[POLL] Revert back the maps change to original for RB/SB

I mean the map match algorithm also just happens to be broken at the moment as a completely separate issue. They should fix that bug that gives you the same map 7 times, obviously. That should not guide their map design principles however, in the meantime, before they fix it.

Most people just press W

Yes, you can currently be pretty braindead in this or other ways, BECAUSE every map having every option means you can get away with never learning to choose a strategy and use your head. That includes “always flanking” which is not the 300 IQ play people act like it is, it’s just as braindead as holding W every map.

A map pool that requires you to sometimes hold W (and choose a good W holding tank) and sometimes requires you to flank (and choose a good flanking tank) and sometimes requires you to snipe (and choose a good sniping tank) only allows actually good players to excel.

That’s my whole point. “Most people only ever do X” is the exact symptom you’d expect of the disease of “every map having every option.”

10 different CQC maps in a row

I don’t even think there ARE 10 CQC only maps in the whole game. You must have an incredibly loose definition of CQC only.

Advance to the Rhine 3 different game modes
Alaska 2 times with one point
Small European Province 2 times
And my “belowed” Sweden

I changed my mind, what a joke, seriously. Was this spot always here? You can get spawn camped directly from C. I got killed from there as soon as I spawned again, this happened in less than a minute into the match.

This is just depressing.


Either way, it’s just sad 🤦‍♂️

Flanking is a type of playstyle, not a type of map.

All the recent changes gaijin has done to maps have made flanking impossible to do because you will just face enemies head on anyways. This kills a ton of tanks main playstyle, and makes everything worse.

When flanks are removed, it simplifies gameplay and takes out any depth to a battle.

Not at all, it makes the game more balanced and way more fun because people actually have a choice on what to do.


Small European Province 2 times, Alaska

Neither is a CQC only map

Advance to the Rhine, Sweden

Those ones are. So you had 2 unique CQC maps. And 4 instances of them. Not 10.

4/10 is pretty close to bang on what the ideal would be for “About 1/3 CQC, about 1/3 sniping, about 1/3 flanking” for making people have diverse skill sets and actually be good players.

So… yes it is a type of map. If maps can make it impossible, then it’s a type of map. Namely, the ones that haven’t made it impossible.

When flanks are removed, it simplifies gameplay and takes out any depth to a battle.

It ADDS depth, when done in moderation. Because over many maps (some of which have it removed, some don’t), it forces you to master different playstyles, not mindlessly apply 1 playstyle every single time. Having to master multiple playstyles is obviously, by definition, deeper and more complex than being able to get away with 1 style every time.

[POLL] Revert back the maps change to original for RB/SB - #153 by A_Cute_Chihuahua Refer to this diagram, please. Tell me what you think is wrong about it. I think it very clearly sums up why the new map pool forced MORE COMPLEX players.

A 1 trick pony being able to do as well as an actually good player is objectively a “simplified game” vs “Having to be properly good at everything to do well” which is a complex game.

Not at all, it makes the game more balanced and way more fun because people actually have a choice on what to do.

The choice is the exact thing that allows you to be lazy and only ever learn 1 trick (thus SIMPLIFYING the game). Again, please refer to the diagram and tell me where you think there’s a flaw in it.

So what it is

A non-CQC only map. There’s CQC in the city, and there’s sniping (as in “facing off over a distance with no ability to just charge or drive around behind someone without getting absolutely ganked”) over on the right. The sniping WOULD have been a lot less important if not for A being the only point. But as is, it’s probably roughly equally as important as the brawling portion of the map is here.

Flanking is also nerfed but still very possible here through the town, since you have IIRC 30 seconds in the red zone? if your tank goes 35 km/h, you can go through about 300m of red zone and pop up behind or to the side of people without eve going down the open streets, e.g.:


But yeah that has been more restricted than usual, obviously. So I’d call this something like “40% sniping, 40% CQC, 20% flanking” maybe

You have a ROAD that is covered from enemy fire

You have a ROAD that is covered from enemy fire

That you use to get into position where you then snipe, yes, I agree you do. And?

Snipe you mean shooting at 200-300 meters

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I defined sniping:

“facing off over a distance with no ability to just charge or drive around behind someone without getting absolutely ganked”

The distance is not really very important. The “You have to just take shots at each other, not use your mobility or surprise” is the qualitatively unique thing. There are lines or positions, separated by an impassable no man’s land = sniping, functionally. It plays out almost exactly the same whether that is the situation at 300m or 1,000m IMO.

Whereas CQC or brawling I would call: an environment where there’s multiple covered routes and angles right nearby all around that you can’t aim at all of, allowing people to get right up on top of each other close enough that the changing angles and positions of the tanks themselves are a meaningful part of the fight, as are slew rates, neutral steering, etc. Includes Scooby Doo “which side of the block will he pop up on next?” shenanigans as well

And flanking I would call: going sufficiently out of the way around the fight where you don’t actually fight or trade shots with your target, because they don’t see you coming, until you surprise them in the back or side and execute them. If they do see you coming, it generally devolves into something else (in the example above, if detected it would become CQC as you’d now just be jockeying around buildings, both aware of one another. In other cases, like Poland across the lake, if detected flanking becomes sniping)

my man, where do you see space to snipe on this map, i see only one possible flank (coastline), rest is CQC

Yeah, it’s same situation for 300m and 1000m when you have funny cross on arcade. On realistic fighting enemy at 300m or 1000m are completly different situation.

Sniping is on the east side.

Flanking I already agreed is very limited earlier, although I also gave you a diagram of places you can flank through the red zone, which you ignored for some reason. But regardless, not a strong map for flanking, sure.

Yeah, it’s same situation for 300m and 1000m when you have funny cross on arcade.

Lol, you don’t get a cross in AB at 1,000m. You should probably learn what the rules of the mode are before trying to cite rules differences between modes in your arguments. The green cross goes away at 600m. At 1,000m, aiming is exactly the same in AB and RB.

So there’s actually MUCH MORE of a difference between those ranges in AB than in RB, so for an AB player to think they aren’t that different would if anything be MORE compelling.

Aiming at 1000m on AB and RB is not same, on AB you have enemies showed and distance constantly measured, on RB you have to see enemy with your eye cause there is no markings of enemies(except scouting by light tanks) and you need to estimate the distance by yourself or measure (but you need wait a short moment to do it).