Pre-Order: Tornado IDS WTD 61

I don’t think they will ever get that code, because gaijin sees it as a tiny buff and therefore pointless.

Even though its a massive buff to flight performance

this premium is a joke tbh. The event tornado is already useless in both game modes. Whopays for this 70€?

Most of the german premiums are so bad and not unique at all. All are just copy and paste tech tree vehicles and have at most only a few changes. I would buy german premiums in the air tree but all are just boring. If gaijin puts no effort in creating interesting premiums then I simply don’t spend money

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What a not wonderful not new with no new weapon plane

Going to eat this alive in my F16C lol

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Before getting there and being able to do that, they just had to make 5 major update every year for the past 11 years while keeping the game free to play and catering to the wishes of a very passionate and diverse palyersbase worldwide. Clearly no effort 👍

it will never face any F-16


If they made a premium that was a unique vehicle, players would rage that it isn’t for free in the regular TT… What do you want them to do??

10.7 BR then?

If it’s 10.7 or 11 oh yes it will lol. It’s a rank 7 with aim 9Ls, bet its 10.7 or 11 easily.

Just your average WT Player reading comprehension. Me saying this prem vehicle is lazy, doesn’t mean I’m calling the development of the game itself lazy.
But good on you for being dim and happy about it 👍

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It kinda does but whatever

Step 4 : Give it a 10.0 BR so they can sell thounsands of them ! ^^

What you mean “both” game modes? You know there are three modes, and in that last one - SIM - the Tornado MFG excels and is in my opinion the best aircraft of all for its role…

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i woudlve thought anything saudi would prob go to britian seen as we already have the saudi Lightning F.53 there and that out of the 3 nations that have tornados britain likely has the largest link to the saudis

Any F-16? Is 10.7 realistic BR confirmed?

Explain it then to me buddy. Feel free to dm me.

As the Saudi ones are ex RAF Tornado GR1s sold to them directly from the UK. Yes a Saudi premium tornado would be on the British TT. For a while the leak list was premium tornado IDS from Saudi. So either we are getting multiple or that was wrong

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BR drop for all tornados then. Sweet!

Thankfully it’s not, no need for another brick premium for Italy, unless it’s a variant which would be limited to Aim-9B and placed at lower br.


There is still a chance for a good premium like Brazilian AMX, maybe someday)

Sorry fella, but Sim is a dead mode as far as the playerbase is concerned. Sim performance means nothing.