Poll: Should War Thunder Add More Tech-Tree Vehicles to Japan, Sweden, Italy, and Israel?

They 2a6 has different/less smokes and a different roof gun, thats it.


The cano and roundel are also just wrong and has been known since they were added.

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What? Lmao how so?

Toxic as usual I see.

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I think we are actually in agreement here. I have no objection to Finland being a Swedish sub tree but not as an excuse to flood Sweden with cheap copy paste at the expense of good Finnish or Swedish units.

I am not that much of a purist to be honest .I have the Chinese Sherman premium and Cobra King which are little more than the standard tank but with a flash paint scheme.
At least Gaijin made an effort there.

Dude’s out here claiming that the listed vehicles aren’t in the Swedish tech tree.

The sub-tree is everywhere they’re placed in the tech tree BTW, this is common knowledge.

“Visual differences and mechanical differences doesn’t make vehicles unique.” - Someone that indirectly argues the P-51D and P-51C are copy-paste of each other.

Let’s see.
Unique vehicles not in other tech trees for the 3.7 lineup:
Sherman III/IV [M4A2 is not this tank], Pvkv IV, Pvkv III.
Copy-paste: Panzer IV.
4.0 is even less copy-paste relative to the amount of tanks.

I called the T-34s copy-paste, so my assessment of the T-34s are wrong to you?

I mean we dont get a choice, and finland takes one look to see gaijin will keep that mindest forever. Why is the KV a prem. Why is the patria a event, why is the entire air line prem. They had the audacity to make anything finnish event/prem which is why its such a worthless sub nation.

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You ignored my joke about them being worse because they were copy paste but thats the type of blindsided comment i expect from you.


You don’t need to be a covert Gaijin employee to see how much copy paste we have in War Thunder Alvis.

Wow one unique tt vehicle for WW2 thats crazy guys, looks like finland is a good nation that had a ton of thought put in^^

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Why? Because they are good at it?

Hes just toxic literally never see him not be toxic outside of talking about american vehicles

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Ah yes, took you long enough to defend Gaijin by having a post claiming War Thunder’s critics are employees.
Oh, and your post is implying those that acknowledge the copy-paste are all employees.

So according to your post, people are not an employee if they ignore the copy paste and never criticize War Thunder.

They’re good at complaining 24/7.

There are vehicles that are trash and need fixing in the Jap TT, however they’ll never get fixed bc Japan mains complain about literally every vehicle

Criticizing warthunder what? I called Pangolin toxic since all he ever does is complain about different nation players and that they are op. You didn’t even read what i put down lmao

Next time you should read Alvis my posts more closely though i guess youll just formulate some nonsense that has no correlation

When all of his posts are toxic its not the posts its the person being toxic.

Also, call their posts toxic not the person.
It’s far more civil to address posts over players.

Also, everyone’s reading your posts.

Had to re-post cause Phoenix decided to post insults instead of having civil discussion in their post, and I don’t directly reply to insults.

I agree Alvis is either a Gaijin stooly or a self appointed defender of the faith trying to be teachers pet.
We all have a love for this game and our criticisms are only to make it better.

If Gaijin have to fill gaps with copy past then why not add better decals and individual exterior items and at least make an effort.

As Zen said,why not put the muzzle flash eliminator on the T34 , why not logs and tools on the Panzer IV, just something,anything.It’s lame.

Oh well, looks like people cant use basic context clues to understand i was referring to you.

Though most people will see this and go



i am reading allat

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Noooooooooo how can you read all of that and disprove my point, now my argument is invalid nooooooooo
