Proposal to Improve Germany's Air Tech Tree with Austrian/Swiss Subtree

Proposal for Austrian/Swiss Air Subtree for Germany

Germany’s Air tech tree is at risk of becoming the worst in the game after the upcoming update, with the top-tier jet being the F-4F ICE while other nations receive advanced aircraft like the F-15. This disparity will grow even more significant with the future release of F-18s, leaving Germany without competitive options until the Eurofighter is introduced.

To address this, I propose adding an Austrian/Swiss air subtree to Germany, similar to subtrees for Sweden, Italy, and France. This addition would keep Germany competitive and enhance the variety in the tech tree. The truth is, that in the modern era, Germany cannot be compared to the US or Russia in terms of military, and should not simply be dismissed due to its power within the game in the past.


  • Swiss Hornet: For future F-18 competitive balance.
  • Tornado IDS SLE 1: At BR 13.0. This aircraft can use the IRIS-T missile and is competitive against the F-15, with its weakness being mobility and dog-fighting ability. To balance it, limit the IRIS-T to 2 missiles instead of 4.
  • F-5G (F-20): If the IRIS-T is too controversial, replace the Tornado with the F-5G (F-20) at BR 12.7, which was evaluated and tested by the Luftwaffe.

Additional Aircraft to supplement the subtree:

  • Austrian upgraded Saab 35Ö with RWR at BR 10.7/11.0.
  • Swiss or Austrian F-5 at BR 10.7.
  • Austrian Saab 29F at BR 9.0.
  • Austrian Saab 105Ö at BR 8.0.
  • Swiss upgraded Bf 109G-6/J at BR 5.3/5.7.
  • Swiss EKW C-36 at BR 3.0.
  • Swiss Dewoitine D.3802 upgrade at BR 2.3.
  • Swiss EKW C-35 at BR 1.0.

These additions would diversify and enhance the German air tech tree, making it more enjoyable and competitive at all tiers.

Please note, these are just suggestions and not definitive solutions. Not everything listed needs to be added, but I believe these ideas could help improve the overall experience for players who prefer the German tech tree in War Thunder.

Thanks! :)





I’m for the eventual introduction of Swiss aircraft to Germany.


I really don’t see a need for a subtree to be added to the German tree. It only lacks a bit in high tier and that’s it. It is also the 2nd or 3rd best air tree overall.

Germany under no circumstances should get Swedish aircraft. We do not need more copy and paste.


You think that the German Phantom ICE and MiG 29G can fight well against the F15 and Su-27SM?

I don’t know because I do not play top tier. What I do play is the German tree minus top tier, and I believe that a subtree will just add more copy and paste aircraft, while also not making the tree better in any way.

There is more to the game than top tier.

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Do you think it’s fair to let Germany have the absolute worst top-tier air simply because it has a good mid-tier?



How so?

Not saying that they are as good, but they are competent in the same way that M1A2 Sep fighting a Leopard 2A7V is…

I would EVENTUALY agree with the addition of these nations to Germany since its the way that Gaijin represents minor nations and because Germany already has a few vehicles from those nations. The issue that i have is that there are other nations that have bigger problems. Japan is easily the most lacking nation, it doesn’t matter that it gets an F15, it literally has 2 lines and one of them is “fictional”.
So i agree with the post, simply there’s no way its happening before next year imo.

A Phantom is from the 1960’s. How is that comparable or competitive to a F15? Even with Fox 3s?

Here’s its performance in the dev server:

I completely agree. Japan could absolutely get prioritized! I play Japan too, and would love a Thai subtree.

Gaijin already made a devblog explaining that the F4 ICE is simply going to lack, it is inevitable… Germany finds itself between a rock and a hard place in top tier until we get to typhoons.

Yeah Thai sub would be ideal. I also agree with Thai being a Chinese sub but it depends on who needs it the most.

M1A2 Sep was introduced in 1995. Leopard 2A7V was introduced in 2019…

This doesn’t really matter in WT


Only brought it up because you said the Phantom is old.

I guess that in this case there’s a bigger issue which is the performance of the plane, the year is just to give you an example (my guess since i didn’t say anything).

A Phantom with two Fox 3s and an F15 also with Fox 3s cannot be compared at all, one is vastly superior in literally every single way.

Depends on how good the Fox 3s are and how they perform in-game. That’s why the A-10s are so high even though their FM sucks.