Poll: Should War Thunder Add More Tech-Tree Vehicles to Japan, Sweden, Italy, and Israel?

Yet the reason it was added was to replace the KV-1B which was confirmed to be added exclusively to germany. So again it wasn’t a solution. Additionally it has the new damage model making it weaker than the germany model so yes its technically unique but it ignores making finland a good subtree and shows a continuous lack of interest in making fi land have anything of value in the TT

Also care to add to your prior argument that the KV-1A would be 4.3? Its worse than the C in armor 80mm front turret and 70mm hull not 75mm. Its still 5 0

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And no, nothing was added to replace the KV-1B.
That’s not how game development works.

I said 4.7 BTW, clearly Gaijin’s balance team didn’t actually think much about KV-1A.

Literally change that to finland and you have the finnish subtree in a nutshell

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And it aint even like the finns lack vehicles that could be added- They have the sturmi, the T-50 with add-on armor, the T-34 with the Kwk 40 L/48… plus semi-unique ones like their T-34 w/muzzle brake and Pz. IV with russian MGs.

Why lie?

The Finnish sub-tree which is half unique vehicles.

Not sure why your post is claiming you’re lying.

lmao even
Lemme go down the line-
Vickers Mk. E (Unique)
T-28 (Not even the finnish one that ripped out the MG balls, so its a copypaste)
T-34 (Direct copypaste)
Panzer IV (Direct Copypaste)
PT-76B (Direct Copypaste)
Comet I (Direct Copypaste)
T-34-85 (Direct Copypaste)
Charioteer (Direct Copypaste)
T-54 (Direct Copypaste)
T-55M (Unique)
T-72M1 (Unique due to a few differences)
Leo 2A4 (Direct Copypaste)
Leo 2A6 (Direct Copypaste)


Your list is missing the unique vehicles BT-42, CT-CV 105HP, KV-1 m1942 [which is fair someone might miss it as it was added this update, T-26E, ItPsV Leopard 2 Marksman, ITO-90M [which France has a copy-paste of]. 6 unique ground vehicles.
And of course you’re missing the copy paste that is ZSU-57-2.

2A6 has an entirely new turret.
2A4 has a new turret model whether you acknowledge that or not.

11 unique, 9 copy-paste. 10-10 if you want to dismiss 2A4.
You’re also missing aircraft.

'Im a big fan of it as I have said so don’t try to twist things.You are the one is in favour of flooding the Tech tree with copy paste not me.

The last copy-paste added to Sweden was the JAS-39C.
Before that was the Finnish ground tree adding a few good copy-paste tanks that Finland notably used.
They don’t get much copy-paste, it’s mostly unique vehicles.

In their air tree J34, Pyorremyrsky, Vampire [de Havilland Goblin 3 engine], J35XS, Morko Morane, B-239, Fokker DXXI x2, Ar 196 A-5, and anything else I’m missing are all unique additions to Finland.
J34 uses different engine and wings to the Hunter F6.

This fine and a good point but many did ask for it ,you can find such posts requesting it on here.I understand Swedes not wanting though as we have similar in the UK tree with more modern SA vehicles where we do at least have British vehicles we could have used.
Many also wanted some kind of heavy tank just to do the Battle Pass.

The vehicles you mentioned are not in the sub tree you dimwit

And no, new models do not count. (Also I dont think the 2A6 has a different turret, as far as I know its quite literally a copypaste 2A6)

Im a fin main so i dont care about some range target. Its the reason i suggested the early KV-1 with 75mm front add on plates but gaijin denied it because the fins couldnt fully repair it. Despite the japanese tiger literally never making it to japan and only being inspected in france so its pick and choose. The KV-1B should be on finland with no problems adding it. The KV-1B on germany should be exclsuive for having it on said tree but thats not how gaijin views it.

I can see what it is Alvis, my 3.7 line up was half copy paste. 3 vehicles 2 of which were in The USA AND Italy line up and two that are in China’s. Then the T34 was moved to 4BR
We have the same tanks in so many trees even you must accept this.

That is all you need to have two opposing sides with the same tank.

Actually hes right the t34’s are unique. Both finnish t34s weighs 200kg more. Oh wait no gaijin just copy pasted the spaded values from the russian ones since thats what they weight WITH add on armor so they are different because they are worse.

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They couldnt even give it the muzzle brake… sigh

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Just because a nation had a vehicle historically does not mean we need to add it and the devs and some sections of the fan base realized this then the game would be better for it.
We could have a hundred nations all of which used the Sherman but we don’t need to flood the game with them.

M109 is another fine example.

The Finnish Stug with of 44 with extensive mods would be good but I bet Gaijin would happily stick a cross on any old Stug and throw it in.

The pepper pot was 1 single prototype, it would’ve been a nice touch

Gaijin will probably make the rest of the WW2 fin vehicles prem. All unique vehicles must be event/prem nothing can be TT i mean literally thats finland in a nutshell

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They 2a6 has different/less smokes and a different roof gun, thats it.


The cano and roundel are also just wrong and has been known since they were added.