No need to compare a light vehicle with medium/MBT.
But I do agree with you, WMA301 seems pretty mid as it has pretty awful gun depression and reverse speed, which is yikes for a light vehicle. It’s round is also meh at best and it’s definitely justified 0.3 under stuff like Type 16.
It’s kinda pointless to discuss the BR changes of a hundred vehicles from different game modes in one topic.
The BR system is flawed anyway, in the sense of that what BR makes a vehicles balanced also depends on the BR of other vehicles.
Everytime BRs get changed, the problems get just shifted somewhere else, because of MM blackholes.
Doesn’t really matter that a vehicles is balanced around 50:50 up- and downtiers when they see uptiers 90% of the time or the other way around.
It would make much more sense to have the same system as Sim battles and then give spawn cost and reward modifier a bigger impact.