Poposed BR change

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Disclaimer : I know, I may have forgot some vehicules for the BR change I propose.

And you guys prefer to complain rather trying to propose solution. So here it is another version just for making you insane. (It’s an idea so take the logic behind these change, I can’t get everything fine xd)

This proposed BR change is mainly about decompressing ground top tiers, so plane and helicopter move too. I also speak about air mode and naval too.

Ground :

The new proposed max BR for ground is 12.3.

Many high tier AA goes down in BR to counter CAS overpowering. Some rank VIII MBT goes down in BR cause their lack armor, firepower or both, cause their are really inferior to an leopard 2A7 or a T-90M.

SPG goes UP in BR cause they bully WW2 stuff.

Many light tanks move in BR cause some get unffair adventage at certain BR, that other at higher BR doesn’t get.

Vehicule Proposed BR Other
(ALL) M44 5.0
(ALL) M109, M109G 6.7
(ALL) M109A1 7.0
TCM AGS 11.0
(ALL) M1128 10.7
ADATS 11.3
Luchs A2 7.7
RU 251 7.7
(ALL) PzH 2000 8.3
Turm III 9.0
TAM 9.3
TAM 2IP 9.7
VT1-2 9.3
Class 3 (P) 9.7
Beigleitpanzer 57 9.7
Leopard PT16/T14 10.7
FlaRakRad 11.3
(ALL) Leopard 2A7 12.3
(ALL) 2S1 7.3
2S3M 7.0
Objet 120 8.3
PT-76-57 8.7
BMP-2 9.0
Shturm-S 9.0
BMP-3 9.3
BMD-4M 9.7
Spurt-SD 9.7
Spurt-SDM1 10.3
2S38 10.7 max 25 APFSDS, no APCBC limit
BMP-2M 10.7
T-90M 12.3
Pantsir-S1 12.3
G6 7.0
Rooikat MTTD 9.7
ADATS (M113) 11.0
Type 75 SPH 7.0
Type 99 8.0
Type 87 (RCV) 8.7
Type 16 (FPS), MCV N°3 9.7 ADD Type 93, REMOVE other APFSDS
Type 16 10.0 ADD DM53, REMOVE M735
Type 81 (C) 11.0
PLZ83 7.0
PLZ05 8.3
PTL02 9.3
WMA301 9.3
PTZ89 9.7
AFT09 9.7
ZLT11 10.0
(ALL) MBT-2000 11.3
VT4A1 11.7
KF 41 10.7
OTOMATIC 10.7 max 25 APFSDS, no SAPOM limit
Ariete, Ariete PSO 11.0
Ariete AMV 11.3
H.35, FCM.36 ADD 37/25 Brandt APDS
AuF1 7.7
AMX-13 (HOT) ADD 105/60/43 APDS
AMX-30B2 BRENUS 9.0 ADD OFL 105 F2
AMX-30 Super, AMX-32 (105) ADD OFL 105 F2
VBCI 9.7 ADD M919A2
VEXTRA 105 TML 10.0 ADD OFL 105 F2
Leclerc SXXI 12.3 ADD OFL 120 F2
REMOVE the Dutch Leopard 2A5NL from the French tech tree
Ikv 103 5.0
(ALL) K9 VIDAR 8.7
Ikv 91-105 9.0
(ALL) ITO 90M 11.7
(ALL) Strv 122 12.3
(ALL) M-51 6.7
Rochev 7.0
Sholef 8.0
Sabra MK.I 10.3
Namer 30 10.3
Namer tsrikhon 10.7
(ALL) Merkava 3 11.0
(ALL) Merkava 4 11.7


The new proposed max BR for CAS is 13.0.

CAS planes goes UP in BR, especially ones with early guided stuff below 10.0, Fox 3 launcher goes UP in BR too in ground battle.

Some props and early jets with missile goes UP too.

