced with fifth gen ones that are in another league its really stupid.


Either you’re new here or you simply haven’t gotten the memo that service date means absolute jack.

It was flight capable in 1986. Its service in 1992 means absolutely nothing.

Much like the AIM-120, it was put on aircraft in 1989 despite not being in service for years after.

Python 4 was from 1989, AAM-3 was from 1986.

They share a lot in terms of seeker performance, sure, but neither of their seeker capabilities are modeled in-game.

Because it wouldn’t be true to life in the slightest? It would outperform every other missile in the game, dwarfing the R-73’s seeker limits by 33% with range equatable to the R-27ER. It pulls earlier off the rail than a Magic with maneuverability that’s equal to a 9X with a booster on steroids, as well as lower I and D terms than an AIM-120.

It is quite literally one of the best missiles in the world, only beat out by the Python 5 and what could debatably be the nonexistent 9X-III.

I never said it was? It claims potential equal to a TVC missile with pure aerodynamic forces, necessitating high speed and insanely high load.
Seeing as the Matra Magic is supposedly 60Gs, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Pythons marketed up at 70.

That’s… Exactly what you’re doing? Did you mean to call yourself a clown…?

You’ve directly compared the Python 4 to the AAM-3 twice now…

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Didn’t talk about IR specifically. Fakour and MICA are quite broken enough, those are ARH after all.

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