Python 4

Im pretty sure i read this in some iai book but maybe im wrong
I will look it up when i could
(The book is on my grandpa house)
If u right its just another reason yo add the python 4 now


well i hope we get the python 4
it would be a good time to add it


hello brother a poll its open right now!


People has spoken!!! lets see if gaijin does something!


Why ppl vote gatewidth irccm its worse irccm them tracking suspention
especially for this type of missile

i dont know for me both are fine the R-27T/ET have Gatewidth and it works pretty decent, in the dev server i managed to hit an F-18 at 10km with the ET he flared and the ET still got it it was a rear aspect shot.

There is no way its tracked from 10km
Maybe the missile got close

Any way for long range shot tracking suspention is better

the ET can lock up to 18-20km from behind at minimun and front aspect depends on what the enemy is and if it is afterburning, my maximun range kill scored with the ET was 14km rear aspect shot at 7k altitude against an F-15 and he was flaring XD but yea in certain situations the tracking suspension is better.

When i say “tracked” i mean that he flared it and it still tracked
R60m can track frim more then 10km rear aspect as well

Maybe this f18 didnt flare at all?

oh ok yea he flared and it keeps tracking XD

So the missile was pretty close to him

no seriously brother he flared and the missile keeps tracking the gatewidth in the ET is better than you think i dont know the rangebands of that missile but probably there is something that makes the missile strong at medium, long ranges.

From what i saw all gatewidth missiles can be 1 flared unless they 1.5 km rear aslect

around 4-5 kilometers of him when he started to flare, he did not cut the afterburner too maybe the flare pattern used it didnt work to fool the seeker.

4km makes more sanse
Still its much better to have tracking suspention in long range or medium

yea i agree that tracking suspension is better but!! the Python-4 is not gonna be used for really long shots its a missile with a lot of drag and if you make him pull it would bleed a ton of energy for me the best range to use this missile is up to 4km no more than that specially against supersonic targets. well… am going to sleep mate its really late for me. see ya!

It has a lot of range compare to other fox 2
Sure it has drag but also a lot of energy and its pretty light as well
With its strong seeker it can be amazing in long range snipes (5-7km)
But if it has gatewidth it could just be 1 flared by accident like r73

Oh u are not israeli?
I thought u are israeli lol cuz ur profile
Mind u if i ask why u like israel then?
We suffers quite much in this game

Smin confirmed now that israel is not getting anything this update exept the premium f16
So see ya next time