PUMA Early to fill lineups before we get PUMA S1

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Primary argument for this case:
Adding the prototype/early production versions of the PUMA as a lower BR replacement for the PUMA IFV and utilising the current in game model for use with the MELLS ATGM (Spike).


The Puma (previously known as Igel (hedgehog) and Panther) began as a follow-up to Germany’s 1996 “NGP” project (Neue Gepanzerte Plattformen, “New Armoured Platforms”). The goal was to gather concepts for a shared base vehicle which could serve the purposes of an APC, an IFV, air defence, and a replacement or support for the MBT in front-line combat roles. In 2001, the NGP project came to an end.

In 1998, the new tactical concept known as neuer Schützenpanzer (“new IFV”) was developed taking into consideration the lessons learned. The Marder’s replacement, the Puma, was first planned in 2002. By the end of 2004, the German Army (Heer) had ordered five pre-production vehicles along with accompanying logistical and training services. A budget of €3 billion was agreed upon on November 8, 2007, for the purchase of 405 Pumas (not counting the five that had already been supplied to the German Army for trials).

The first two serial cars were turned over to the German Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik and Beschaffung on December 6, 2010.

In 2012, Puma underwent successful cold weather testing in Norway. For hot weather testing, two Pumas were transported to the United Arab Emirates in August 2013. Trials included mobility and firepower assessments, firing and driving manoeuvres in arid environments, and suitability for hot weather missions. The temperature profiles within the car were recorded during the experiments and compared to the outside air temperature.

The Puma IFV was authorised for operation on April 13, 2015 by the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology, and In-Service Support (BAAINBw). Starting with the initial seven vehicles, this programme will “train the trainers” on further vehicles until the end of the year. At that point, a training centre will be established to provide Panzer Grenadiers of mechanised infantry companies with a three-month course to acquaint them with their Pumas. On June 24, 2015, the German military formally adopted the Puma.

Major differences from the in game PUMA


  1. Add-on UFP composite screen not on PUMA Early
  2. Hull side composite screen not on PUMA Early
  3. Hull side ERA not on PUMA Early
  4. 5 road wheels on PUMA early vs 6 on PUMA production
  5. MUSS APS not on PUMA early
  6. No gunsheild on PUMA early
  7. Equal number of Smoke launchers but mounted on top rear of the turret in PUMA early [refer to pictures attached at end (picture # 2)]
    NOTE: possible shorter hull length on PUMA early

Crew: 3
Armament(s): 30 mm (MK 30-2/ABM) / coaxial MG 4
Engine: MTU V10 892 diesel (1,088 metric horsepower (800 kW) at 4,250 r/min)
Max Speed: 70km+
Power/weight: 34.64 hp/T
Suspension: Hydroneumatic








see also:


this would be a good addition for 8.3 imo

gonna swich the discussion to here,

not possible, the spike puma has a different model, it is no puma that just got put the spike thrower on, they got multiple different changes

i meant as in it being more similar to the S1 than the PUMA early, so they can do minor changes to the in game model and rerelease it

suggestion most of time need 2-3 days until fully accepted it doesnt happen that fast, besides after that u write the mods to ask them what the problem is and you get the ability to fix it and resuggest

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yeah ill ask the sugg mods what is missing, but damn they rejected it fast

it can be completly stupid stuff, 2nd try of my wiesel mells suggestion on the old forums i forgot the damn poll and it got denied because of that

so ill have to tag em all huh?

rights tags, poll etc

What if I told you that Gaijin relying on prototypes is complete BS? They don’t have to do that. It’s just fun for them to strip a vehicle off some of its features when there is precedent for them literally just copying and pasting the same vehicle so there’d be 2 in the same tree.
They could literally just add a “Puma w/mud texture”.

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The Puma as it currently stands definitely doesn’t belong on a BR10.0, more on a BR9.0.
The Puma is now so bad that even a Begleitpanzer 57 is better.
Therefore, if the Puma ever gets MELLS, it makes more sense to make a new model for it instead of cramming another absolutely useless tank into the German TT

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honestly that is propably objective, i prefer the Puma, it is way more survivable and higher pen. I dont have a problem playing it in my 10.3 line up

The 2S38 have Pen on 10.0, the Puma have nothing.

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i would argue the Puma is way more survivable, after they fixed the 2S38 it is quite easy to take out and ammo rack

It was just a matter of the penetration of the ammunition, not the Ammorack ;)

well u said the Puma has nothing, that is wrong, it has its own strengths

The armor might keep you alive for a few seconds longer, but that’s no use if you can’t defend yourself.
That’s not a strength, it’s more of a negative, since the person who slowly kills you gets more points for it.

Yeah i found put some puma with spikes have the muss 2.0 but it’s kinda like the bmp3 thing where some have thermals and some not but here some PUMA S1 have muss 2.0 and some not

the thing is Puma S1, isnt even a real thing it was planned but never realy implemented germany is upgrading to the Puma VJTF, that is the most modern Puma standard and version

Uh they did make quite a few of them for what i remember but then stopped because they didnt want to equip all of them since this was more like “optional modification for the PUMA to the mells system”