Proposal to Improve Germany's Air Tech Tree with Austrian/Swiss Subtree

Also depends on what the Eurofighter comes with. It probably will not come immediately with all the bells and whistles it has access to today.

Yeah. Im expecting one of the DAs first.

  • Maybe Tornado engines
  • likely none of the defensive systems like the MAWS and ECM
  • Aim-9Ms and Aim-120B / C5s
  • Maybe a more limited Flight performance
  • No A2G (beyond maybe some small dumb bombs or CBUs)
  • Limited AAM hardpoints 8-10

At this point in time it doesn’t have any good placement unless that one begins with a letter G and ends with a letter Y (Germany). Italy has Hungary + likely Romania in the future, France is going to receive BeNeLux, Sweden has Finland and all other Nordic countries are going to chip in down the line via premium & event vehicles.

It quite literally is a match made in heaven. Too bad for Argentina though :(

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Yep. Its pretty good.

Thing with stuff like Argentina is that. Could it be better as part of, even as the core nation of a LATAM tree?

Same for Poland as part of a WARSAW pact TT

I’ve also seen Germany consider Spain as a Sub-TT. But that would be better as its own TT with Portugal.

I’ve also seen them ask for Turkey (which I really dont get) but that could go a lot of different places

Yeah Switzerland is the only nation that doesn’t take away from somewhere else unfairly

*(it also legitamizes them taking our bloody hunter :P )

Im just happy gaijin didnt split the “Familiy” Apart, We nordic people see eachother as neighbors. Except Denmark denmark is the joke of the party. But still Scandinavia is considered united both by military and politically.

There is so much more that could be added:

I don’t support adding swiss/austrian TT to Germany.


I would rather the Austrian Draken go to Sweden, but Swiss jets could be sprinkled in the German tree (without necessitating a full subtree) the same way the South African Gripen C was put into the British tree. The Swiss Hornet is the best bet to fill the top tier (BR 13.0) hole in the German tree for ARB, but I don’t think it was well equipped for the ground strike mission (Swiss ordered their Hornets primarily for air defense/superiority mission)


Might i remind you of britain italy and sweden air? Italy had starfighters for a very long time with nothing until f16, and britain and sweden had nothing except glorified missiles busses to deal with f16’s for over a year so how is this any different from them? Dont gwt me wrong im all for the swiss for germany since i think they alone could add a ton of diversity for ground and a bunch of needed additions to air.

Honestly i have most of the german air tree and a swiss f18 would be cool as a filler since we’ll only have the KWS for maybe a few months, im all to used to not having a capable fighter so this doesnt really phase me. Austria id rather see the vehicles that were made by another nation go to their parent TT kinda like the leopard 2a4m, its a leopard so it goes to germany.

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Eh problem is Austria wouldnt be possible to add to the extent you want, besides the vehicles listed wouldn’t really make a difference besides they have quite a lot at those BR’s id rather see more 11.0 stuff come to them which the swiss can provide. Besides germany has a ton of demestic stuff yet to add so i dont see a reqson for multiple sub tree’s. Its one reason why i believe a swiss addition to the air could really help, not a full tree maybe but just in spots they need.



Very positive.


We didn’t ask for that Swedish aircraft crap

Guys, it’s gonna be fine, no way in hell they would leave GER without any sufficient top tier aircraft. We just have to wait for 2 years or so. In the meantime I’m gonna fly phantom and project big balls energy onto everyone in the match, because being clapped by a phantom is a shame, and boy oh boy it’s gonna clap. I would like to see a better CAS loadout for phantom, just give it 6 damn maverics instead of two, because it’s not even funny at this point. The best CAS loadout top tier GER gets is 4xGBU’s + 2 dumb bombs.

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If you’re gonna take the piss then at least have the courtesy to ping me


Germany really doesnt have the room fo a full sub tree, i can see them getting a few swiss vehicles for air but they really only need a stop gap until Eurofighter, outside that they really dont need anything else.


There’s another ICE version that will have more ordinance for ground… and Germany will have to wait for the typhoon anyway or receive the Swiss F18 in the meanwhile in a future update. Nothing else comes to my mind.

Womp womp.


Or in comparison 2 TV guided 13km missiles with rockets and bombs that cost more than the new su-25 taking out 4 40km missiles…