the f14b should definitely receive aim9m, but it has better engines, radar warning receiver and bol pods, I don’t think 2 more fakours would be a huge problem for 13.0 as they’re not really good under 6 miles because they’re so fucking big. I think both could sit at 13.0 with the Iranian one receiving 6 arh and 2 fater (Iranian aim9L copy) as it would be basically a sitting duck at any altitude. It should not receive r73 however as that would increase the br too significantly.
The phoenix is only good against zombers and noobs. People keep yelling “It HaS FoX 3s”, disregarding the fact that its a freaking 17G missile that will only work at high altitude or if you are flying in a straight line… Meanwhile they are perfectly fine facing the borderline cheat of a missile that is the 27ER (lock, fire, unlock, guide with datalink, then lock at the last few seconds again) which cant even be notched reliably and in certain scenarios even outranges the phoenix… Or the IRCCM missiles like the magic 2 that 12.0 jets access to (used to be 11.3 or 11.7 if you remember)… But no, its the flying fridge that maneuvers like a bus, which by the time it reaches you is barely fast enough to be considered a missile, that bothers people… Lets see how the F14A is doing at 12.7… Other than the 54A, it has the privilege to use AIM 9H’s rear aspect only, 60 countermeasures that dont really do anything since the only biggest heat signature in the game, is the sun itself… A radar that “for balancing reasons” has huge notch angles as well as the almighty sparrow that might work on a head-on, but it is just as likely to do a 90 degree turn and chase a seagull… But hey, at least the 11.3 jets will have an easier time afk grinding… But hold on, it surely cant get any worse right? How about the F14B? It gets engines that accelerate better, an RWR that has the courtesy of providing some info, and even a camera to help you identify players from long range!!! Scratch that last one… Its patched out… at 13.0 we are blessed by gaijin with an all aspect IR missile, the AIM-9L which is slightly more effective than an R60MK… The blessings dont stop here as we get access to the AIM-54C which in game, is just a heavier AIM-54A… A downgrade in nearly all scenarios… Almost forgot about the bol pods… Do I need to talk about what weapons this plane is expected to face? Im happy I got to play the 14b before all the bs changes. The IRIAF tomcat is singlehandedly responsible for putting the tech tree 14’s into an early grave.
ah, good old days when F-14A was
- facing planes with no countermeasures
- or planes with no RWR
- and using one-and-only fox-3 in this game.
F-14A USN was one of the biggest and most problematic plagues in this game.
F-14A itself is having a hard time and tasting its own medicine though.
You are disregarding facts that F-14A was the first proper 4th-gen fighter which came out 3 months earlier than Mirage 2000CS-5, and 6 months earlier than the rest of first-wave 4th gen.
And AIM-54A came out 2 years earlier than other fox-3.
Yes. AIM-54A/C itself is an awful missile compared to the rest of its counterparts which comes out at two-friggin-years later. it is worst Fox-3 in this game too.
I really love the moment that Tomcatpadders regards the fact that Phoenix sucks while disregarding the fact that they came out when the game itself isn’t ready for it.
Even though non-IRCCM missiles act awful on higher BR matches, AIM-9L is significantly more effective than R-60M.
Good old days when you padded your stat with noobs who even can’t read RWR. right?
So exactly as I said, there is no problem facing the ER, and IRCCM missiles but god forbit its a “fox3”
How is that my problem? Gaijin allows noobs to pay their way into top tier. I farm them and Im in the wrong here? You are literally proving my point that its a skill check missile that only works against noobs and zombers…
Because now that the “game is ready for it”, they have clearly improved it and its now in an ok state… right…
I dont know why I am even bothering responding to you honestly
Nah, everything is a problem thanks to god-forsaken compression.
Just, AIM-54 were way earlier than the introduction of rest.
AIM-54A was introduced with F-14A on “Danger Zone” which were on June 2022,
R-27ER was introduced on a quickfix-ish minor update which comes out slightly later than “Apex Predator” which was in December 2022.
and IRCCM is introduced on “Sons of Attila” which shows up on September 2023.
literally in the Same bullshit-ness level when they were originally introduced, but way earlier.
Yeah, It isn’t your problem, but rather Gaijin’s problem.
my bad.
Well, when F-14A was harassing Meta, those statpadders told me like that though.