Vehicule Proposed BR (ground) Proposed BR (air )
P-400 2.7 2.7
(ALL) P-39 3.3 3.3
(ALL) P-40F, P-40E 3.3 3.3
(ALL) F4U-1A 3.7 3.7
(ALL) P-63A-5 4.0 4.0
F4U-1A (USMC) 4.0 4.0
P-51C-10 4.0
(ALL) F6-F5 4.3
F4U-1D 4.3 4.3
(ALL) P-47D-22 4.7 4.0
P-63A-10 , P-63C-5, kingcobra 4.7 4.7
P-51D-20 NA 4.7 4.7
XP-50, XP-55 5.0
XA-38 Grizzly 5.0
P-47D-25, P-47N-15 5.0
F4U-4 5.0 4.7
(ALL) F6-F5N 5.0
F4U-1C 5.0 5.0
(ALL) P-51K 5.3
P-51D-30 5.3
(ALL) P-47D-30 5.7
AU-1 6.0
P-59A 6.0 6.0
AD-2 6.3
(ALL) AD-4, AM-1 6.7
A-1H 7.0
A-4B 9.0
F9F-8 9.0 9.0
FJ-4B 9.0 9.0
F11-F1 9.3 9.3
F4-D1 9.3 9.3
FJ-4B VMF-232 9.7 9.0
(ALL) F-100D, (ALL) F-100A 9.7 9.7
F-104C 9.7 9.7
F3H-2 9.7 9.7
(ALL) A-4E Early 9.7
F4-C 10.3
F-105D 10.3
A-7D 10.7
(ALL) F-5A, F-5C 10.7
(ALL) A-10A 11.0
(ALL) A-7E 11.0
F4-E 11.3
(ALL) F-5E 11.3
(ALL) AV-8B (NA) 12.0
(ALL) AV-8B Plus 12.3
A-10C 12.3
F-15A 12.7
F-15C MSIP II 13.0
F-15E 13.0
F-16C 13.0
Bf 109 F-1 3.0 3.0
Bf 109 F-2 3.3 3.3
Fw 190 A-1 3.3 3.3
P-47D-16 4.7 4.0
Do 335 A-1 5.3 4.7
Do 335 A-0 5.7 5.0
Do 335 B-2 6.3 6.0
Tornado IDS ASSTA1 11.7
F-4F KWS LV 12.0
EF-2000 13.0
LagGG-3-34 3.3 3.3
IL-2-37 3.3
Su-6 5.0
ITP (M-1) 5.0 5.0
Su-6 (M-71F) 5.3
P-47D-27 5.7 4.3
I-225 5.7 5.7
Su-6 (AM-42) 5.7
TIS MA 5.7
Su-8 6.3
Yak-38M 9.7 9.7
Su-17 M2 10.3
Su-22 M3, Su-22UM3K 10.7
Su-25, Su-25K 11.0
Su-25T, Su-25BM, Su-39 11.7
Su-24M 11.7
Su-25SM3 13.0
Su-34 13.0
Su-27SM 13.0
Corsair F.Mk.II 3.7 3.7
Whirlwind Mk.I 4.0 4.0
Thunderbolt Mk.1 4.7 4.0
(ALL) Firefly F 4.7 4.0
(ALL) Firebrand TF Mk IV 4.7 4.0
Wyvern S4 5.3
Javelin F.(A.W) MK.9 9.0 9.0
Sea Vixen F.A.W MK.2 9.0 9.0
Scimitar F MK.1 9.3 9.3
Buccaneer S.1 9.3
Buccaneer S.2 9.7
Buccaneer S.2B 10.7
Tornado GR.1 11.7
Tornado F3 (m) 12.0
Harrier GR.7 12.0
Sea Harrier FA.2 12.3
Tornado GR.4 12.7
Typhoon FGR.4 13.0
(ALL) ki-27 otsu 1.7 1.7
A7he1 2.3 2.3
ki-61-I ko 2.7 2.7
(ALL) ki-61-I otsu 3.3 3.3
A6M3 mod 22ko 4.3 4.3
A6M5, A6M5 hei 4.7 4.7
F-104J 10.3
F-5E FCU, F-5T SCU 11.3
F-16A OCU 13.0
F-15J (M) 13.0
(chinese only) P-51C -11-NT 4.0
P-51D -20 4.7
F-51N -25 5.3
P-47D-23 4.7 4.0
JH-7A 12.0
JF-17 12.7
J-11 12.7
J-11A 13.0
J-10A 13.0
Mirage 2000-5Ei 13.0
G.91 R/1 9.0
G.91 R/4, G.91 R/3 9.3 9.3
G.91 Y 9.3
AMX 11.0
AMX A-1A 11.3
F-2000A 13.0
H-75A-4 2.0 2.0
P-47D-22 4.7 4.0
Vautour IIN (modernisé) 9.0 9.0
Sea Hawk MK.50 9.0 9.0
Super Mystère B2 9.3
Etendard IVM 9.3 9.3
Super Etendard 10.7
Mirage 2000D-RMV 12.3
Mirage 2000-5F 13.0
F-16AM 13.0
Rafale C F3-R 13.0
J22A 2.7 2.7
J22B 3.0 3.0
J26 David 4.0
SK60B 7.7
SAAB 105OG 8.7
SAAB 105OE 9.0 8.7
J32B 9.7 9.7
(ALL) JA39C 13.0
(israel only) Spitfire Mk IXc 5.0
Ayit 10.3 9.7
F-16C Barak II 12.7
F-15C Meshupar 12.7
F-16D Barak II 13.0
F-15I Ra’am 13.0

