[POLL] Revert back the maps change to original for RB/SB

For Mozdok maybe it wasn’t really needed but Sinai definitely needs an overhaul, it’s too one-sided for the north spawn. Excuse my poor MS Paint skills. Basically, the circles indicate areas the north spawn can hold and gain a massive advantage over the south team, and the red lines are lines of sight they have.

It’s pretty subjective but from my experience this is how most games play out, if you get the south spawn then it’s pretty tough to win the battle.



Gaijin enjoys dumbing down maps for some reason

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I would disagree I nearly always spawn on the right hand spawn from the south and hit a few as they try to come from spawn to C, I can find cover(currently) and stay out of the way from the high ground on the right of me. Admittedly high ground on the other side of the map would be an advantage but I see wins form both directions and have a pretty good plan for both.
Taking A requires bravery but if you look it is fairly balanced for both. I do see that there is a path to a from the north which is fairly well protected which I do take. The high ground is the key on that map and although the north do have easier access to it it has more to do with whether any particular team realizes its importance.

I like that map, it has urban and open mixed and to me it depends more on how good your team is as to who will win. Players rushing for Caps at the wrong time and not taking the high ground will lose regardless of spawn north or south. I play at 5-6 mostly on that map. Not sure if its too small for top tier though.

For top tier simply reproduce the right side on the left and make the map much bigger to accommodate it.

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Carpathians is unplayable now from the lower spawn point. I always go to C, but now I can’t take the safer around route anymore. Won’t play that map anymore unless I get the other team.

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Why did you exclude spots for blues? Red doesn’t have safe path to A either

I omitted them because it stills plays out in favor of the north spawn, most people don’t rush B or C from down from under the hills, it’s suicidal and you will die from the small hills south spawn can hold.


well, when does the game turn toward to CoD style of gameplay?

When they make more of the maps like CoD for variety? I.e. right now?

nobody like that sht

Sure they do, YOU just don’t.

this game is all about fighting to gain advantage at the begin with if you let enemy take the hill and overlook the maps

No, you just described flanking, what should be only one of the MANY skills you should have to be an actually skilled, well rounded player. Not a one trick pony.

I did argue it already in my first comment (all about how maps should be varied so that you have to be good at flanking AND OTHER THINGS to do well, not just a one trick pony), and also just now to you, all the same points. You didn’t reply to any of the arguments.

The whole problem with your position is you’re selfish and want your playstyle to be exclusively rewarded without ever learning anything else. There isn’t anything else to object to than personal issues, because it IS a personal issue.

How ELSE are you supposed to object to someone who is wrong purely by way of self-centered-ness?

I don’t even know what map you’re referring to. There were three of them in the OP. And my point has nothing to do with one specific map anyway…: “SOME maps should be flanking based, SOME shouldn’t.”

Whichever one of the three you’re talking about, that one could be whatever way you like it, as long as other ones aren’t, I don’t care which is which, just so long as not EVERY map is for flankers and flankers only.

My last take on this would be to eliminate the huge sight lines that make capping B and C impossible without clearing the entirety of the 7th column, I feel like a good middle ground would be to keep the hills but only for controlling the C point, while B and A are their own battleground for people who like to engage in long distance hull down positions.

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Good make my CAS kill a lot easier and when they got CAS’d they cry like babies waaaaaa CAS OP

Yeah i’m also good as CAS too smaller the map the more kills i get and those CQC lover always cry waaa CAS are OP when they just ask to be CAS’d so yeah i have very well-rounded skills and sure more than you do too Tanks SPAA Fighter CAS and Helicopters I can do all

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CAS being OP is a completely different topic, it is OP because there’s no counterplay in like 80% of the vehicles in the game. Not because of the map. It being better on some maps vs others (the topic of this thread) WOULD be fine if its other issues (having counterplay) were otherwise addressed. So that’s not really relevant here one way or the other. It’s flaws are another topic for other threads, the maps aren’t the reason.

So for our purposes here: Yeah. cool. You’re good at CAS and flanking both, you should do better on various maps than a one trick pony. Good.

What if i say it aren’t OP you know what benefit when the map is big because it harder to get points if not careful it can ruin your game without spawn CAS so you see less CAS but in small map i can spawn F-16C with full maverick withing two minute or less by just cap point and f around teammate for little now you still think map is not the reason? and also big map i can pick target one at the time when small map i know where to look for SPAA and packed enemy drop a GBU and get multi kill easy now you still think map isn’t factor?

Nobody here–neither you nor I–is claiming that the MAPS are a reason why it’s OP. So I’m not sure why you’re still going on about it?

you still think map isn’t factor?

I didn’t say it “wasn’t a factor” I said it isn’t a reason for it being “OP”. It is “A FACTOR” that makes it better on some maps, but not overpoweringly, unbalancing-ly so. Just like some maps are better for flankers or better for brawlers. In moderation, it’s fine as long as this stuff isn’t every single map.

If other unrelated issues were fixed, having some maps that focus heavily on SPAA and CAS would be fine, good actually. Again, it would force you to be a well rounded player, not just know only one skill.

Just played the new version of Sand of Sinai, and I have now officially joined the one death leavers club, or rather I’ll leave before even playing.
I can’t really figure out what the intended purpose of most of the map changes is. But they are just not fun anymore.


Either you’re trolling or have no social skills. I’m laughing either way. Please, do continue.


Some good ideas there the big problem with A and B is CAS, you really are open there. Attractive to the brave or stupid. You would think the battle would center on the high ground but how often does it not? You can also take out those on the high ground from B quite easily from cover. I always liked that map and get kills on it .I just think moving to cover A and B but not actually capping can be very productive from both North and South spawn.

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She’s no troll LOL :)

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Social skills implies I’m here to make friends to hang out with, not to arrive at a correct answer about how to balance War Thunder maps. The flaw in your reasoning is that I couldn’t care the slightest bit less about being friends with you. The point about maps, meanwhile, remains unanswered (because you know it’s correct and have no answer to it).

You want ones that cater to you, you are unwilling to have any map cater to anyone else. You openly want maps to be IM-balanced. That’s a personal insecurity problem (not willing to risk losing in a fair, balanced game that sometimes requires skillsets you don’t have yet) causing you to arrive at the wrong answer, and unfortunately, there’s no other way to call it out than as the personal problem it is.

You’re right, you would fail miserably.