[POLL] Revert back the maps change to original for RB/SB

Ok. Anyway, is anyone here to actually discuss maps? Anyone actually have a valid, non-personal-profit reason why maps should ALWAYS favor one playstyle? It’s lookin’ like “no” and that people are salty about it.

Very nice that they finally butchered Sinaï, I guess I can now fully give up at tanking, and fully commit to flying with 2 out of 55 chances to get a map that actually allow for a mid range engagements…

Good thing Gaijin even managed to make CQC air maps, I’d really hate to have any sort of fun.


Have you considered getting good at CQC?

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As someone who’s played more battles in total compared to you, I can say that it is a worse version of what it used to be but this was primarily due to the way Gaijin created the map.

If you wanted a Flankless match you would need to balance both sides of the battlefield. Which at the moment no longer exists, changing the gameplay for the worse. Yes, I agree Flanking shouldn’t be the only option however it is due to the way most of the maps are designed. A and C are simply points for flanking. If you were to change it then change the dynamic/struggle. Allow players to create artificial barricades from debris. Stuff of this sort that at the moment is somewhat becoming a possibility but not really.


If you wanted a Flankless match you would need to balance both sides of the battlefield.

I don’t know what this is supposed to mean. “Balance” it how?

The only hint you gave what you meant was “artificial barricades” ? You don’t think any map has enough cover in it? Sweden doesn’t have enough cover for you, for example? Even a narrow “lane” version of half of it?

The only real thing that makes sense to me that differentiates flanker-friendliness clearly is how big and spread out (perpendicular to the caps) the map is, which was the original topic of the conversation (i.e. Gaijin already changed that, so you can’t be talking about that)

No what I mean is maps are designed intentionally with flanking in mind. When you remove these aspects you create a map with no advantages or disadvantages some may consider this evening the playing field but it creates a stale flow of gameplay.

Flanking in mind is fine if the risk is higher. Such as one side has a bit more defense while the other has less=Risk=Reward. The Reward is that your team gains an advantage. The Center is fine so long defense is on both sides.

You want a mixture of Close Quarters and long-range engagement built into the map without feeling artificial and scattered prime example of this is the Maganot Line. In the Cities it’s close quarters however that’s optional. I rather like to see a map that doesn’t put Close Quarters to the side and instead, the closer you get close quarters while at a distance it remains long range. Guess an example would be a Cargo port if you remove the very open sides. Anyway I’m going to sleep.


on southern team desert side there also sand dune that can use for Counter and long-range duel at F1-F2 and E1-E2 might sound surprise you but i love spawn on desert side on both team because i can counter those snipers those long range and use sand dune as cover those casuals just don’t have map knowledge and cry about that’s it
These and sand dunes I’m talking about you can use to counter those line 7 depends on which dunes you pick it’s planning and map knowledge all along (i always use these sand dunes to slap those campers on hill one at the time


@Stona_WT @Smin1080p any news about this?
seem lot of people don’t enjoy this change


Yeah and Small map also CAS friendliness too especially high tier that now that can even look for SPAA without guessing much because you always know where they are, you just pre drop GBU and bomb the sht out of them.


This is as horrible change as the 16v16 in ARB.
Spent 3 minutes crawling on the left side flank on Ash River only to be greeted by “yOu ArE lEaViNg tHe BatTlE”. Horrible!

The arcadification of RB modes is making me lose interest in the game altogether.
What´s next? 3rd person view for ASB?

Stop putting decision power in the hands of people not playing the game!


There are Arcade mode for those casuals to play if they like casual’s gameplay without thinking much they can just go to arcade, and gaijin can just improve arcade for those casuals RB are not stand for realistic for nothing.


My good friend made a ideal map for gaijin. Let me present it to you. 1x1 km size
Your opinion?


Not bad but it would require looking left and right, which is a bit too much to ask the type of player Gaijin is accommodating lately.


Yeah right use too much brain cells for casual WT players how about icon above everyone head too?


Good idea. That map should be passed to the developers. Regenerating health and x-ray vision would fit nicely too.


This what is happening for real and I said on the old forum a long time ago it was coming. Featureless maps perfectly balanced vehicles like tank pong from the 80s Atari

I would the maps we had even 3 years ago when I started out. No doubt about it, this is a result of listening to the player base or certain can’t cope sections of it.

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Gaijin should allow some of the larger maps for the lower ranked vehicles.

Not a fan of the changes that have been made to the maps.

the next map has been exicuted . . .
the route in Carpathians from the lower spawn via east to north is now blocked, which is more than annoying as it was always a good alternative to the normal route.
yes gaijin we need more tube level maps so that we can deliver quick battles without brains and understanding


I’m already good at CQC, I don’t like it because it relies on the most boring aspects of War Thunder.

I also dislike CQC because knowing how it plays is not transferable to other playstyles, thus when the average player that is used to having an entire city around him to protect him does hit a random mid range map, they flat out can’t function unless the map has a CQC portion.


Why do you even think these type of changes have anything to do with Arcade? Are AB players the ones complaining about getting killed by someone they didn’t saw across the map? We have markers and see all them.
This game is designed around RB, not Arcade. Arcade players just want Gaijin to stop ruining every ground map as much as you.