Helicopters :

The new proposed max BR for heli is 12.3.

Soviet and Russian bias goes UP in BR, finnaly heli at low tier with many ATGM goes UP in BR.

Vehicule Proposed BR
AH-1W 10.7
BO 105 PAH-1A1 9.7
Tiger UHT 12.3
Mi-8TB 8.7
Mi-8AMTSh 10.0
(ALL) Mi-24 P, Mi-24 V 10.0
Mi-35M 11.0
Mi-28N 11.7
KA-50 12.0
Mi-28NM, Ka-52 12.3
Superhind 10.7
AH-1E 9.7
(ALL) AH-1S 10.0
Z-19, Z-19E 11.7
Z-10 12.0
A-129CBT 11.3
A-129D 12.3
Tigrer HAP 10.7
Tigrer HAD 11.3
Tigrer HAD Block 2 12.3
Hpk9A 10.0
Mi-28N 11.3
Lahatut 9.0
Tzefa B 9.7
Tzefa D/E 10.0
AH-60 12.3


The new proposed max BR for Naval is 8.0.

ALL planes at a highter BR than the max BR for naval can’t play in naval mode.

Vehicule Proposed BR
USS North Dakota 6.7
USS Wyoming, USS Arkansas 7.0
USS Texas, USS Nevada 7.0
USS Arizona 7.7
USS Tennessee, USS Mississippi 8.0
SMS Nassau, SMS Westfalen 6.7
SMS Helgoland, SMA Ostfriesland 6.7
SMS Kaiser, SMS Derfflinger 6.7
Scharnhorst 8.0
SMS Bayern, SMS Sachsen, SMS Baden, Ersatz Yorck 7.7
Poltava, Imperatritsa Mariya 7.0
Marat, Parizhskaya kommuna 7.3
Izmail 7.7
Novorossiysk 7.7
Arkhangelsk 7.7
HMS Invincible 6.3
HMS Dreadnought, HMS Colossus 6.7
HMS Queen Mary 6.7
HMS Orion, HMS Iron Duke, HMS Marlborough 7.0
HMS Renown, HMS Repulse 7.3
HMS Hood, HMS Barham 7.7
HMS Rodney 7.7
Ikoma, Kurama 6.0
Setsu 6.7
Kongo, Haruna, Kirishima 7.3
Yamashiro, Hyuga 7.3
Ise, Fuso 7.7
Mutsu, Amagi 7.7
Dante Alighieri 7.0
Andrea Doria, Leonardo da Vinci 7.0
Franscesco Caracciolo 7.0
Duilio 7.3
Conte di Cavour 7.7

Thanks for reading !

I hope the snale will take the idea and decompress one way or another ground top tiers, and make naval playable one day.

yea no its not so good it should be at the same BR as the XM800T. You never played it according to your player profile so cant blame you for thinking its cracked

if it wasn’t so huge and cumbersome maybe

pretty much everything else I can get behind, especially putting SPGs higher, the are only as low as they are because of player skill issue or premium incentives (k9 thunder) when if they were balanced on potential they would all be quite a lot higher

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leopard 2 in up br 12.3 and abrams , chalangers and leclesc in down br 11.3-11.7 to play vs 10.7 gg weel done most brainles machmaking…

I you get a closer look, i did not make abrams 12.3 I made them down in BR xd. I decrease the BR of many MBT cause at the current state leopard 2 perform really well unless other. 10.7 is already doomed with many premium so it won’t make much difference, the other solution was to proposed an 12.7 max BR for ground but we don’t have enough tanks for it.