‘if you think that F-14A is OP, then you are either a skillless noob or zomber’
Despite the fact that being the victim of a single-sided massacre was no fun at all. :/
Whether I evaded AIM-54 or not, there were nearly always 30% losses of planes against American teams by beginning showers.
Phoenix itself might be a skillcheck missile. I admit it.
But really, back in that day, their ‘poisoning the well’ tactics were nasty as hell.
“you critique F-14A because you are one of those braindead bombers.” bah…
I think I easily become intolerant and short-fuse about the F-14A topic :|
I apologise.
Thanks to Decompression (Which should’ve been larger but better than never)
our game is ready for Phoenix better than before.
IMO. F-14A USN nowadays seems like a ‘hunter which became prey’.
were taking advantage of compression, now taking disadvantage from compression.
Seems like a 12.5-ish(ARB) jet to me.
- thanks to dumb AIM-54 which is hard to balance, F-14A USN can’t go downward to 12.3.
- but keeping F-14A into the current 12.7 is also a dumb move compared to F-14A IRIAF or F-16A.
This might can dealt with fast quick rapid decompression I guess.
Thanks a lot.
As far as I remember, we were playing on mixed matches with Tomcats on all sides. But yea, there was a good chunk of people that got a free ticket to their hangar early. I personally didnt play much after unlocking and spading the A because the matches were really meh as you said. Imagine how different the game used to be then though with multipathing being twice as effective but also RWRs that were working better. Different times… Last time I had fun in air rb, was with the F14B and it was when the persian tomcat event was launched. Once I got the coupons I quit because I saw how broken the missiles were and didnt want to be in these matches. For me the good times were between 2023 - august 2024. I have barely touched it since…
I can agree with you that we need a huge amount of decompression. Up to 16.0 probably and I can already hear people going crazy on that statement, but hey, if it takes 10 more seconds to find a match that is more balanced, Im all for it and I like to believe that so is the majority of the player base… The issue rn is that the higher you go in br, the more unbalanced the ± 1.0 max br difference gets…
The best thing would be to create more sub modes for air rb. Some people enjoy EC maps more, others like the matches that end in 10 minutes. Each to their own but at this stage of the game, there is so much more room for different game modes than there used to be 4 years ago… Imo, you shouldnt force jets that are designed to operate over a large AO, engage in a furball like its Ace Combat… All that however needs resources that apparently gaijin only uses for development purposes when we put the gun in their mouth and threaten them with review bombing and/or other means…
Likewise, Im glad you aint the typical crybaby I am used to get into arguments with and you can see my points, as I can see yours.
Fox 3 are per se unbalanced if used in a non fox3 environment, no matter how much they suck in terms of G for example. In case you ahvent noticed, we’re talking sim here, so when you are on a receiving end of a fox3 you have no idea where the launching plane is, where the missile itself is, how close it is. how close the launching plane is, and if there are more than one coming. This means that you are FORCED to defend. Trying to guide an r27 to target always leads to death, go in a match, try it yourself and see it. Best case scenario you trade, worst case you die way before the missile hits.
The reason why fox 3 are broken vs planes that do not have them is that they force the opponent to a constant defensive flying, implying they lose awareness of their surroundings while doing maneuvers, while the fox3 carrying plane can keep the situation monitored at all time and can decide at any moment if continue the approach or leave. Also, again, when you’re shot with a fox 3, you:
1-dont know if it’s a fox3 or a fox1 coming
2-dont know WHICH fox3, and fakours are waaaaay faster than phoenix
3-dont know distance, position of missile, number of misisles, launching plane position.
No matter how you spin it, ther eis no universe where any fox1 plane can seriously harm a fox3 carrier unless the fox3 carrier messes up. NO WAY. Even if you’re afraid of dogfight, with a tomcat you cna just keep the distance, spam fox3 and go home with 0 risks taken. You might get the kill or not, but you’re guaranteed not to die ever if you play this way, and this can be done even by compelte noobs.
Meanwhile, good pilots with fox 3 will use them to force their opponents in a disadvantageous position and then finish them with an ir missile or with another fox 3 when they do not have enough energy anymore to try to notch or are too close to do so.
Again NO WAY fox 3 are balanced vs planes that do not have them.
Again you are in a SIM topic here. And no, you cannot dodge phoenix if you cant see them. in RB you can, in sim you cant.
oh… sorry man.
Well! all three game modes are having terrible compression problems. right? ;)
And you are also guaranteed to get kills if you camp the airfields with your radar off… You are also guaranteed to get kills playing only with yr IR scan and using the medium range IR missiles, So what ? There are tactics and counters for anything…
Unless you dont have an RWR you can notch…
- Both defeated best by notching or flying low enough
- Doesnt matter, they are all defeated by notching or flying low enough
- Need I say more?
By going for a notch, you aint defensive, you still have the option to turn in when you see the chance to do that, but I shouldnt have to tell you that because thats literally what every sim player with a bit of experience does… Notch, look towards the direction the missile is coming from and listen as the missile/s zooms past you and miss. Spot the guy that is pushing you and turn in for a shot of your own if able… In case you have an ER that goes mach jesus, you just won that engagement… And if he has spammed as you say missiles or you cant tell if its a missile or a lock, again, just notch until you have the necessary info to make a decision man… You can force a merge like that…Its not white and black, especially on sim that skill plays a much bigger factor and its not nearly as chaotic as rb…
If you do that you are guaranteed to die, because what happens next is that the second you exit the notch you have another fox 3 coming to your face. If you shoot back the enemy can himself go into the notch to avoid your missile, while his fox3 keeps tracking, and because you turned and tried to shoot, you are now too close and too low on energy to enter the notch again, and you die. Go on red side, try do do what you said against a kfir (for example) and see the result. You die almost every time.
And, wt aside…man, are you REALLY trying to say that having fox3 is not a huge advantage? Are you really really trying to argue that somehow fox1 can compete with fox3?
I wont insist further trying to change your mind, just reflect on what you’re saying, because it really doesnt make sense, not in game and not in real life. There is a reason why everyone uses fox3 now, and it’s quite self explanatory.
In any case, as I said before, having a clear distiction between fox3 carriers and fox1 carriers would make for a better gameplay in general, because it would allow many planes that are now very hard to use, or not in meta, to become useful again.
Yeah I guess so. I play rb sometimes but just to grind and with my brain off, so I cant really judge top tier rb because I never even tried to do good when playing it.
It works just fine when Im doing it against amraams so Idk why you cant make it work against phoenixes…
So why did you turn in if there was another missile on you? You either dont have an RWR or y cant read it then…
Im doing it against the ICE’s and it works as I said… If you are dying nearly every time, then im sorry but thats on you.
What I am getting from this, is that you are too far in the “nothing I can do, guess I ll just die” mindset… Until y pull yourself out of that, there is nothing me or anyone else can do to help you. Ive already told you what to do, you think its impossible or that im talking out of my @ss… Whatever… If you are that depressed, just avoid playing the br brackets that have something op on the enemy team. Play the MiG23 for example with its 24Ts when its top dog and avoid it when its not…
Not necessarily actually. Sim’s bracket system greatly mitigates compression so long as there are available brackets for a BR (which there currently isnt for 12.3, 13.3 and 13.7) So long as a bracket exists for a BR, there is fairly reasonable balance when that aircraft is played with an appropriate bracket.
Then, ‘it might be as compressed as ARB but can be manageable thanks to bracket?’
As an example of bucc S.2
it is a useless ass for ARB thanks to it constantly going full uptier match [9.3-10.3] while having only AIM-9B or CM pods.
but it might be quite useful on Air-Sim when the current bracket is appropriate like [8.3-9.3]…?
did I got your point properly…?
Yes, precisely.
Not been updated for 14.0s but thats the brackets, each row is a rotation and the rotation changes every 48 hours
To use your aircraft example of the Buc S2 at 9.3. Prior to entering the match I can see what bracket it is and can decide whether or not to play it.
Sometimes that could be 9.3-10.3s or that could be 8.3-9.3.
Perticuarly in the 8.3-9.3 bracket its actually exceptionally good because it can out run a lot of threats and when combined with the lack of markers and no decent radars, you can be very sneaky. Also actual things to bomb as well which is always a major plus.
In theory, there is no such thing as an uptier because its always your choice not RNG when you hit play and balance of only really +/- 0.3 needs to be considered, if even that amount
Morvan is explain it precisely. In sim a plane is only problematic if it has the wrong br assigned to it, like in the case of the f14. Otherwise, you can always play your favorite plane in a decent match, provided you want to wait a couple of days to get the right rotation.
Kfir C7 is a good counter for the Mirage F1, but you have to be very aware and preflare in the merge
that s indeed a good plane, but it s very uncommon to see one in game. I dont know how many people actually have it