What about those remove x vehicles from the french tech tree ? Except the leos i’m more than confused.

do u have a second account?

I gotta be honest some changes make sense but then a majority just tell me you have no idea what you’re doing and maybe you’ve died to them a few times and just have a grudge or you generally have no idea what you’re doing so -1


Sorry but these ones are just terrible.

In what world should AIM be at the same BR as Chally 2s ?
In what world should IPM1 be only 0.3 above 2A4/M1/80B.


So ur TLDR raise literally all planes up in ground and not give a damn about ARB BRs of them.
Literally clueless tbh ( there’s so much wrong I’m literally not going to bother)

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Why do you want the AMC-34YR and SK-105 removed from the French tree. One is literally indigenous french tech and the other had heavy influence from French engineers in initial prototype stages when the turret was being designed. Fives-Cail Babcox engineers literally were sent to Austria to advise them on the turret design.

For naval, those changes are an actual disaster. I’m sorry, but suggesting Scharnhorst, the literal best ship in the entire game with armor giving it nigh invulnerability to almost any ammo in the game not being sent to the top immediately is absurd.

Amagi, with the heaviest main battery broadside in the game so far (Last I checked, her big guns put out 10 tons of steel per full broadside, biggest in game so far) just barely has the gunpower to put Scharnhorst down in a reasonable amount of time. Mutsu can occasionally bloody a Scharnhorst’s nose if they get lucky. The New Mexico class standard BBs are nowhere near as dominant with how horridly All or Nothing armor is modeled, and their pitiful speed.

Courbet class BBs are also easily the worst 6.3 (you suggest taking them to 6.7 alongside all the other current 6.3 BBs) BB in the game, with worst in class penetration, a terrible turret layout (you can aim basically anywhere and have a high probability of hitting a magazine for a one-shot kill) and poor armor with only “average” speed. Pre-dreadnoughts have better main batteries. The sole difference is the number of big gun barrels. Putting 10 useless shells in the air is at best 4 hits that shatter on the belt and maybe 2 or 3 that hit the superstructure. It’s obvious that putting 4 lethal shells in the air is better even if only 1 hits the belt and penetrates.

When I spaded the Paris, I didn’t even bother to shoot at enemy battleships or even battlecruisers, ever. That’s how worthless those guns are. They are exclusively used for making cruiser players go away, and even then their ships can shatter your ammo on their belt at distance with agles. Battlecruisers? Don’t bother. 9" of belt armor means you get full immunity at 7km with a little angle. 12" of belt armor means the Paris can’t even scratch the paint if you angle. And only within 4.5km can Paris even reliably penetrate your belt, with no angle at all.

They’re not good battleships. I would say they are easily one of the worst, being slightly above pre-dreadnought level of capability.


WTF did i just read, ffs

Gaijin might wants to hire you.


Its Harrier Gr7 and Sea Harrier FA2

Honestly, those armed with only Hellfire, really dont deserve to go up. They are already tenatively over BRed right now. Hellfires are slow, limited range and have no FnF. Id leave them be for now

Scharnhorst is one of the strongest ships in game, so no reason why it shouldnt be 8.0

Subject to if/when they fix her. Not tried the latest round of fixes, but she was barely worthy of being 6.0 given how easily a cruiser can sink her. Hopefully todays fixes have changed that though.

I only play US, RU and Japan atm but I don’t think 12.0 Japan needs to drop in BR. I wouldn’t complain if it did lmfao, but it’s able to handle if played right. The Leo’s should go up though, the t90m can maybe join them. I’m okay with it where it is, but also think anything with complete spall liners needs to go up.

Any heli with FnF missiles needs to go up. The rest can stay where they’re at.


REMOVE french TT tanks? LMFAO

Mostly good and also solves some problems with SPHs. Some are unnecessary and some changes make no sense.

AGS is much better why the same BR?

The 292 is not even close to the IPM1.


This gun doesn’t do any damage.

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I see a lack of changes for actual overtiered stuff here (ex. F-104S.ASA, french F-100D (which is literally a worse american one), partially the hunter F6, the warrior but that might just be my skill issue really, etc)

Remove yourself from the french tech tree before wanting to to cut off my business

Fcm 36 with apds would be the most hilarious thing ever. Idk about the br changes honestly but that was funny.